BOSLORI start look_at_p_proc You see the Brotherhood's Doctor. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction do_dialog talk_p_proc->do_dialog combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel boslori00 Hello, how can I help you? do_dialog->boslori00 boslori04 boslori00->boslori04 I'm injured. boslori05 Radiation is very dangerous; you should be more careful. --- Okay, there you go. I hope the foam didn't irritate your skin. boslori00->boslori05 I'm radiated. boslori07 But of course, but it's very costly and time consuming. boslori00->boslori07 Do you do operations? boslori09 Okay, which operation did you want to talk about? boslori00->boslori09 Tell me about the operations again. boslori01 Are you injured? Let's see... boslori00->boslori01 Ug! Dumb02 Hmmm. If anyone here needs an Intelligence Enhancement, it would be you. In fact, I'll do it for 3000 caps instead of the 6000 you would normally need for the operation. I can't guarantee that it will help you, but I think it would be worth a try. It will also take 3 weeks of recovery time. You probably don't understand this though, do you? boslori00->Dumb02 Ug! boslori08 Well, I can help make you stronger, more perceptive, increase your endurance, help improve your learning process, and increase your dexterity. Which would you like more information on? I can only do each operation once. boslori07->boslori08 Details? bosloriend boslori07->bosloriend Okay, never mind. boslori10 boslori09->boslori10 boslori02 That was the problem. There you go. Be more careful out there. boslori01->boslori02 boslori03 Sorry, I can't help you if you won't tell me what's wrong. boslori01->boslori03 Dumb04 Ok. You're awake. Let's see here. Do you feel any smarter? --- I hope you have a heart . . . (She winks at you as you fall under.) Dumb02->Dumb04 Me want smart. Dumb03 Are you radiated or hurt? I'll help you if I can. Dumb02->Dumb03 No want. boslori06 I don't have the time for games. boslori08->boslori10 boslori10->bosloriend Never mind. boslori11 That's easy to do but there's a long recovery time. It only costs 2000 scripts but takes 3 weeks to heal. boslori10->boslori11 Strength. boslori12 Now that's a difficult operation. It costs 4000 scripts, but the recovery from this operation is only a week. boslori10->boslori12 Perception. boslori13 This one's not that difficult. It takes about a week and will cost 3000 scripts. boslori10->boslori13 Endurance. boslori14 This is the most complex and dangerous! It'll take 3 weeks and costs 6000 scripts. boslori10->boslori14 Intelligence. boslori15 This isn't that tough of an operation but it is very costly and time consuming. It will take 3 weeks and cost 5000 scripts. boslori10->boslori15 Agility. sorry I'm sorry but this operation will not help you. boslori11->sorry boslori18 Okay, here goes nothing . . . Just kidding. We can start right away. (She gases you and you slowly slip away.) --- So how are we feeling? (You can already tell the difference.) You're quite a talkative person in your sleep. You're free to go! Good day. boslori11->boslori18 I'll do it! boslori17 Did you want to ask about another one? boslori11->boslori17 I'll pass. boslori12->sorry boslori12->boslori17 I'll pass. boslori19 Out with the old and in with the new . . . (You drop like a rock into an abyss.) --- You look exactly the same, but how do you feel? (All of your senses feel much sharper.) Well, you're taking up valuable bed space. Get going! boslori12->boslori19 I'll do it! boslori13->sorry boslori13->boslori17 I'll pass. boslori20 I hope you have a heart . . . (She winks at you as you fall under.) --- Well, you look a little bulkier. (You feel great!) Well, let me know if there are any problems. boslori13->boslori20 I'll do it! boslori14->sorry boslori14->boslori17 I'll pass. raisiq Now where's the brain again? What's this thing supposed to do? (You try to fight the chems but it's a losing battle.) --- Well, it looks like I got it all back in and everything's running great. (It's as if the pathways of your thoughts have direct links to everywhere in your head and your memories are much crisper.) Take it easy. boslori14->raisiq I'll do it! boslori15->sorry boslori15->boslori17 I'll pass. boslori22 All right, let's give it a spin. (The chems, are so . . . friendly. Your slumber comes quickly.) --- Okay you're ready for duty. (You flex your muscles and can feel the increased speed and control.) All I ask of you is to please not damage my masterpiece. boslori15->boslori22 I'll do it! boslori16 boslori18->boslori16 boslori17->boslori10 boslori19->boslori16 boslori20->boslori16 raisiq->boslori16 boslori22->boslori16 Dumb04->boslori16 Dumb06 It was a success! I was able to increase your IQ to an acceptable level. How does it feel to have half a brain? Dumb04->Dumb06 Yes! Dumb05 Damn! It was a failure. Well I didn't have much to work with. Sorry, you're just an idiot and will most likely remain an idiot. We can only do the operation once, sorry to say. Dumb04->Dumb05 Hunh? Dumb03->boslori05 hAir faLl ouT. Dumb03->bosloriend No. Dumb06a There you go. All better Dumb03->Dumb06a mE hUrt. Dumb06->bosloriend It's great. Thanks, Doc. Bye. LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes