AGATHA start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc description_p_proc This woman is wrinkled and gray, yet has a spry step and a bright personality. start->description_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Agatha. --- You see an aged woman. start->look_at_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc timed_event_p_proc start->timed_event_p_proc Agatha14 I'm sorry, I'm very tired. Could you please come back later? talk_p_proc->Agatha14 Agatha16 Good day, my child. You look well. You remind me of my own baby. talk_p_proc->Agatha16 AgathaEnd talk_p_proc->AgathaEnd Agatha08 Hello. You must be the stranger everyone is talking about. [Agatha sighs.] How can I help you? talk_p_proc->Agatha08 Agatha14->AgathaEnd Baba. Agatha14->AgathaEnd Okay. Agatha15 I don't sleep well at night, my child. It must be my age. Agatha14->Agatha15 Why are you so tired? Agatha16->AgathaEnd Thank you. Goodbye. Agatha17 You definitely remind me of my baby. When she was just a few months old, as a matter of fact. Agatha16->Agatha17 Hng. Agatha20 Agatha16->Agatha20 I want a story, then. Agatha18 Thank you. Dharma always said that the farmer who plants politeness will walk easy when the season is over. Agatha16->Agatha18 I'm glad you are feeling better. Agatha09 You need more help than I can give you, child. May Dharma be with you. Agatha08->Agatha09 Hngh. Agatha08->Agatha09 Don't talk to me, old woman. Agatha10 My name is Agatha. I am the storyteller of Shady Sands. It is my job to keep the history so that we may remember and never forget. Agatha08->Agatha10 Who are you? Agatha13 Thank you for asking. I'm just old, that's all. I cannot sleep at night. I close my eyes . . . [Agatha pauses.] But I get no rest. Please, it is just my old tired bones . . . Agatha08->Agatha13 You look very tired. Is there anything wrong? Agatha08->Agatha13 Why do you look so tired? Agatha00 You are a bad person. I will have nothing to do with you. Agatha01 It is a terrible thing when our youth are threatened. The loss of Tandi would be a terrible thing. Agatha01->AgathaEnd Okay. Agatha02 I know you will do your best, dearie. Find Tandi, help her escape those beasts and return her to Aradesh. You will do this community a favor and build good karma as well. Agatha01->Agatha02 Hnng. Agatha03 Aradesh loves his daughter very much. It is that love that makes him the man that he is and a pillar of this community. Without that love he would be lost, and Shady Sands would surely follow . . . Agatha01->Agatha03 Why? Agatha04 I feel that she is imprisoned. She was the target of hatred. That hate is very strong to the southeast. I'm sure you will find her there. Good luck. Agatha01->Agatha04 What do you mean? Agatha03->AgathaEnd I will do my best. Goodbye. Agatha03->AgathaEnd Hmmm. We'll see. Agatha03->Agatha04 I could use some help. Agatha04->AgathaEnd Thank you. Agatha05 You have not heard? Tandi is missing. I feel she was kidnapped. Aradesh is most distraught. This is a terrible thing . . . Agatha06 I hear that you have saved Tandi. That was the right thing to do. Your karma is strong. I have high hopes for your future. UpReact Agatha06->UpReact ReactToLevel UpReact->ReactToLevel Agatha07 I'm very sorry to hear about Tandi. She was such a bright young woman. She would have done good with her life. Agatha10->AgathaEnd Okay, whatever. Agatha11 I'm sorry, child, I am tired right now. I need my rest. Please come back later. Agatha10->Agatha11 Tell me a story. Agatha12 How very true. [Agatha stares at you for a moment.] It is good for the young to remember, but it is very hard to act within the flow of history. Sometimes, the very course we take is determined by events long ago. May Dharma be with you. I must rest for a little while. Come back again, when I am stronger, and we will speak again. Agatha10->Agatha12 It is good not to forget. Agatha12->UpReact Agatha18->Agatha20 Please tell me a story. Agatha19 You insult your elders. You should know better. Agatha18->Agatha19 This Dharma fellow sounds like an idiot. DownReactLevel Agatha19->DownReactLevel Agatha19->DownReactLevel LevelToReact DownReactLevel->LevelToReact get_reaction get_reaction->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes