ARADESH start I certainly hope so. --- I will not waste my time on treacherous outsiders. --- You see Aradesh. do_dialogue I will not waste my time on treacherous outsiders. --- I certainly hope so. start->do_dialogue get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction aradesh39 Thank goodness you came! I am in desperate need of assistance. My daughter, Tandi, is missing. I do not know what to do! do_dialogue->aradesh39 do_dialogue->aradesh39 aradesh37 Ahh, wanderer. How goes the search for my daughter? do_dialogue->aradesh37 do_dialogue->aradesh37 aradesh46 That is not yours. Please do not take it. do_dialogue->aradesh46 aradesh43 I will be forever in your debt for your courage and bravery, wanderer. Here is your reward. do_dialogue->aradesh43 aradesh31 Things are much more settled now. Razlo has been working on a cure for Rad Scorpion poison, and with that, we should be able to fight what's left of them. do_dialogue->aradesh31 aradesh30a Please hurry and rid us of those Rad Scorpions! do_dialogue->aradesh30a aradesh35 Since you brought my Tandi back to me, things are quite fine. My eternal gratitude to you, wanderer. do_dialogue->aradesh35 aradesh18 Greetings. What may I help you with this fine day? --- Is there something you want? do_dialogue->aradesh18 aradesh17 Greetings again, young wanderer. I hope your stay here has been pleasant. do_dialogue->aradesh17 aradesh01 Greetings, wanderer. Please do not be offended if the gentlefolk about seem rude. As Dharma said, 'Tough times tan the human hide.' Your business in Shady Sands might be? --- Greetings. Your business in Shady Sands might be? --- We don't take to strangers much. Your business in Shady Sands? do_dialogue->aradesh01 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel aradesh33 If you can understand me, please try to find my daughter. aradesh39->aradesh33 Uhh? aradesh39a My people are not skilled in this. Already three patrols have gone out to look, but none returned. Will you help me? aradesh39->aradesh39a Have you tried to save her? aradesh19 Certainly. What do you wish to know? --- You may ask, but please hurry. There are more important uses for my time. aradesh37->aradesh19 Slow, but I am making some progress. Can I ask you a few more questions? aradesh38 May my thoughts be wings to your feet. Please hurry. aradesh37->aradesh38 Sorry, but I haven't found her. I will, though. aradesh37->aradesh38 Sorry, but I haven't found her. I will, though. aradesh37->aradesh38 Guunngggg! aradesh37a Thank you for trying. Please leave me to my grief. aradesh37->aradesh37a I'm sorry, but she is dead. aradesh37->aradesh37a Duh-nada. aradeshx aradesh46->aradeshx BigDownReact aradesh46->BigDownReact aradesh43->aradesh19 Thanks. Can I ask you a few more questions, first? aradesh44 Until we meet again, my friend. May the water you find in the desert not shine at you in the dark. aradesh43->aradesh44 Thanks. TopReact aradesh43->TopReact aradesh31->aradesh19 It was nothing. Can I ask you some more questions? aradesh32 You are truly a hero! Know that the people of Shady Sands are most grateful. aradesh31->aradesh32 You don't need to worry anymore. I destroyed the Nest. aradesh30a->aradeshx aradesh24c aradesh35->aradesh24c Thanks. Bye. aradesh25 Dharma said, 'Heed not the call of the wolf when the fox is raiding the hen house.' --- Junktown lies south of here, though there is little in the way of visitation. From stories, I'm certain there are cities south of that. aradesh35->aradesh25 What can you tell me about the other towns around here? aradesh16_2 aradesh35->aradesh16_2 What's going on around here? aradesh18->aradesh19 I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions? aradesh36 Yes, yes. Umm. Have a good stay. aradesh18->aradesh36 Nuh-uh. aradesh17_2 aradesh18->aradesh17_2 Nothing, really, I was just leaving. aradesh23 Shady Sands is much like a family, one that keeps to itself. --- We are a very protective community. As Dharma said, 'Many sticks can be broken. A bundle cannot.' aradesh18->aradesh23 Can you tell me about Shady Sands? aradesh17->aradesh19 It's been great. Can I ask you some questions? aradesh17->aradesh36 Nuh-huh. aradesh17->aradesh17_2 It has. I gotta run though. aradesh17_3 aradesh17->aradesh17_3 If you like sewers. aradesh02 I know of no village to the west. aradesh01->aradesh02 I'm from a small village west of here. I'm just exploring and mean you no harm. aradesh01_2 aradesh01->aradesh01_2 What's it to you? aradesh10 And keep them you may. But this is not a city of open hospitality. If you desire that, go to Junktown. You may enter, but know we have our eyes on you. aradesh01->aradesh10 My reasons are mine to keep. aradesh01_3 aradesh01->aradesh01_3 I'm from a Vault to the west. My people are dying of thirst and I need to find a water purifier chip for them to survive. aradesh14 I will not be lied to, wanderer. aradesh01->aradesh14 I'm saving an entire people from destruction! aradesh07 So be it, wanderer. Seth will show you out. aradesh01->aradesh07 Shady Sands? Whoops, I'm lost! I'll just be going now. aradesh15 Hmmm. You may enter. But stay out of trouble. aradesh01->aradesh15 Hunh? aradeshleave [] aradeshend aradeshcbt aradesh02->aradesh01_2 So? aradesh02_2 aradesh02->aradesh02_2 Have you been through the mountains west of here? aradesh02_4 aradesh02->aradesh02_4 Are you saying you know every location from here to the ocean? aradesh02_5 aradesh02->aradesh02_5 I'm sure you've been many places, but you must have missed my tiny village. DownReact aradesh01_2->DownReact aradesh05 It is my town, wanderer. You must answer my questions or leave. This is not a matter of choice. aradesh01_2->aradesh05 aradesh06 You are quite insolent. I believe you should leave. Do not return. You will not be welcome. aradesh01_2->aradesh06 aradesh10->aradeshx aradesh13 Wanderer, I shall believe you . . . for now. You may enter Shady Sands, but be warned your every move will be watched. aradesh01_3->aradesh13 aradesh11 A Vault. How shall I trust you, wanderer, when you are not honest with me? aradesh01_3->aradesh11 aradesh14->aradesh07 Don't worry, I'm leaving. aradesh14->aradesh06 I don't have to tell you anything. aradesh04 Yes, hmmm, yes, yes. yes. I shall believe you...for now. But we do not trust easily, especially those who might be dangerous. Know that Seth and I will be watching you. aradesh14->aradesh04 I mean you no harm, really. aradeshx2 aradesh07->aradeshx2 aradesh15->aradeshx DownReact->ReactToLevel aradesh05->aradesh07 Don't worry, I'm leaving. aradesh05->aradesh06 I don't have to tell you anything. aradesh05->aradesh04 I mean you no harm, really. aradeshx1 aradesh06->aradeshx1 aradesh13->aradesh19 I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions? aradesh13->aradesh24c Thanks. Bye. aradesh13->aradesh36 Nuh-huh. aradesh12 Hmmm, yes, yes, yes. Then tell me of this Vault. aradesh11->aradesh12 No, honestly, I come from a Vault! aradesh11a aradesh11->aradesh11a The Vault is . . . the name of my village. aradesh11b aradesh11->aradesh11b You're right, I was lying. aradesh03 Ah well, to my regret, I have not. Which begs the question, how did you make that passage? aradesh02_2->aradesh03 aradesh08 You must think me quite gullible, wanderer. You conquered the mountains by yourself? aradesh02_2->aradesh08 aradesh02_4->aradesh06 aradesh09 As Dharma said, 'Caution is life in troubled times.' Your origin is not the issue. Your intent is. aradesh02_4->aradesh09 aradesh02_5->aradesh09 aradesh02_5->aradesh04 aradesh03->aradesh01_2 What's it to you? aradesh03->aradesh07 Look, all I wanted was a few supplies and things, but I will gladly go elsewhere. aradesh03->aradesh07 I don't need to answer you. aradesh03->aradesh04 It was pretty tough, but I made it. aradesh08a aradesh08->aradesh08a Doesn't matter how I think. It's true I came from the mountains. aradesh08b aradesh08->aradesh08b No, just stupid. aradesh09a I will let you pass, but know this: Seth and I will watch you very, very closely. Do not even consider bringing trouble here. aradesh09->aradesh09a Okay. aradesh04->aradeshend aradesh08a->aradesh04 UpReact aradesh08a->UpReact aradesh08b->DownReact aradesh08b->aradesh06 UpReact->ReactToLevel aradesh09a->aradeshx aradesh12->aradesh02 Well . . . the Vault is actually the name of my town. We name it that because it's in between two big cliffs. aradesh12->aradesh05 Why do you want to know? aradesh12->aradesh13 It's a big place built into a mountain far to the west. My people have been there for the last 80 years. aradesh11a->aradesh02 aradesh11a->aradesh14 aradesh11b->aradesh14 aradesh11b->DownReact aradesh19->aradesh24c Thanks. Bye. aradesh19->aradesh25 What can you tell me about the other towns around here? aradesh19->aradesh16_2 What's going on around here? aradesh24c->aradeshx aradesh24c->aradesh44 aradesh36->aradeshx aradesh16 aradesh16->aradesh24c Thanks. Bye. aradesh16->aradesh25 What can you tell me about the other towns around here? aradesh16->aradesh16_2 What's going on around here? aradesh25->aradesh19 Thanks. I . . . Can I ask you a few more questions? aradesh16_2->aradesh31 aradesh16_2->aradesh30a aradesh16_2->aradesh35 aradesh28 Oh my yes. Great packs of Rad Scorpions are killing our herds. We don't know where they're from, and no matter how many we kill, there's always more! aradesh16_2->aradesh28 aradesh26 It is a quiet time, thankfully. aradesh16_2->aradesh26 aradesh28a And now the monsters are attacking my people! Razlo is trying to find a cure for their poison, but I'm not sure how it goes. aradesh28->aradesh28a Go on. aradesh26->aradesh19 Well, then, can I ask you a few more questions? aradesh26->aradesh24c Good. Hopefully it will stay that way for a while. aradesh27 Yes. We like it that way. aradesh26->aradesh27 Sounds . . . boring aradesh17_2->aradesh44 aradesh20 Ah. Happy journeys, wanderer. --- Goodbye. --- I certainly hope so. aradesh17_2->aradesh20 aradesh17_3->DownReact aradesh17_3->aradesh27 aradesh17_3->aradesh27 aradesh21 Dharma said, 'A man and his wayward tongue are soon parted.' Come back when you have learned some manners. aradesh17_3->aradesh21 aradesh22 That is quite enough, wanderer. Seth will show you out of the city. Do not return. Your welcome will not be pleasant. aradesh17_3->aradesh22 aradesh44->aradeshx aradesh20->aradeshx aradesh27->aradesh24c Thanks. Bye. aradesh27->aradesh25 What can you tell me about the other towns around here? aradesh27->aradesh16_2 What's going on around here? aradesh21->aradeshx aradesh22->aradeshx1 aradesh23->aradesh25 Interesting. Are there any other cities around here? aradesh23->aradesh17_2 How cute. Well, I better be going. aradesh23_2 aradesh23->aradesh23_2 What kind of things do you have around here? aradesh24 The Gardens are on the south side. The Brahma Pens are north, although the smell is, I fear, quite intense this time of year. aradesh23_2->aradesh24 aradesh24b It is a small place. You have feet. aradesh23_2->aradesh24b aradesh24a We are small and self sufficient so there is little else to tell. aradesh24->aradesh24a Anything else? aradesh24b->aradesh19 Thanks. Can I ask you a few more questions? aradesh24a->aradesh19 Thanks. Can I ask you a few more questions? aradesh24a->aradesh24c Thanks. Bye. aradesh29 Ummm, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Please talk to Razlo. He possesses far more information on these creatures than I. aradesh28a->aradesh29 Well, I'll help you get rid of these things! aradesh28b aradesh28a->aradesh28b I can help you for a price. aradesh28c aradesh28a->aradesh28c That's terrible. Can I ask you a few more questions? aradesh29->aradeshx aradesh28b->DownReact aradesh30 As Dharma said, 'Those who tend their own flock, know the shepherd.' aradesh28b->aradesh30 aradesh28c->DownReact aradesh28c->aradesh19 aradesh30->aradesh19 Your choice. Can I ask you some more questions? aradesh30b aradesh30->aradesh30b I know it's hard for you to trust, but I would like to help. aradesh30b->UpReact aradesh30b->aradesh29 aradesh32->aradesh19 Thanks. Can I ask you a few more questions, though? aradesh32->aradesh17_2 Thanks. Bye! aradesh33->aradeshx aradesh38->aradeshx aradeshx5 aradesh37a->aradeshx5 aradesh39b aradesh39a->aradesh39b Okay. Who could have taken her? aradesh41 Of course, I will reward you. Bring her and you will receive 500 in Hub Script. Will you help me? aradesh39a->aradesh41 I'll do it . . . for a fee. aradesh39c aradesh39a->aradesh39c I am sorry, but I have other things I have to do. aradesh39b->UpReact aradesh40 Seth and I believe one of the raider clans is responsible - retribution for our resistance to them. Take this spear. It was found where my daughter was last seen. aradesh39b->aradesh40 aradesh41->aradesh40 Okay. Who could have taken her? aradesh42 As Dharma said, 'While you are out hunting the wolves, do not bring the lion to your den.' If you will not help, you must leave here. aradesh41->aradesh42 Ah . . . no thanks. I got other stuff I gotta take care of. aradesh39c->DownReact aradesh39c->aradesh42 aradesh40a Please, talk to Seth. He knows much about these raiders. And God speed, wanderer. aradesh40->aradesh40a Okay, I'll check it out. aradeshx3 aradesh42->aradeshx3 aradesh40a->aradeshx aradesh45 What are you doing? Put that back at once! aradesh45->aradeshx aradesh45->BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel aradesh47 Stop that at once! aradesh47->DownReact aradesh47->aradeshx aradesh48 What are you doing here? I am resting, come back in the morning! aradesh48->DownReact LevelToReact BottomReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes aradesh49 I am he. I lead this humble town of Shady Sands. aradesh49a Dharma was a great, religious man. You would do well to listen closely to his sayings. aradesh50 She is my daughter. It is she that makes this hard life worth living. aradesh51 Hmm, yes, yes. Razlo is our doctor. If it ails you, he can heal it. I would wager he is just a little north of here at this moment. aradesh52 A fine young man, Seth. Captain of our guards. He is likely to be at the Guard House. aradesh53 A wonderful woman. She just celebrated her sixtieth birthday! She spends much time with Razlo, talking his ear off with her veritable treasure trove of stories. aradesh54 Ummm, um, um. Very bad. There are two bands of raiders that we know of. They call themselves the Vipers and the Khans. aradesh55 Be very careful with such as these. Raiders who are fanatically  religious can be quite dangerous. No one here knows of their base. aradesh56 Umm, yes, yes. The Khans are nastier then the Vipers, let me tell you. These barbarians attack from the southeast. aradesh57 Mean creatures, they are. Be careful of their tail. Their poison can be lethal if not looked after. aradesh58 Yes, yes. yes. It is a rumor of a monster created during the War. aradesh59 aradesh60 Junktown is south or here. Their merchants occasionally come to trade, but not often. aradesh61 The Vipers and Khans both use spears. We know this from their attacks. aradesh62 You will find it at the front of town. Seth will likely be there. aradesh63 No one knows for certain, but the packs seem to be coming from the northeast. aradesh64 I don't know. aradesh65 I can't really say I have heard of that. aradesh66 Hm, no. No, I have not heard of that. aradesh67 As I said . . . aradesh68 Like I mentioned earlier . . . aradesh69 Like I said . . . aradesh70 As I had told you before . . . aradesh71 I shall not repeat myself so often as to make myself sound stupid. Please listen next time. aradesh72 I will not stand here like a sputtering candle simply because you cannot listen. aradesh73 Go talk to Seth about that. He'll know more than I.