BILLY start look_at_p_proc You see Billy. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc combat_p_proc start->combat_p_proc timed_event_p_proc start->timed_event_p_proc Billy11 Hey what are you trying to do?  I don't have anything you'd want. --- Stop that! pickup_p_proc->Billy11 get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Billy10 Please don't hurt me or my brahmin. talk_p_proc->Billy10 Billy21 Please don't talk to me, Dan is really mad. talk_p_proc->Billy21 Billy14 Please don't talk to me. Dan is going to yell at me again.  He really gets pissed -  I mean - mad, when I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing. --- Please don't, I'm already in enough trouble. talk_p_proc->Billy14 Billy23 Hello again. talk_p_proc->Billy23 Billy00 Hi there. talk_p_proc->Billy00 BillyRunAway critter_p_proc->BillyRunAway SendToStart timed_event_p_proc->SendToStart SendToRight timed_event_p_proc->SendToRight SendToLeft timed_event_p_proc->SendToLeft SendToLower timed_event_p_proc->SendToLower SendToSleep timed_event_p_proc->SendToSleep combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel BillyEnd Billy21->BillyEnd And he should be! You're a terrible kid! Billy06 Hey, you're one of those skags aren't you? Billy21->Billy06 Wac. Billy22 Really? Oh, okay. I hope you didn't hurt him. He's really not so bad. He just yells a lot. Billy21->Billy22 Don't worry. I had a talk with him, he'll try to be nicer to you. Billy14->BillyEnd Okay. Billy14->Billy06 Aaaaaarg! Billy14->Billy06 Rhu? Billy15 I AM working hard! Billy14->Billy15 He's just trying to help. Work hard and I'm sure he'll be nicer. Billy14a Billy14->Billy14a Here kid, take 50 bucks and get away from this jerk. Billy04 Nothing . . . I mean, I'm taking care of the brahmin. Billy23->Billy04 What is it you do again? Billy01 Why would you want a brahmin? Do you have a caravan? Well, it doesn't matter. I only take care of them. Dan is the one that owns them; he won't sell them though. Billy23->Billy01 Can I have a brahmin? Billy23->BillyEnd Just stopping by to see how things are going. Bye. Billy23->Billy06 Arg! Billy23->Billy06 Ta. Billy00->Billy04 Hi, what are you doing? Billy00->Billy01 Can I have a brahmin? Billy00->BillyEnd Hi.  Uh, bye. Billy00->Billy06 Arg! Billy00->Billy06 Ta. damage_p_proc Billy12 Dangerous? No, not really. They can give you a really nasty bite, but they're pretty cool. They fart and burp a lot. I don't know why. Billy04->Billy12 What's the spear for? Are they dangerous? Billy05 What's a brahmin? You must be joking. Why they're one of the major food sources and forms of transportation around here. They haul the caravans. Dan says this is a really important job, but it's the Bone. Billy04->Billy05 What's a brahmin? Billy02 Cuz of all the missing caravans. He doesn't have any to spare, the caravans use most of them. The others are sold for food. Well, I better stop talking; Dan will get mad if he sees me talking to a stranger. Billy01->Billy02 Why? Billy03 Oh, okay. Billy01->Billy03 I was just kidding. Billy12->BillyEnd Okay, thanks. Billy13 Oh, they can be awfully stubborn when I want them to do something.  I just gently stick them to get them to move around . . .  plus I don't want to get too close; they sometimes kick. Billy12->Billy13 So what's the spear for? Billy05->BillyEnd Yea, it looks that way. Have fun. Billy08 You're not from around here, are you? I'll give you one tip: Don't get caught stealing! Billy05->Billy08 Oh, I knew that! Billy07 Really? You think so? Gee, thanks. Billy05->Billy07 Dan's right. You are doing a great job. Billy08->BillyEnd Sure, thanks. Billy09 Yea, I think I'm starting to agree with you. This job isn't so bad, really. It makes me feel good for some reason. Well, I've got to go before I get in trouble. Billy08->Billy09 I wouldn't dream of stealing. Stealing is wrong. Billy15->BillyEnd Okay. Billy15a Billy15->Billy15a I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. He's just trying to help you. Billy18 Up yours, you old fart! --- Up yours, you old hag! Billy15->Billy18 No you aren't, you lazy little skeev! Billy19 WOW! I can live on this for the rest of my life! Thanks a lot, mister! --- WOW! I can live on this for the rest of my life! Thanks a lot, ma'am! Billy14a->Billy19 Billy20 WOW! Thanks . . . Well? . . . You're just trying to get me in trouble again! Billy14a->Billy20 Billy19->BillyRunAway Billy16 Yea, maybe you're right . . . actually, he seems pretty cool, but I wish he wouldn't yell at me so much. Billy15a->Billy16 Billy17 Yea, right. Billy15a->Billy17 LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes