BUTCH start look_at_p_proc You see Butch. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Get the hell out of here! --- I've got nothing to say to you. --- Snargle!!! --- Get out of here, you moron. --- I'm busy right now.  Talk to Rutger.  He'll let me know if you're worth seeing. start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Butch01 What do you want? talk_p_proc->Butch01 talk_p_proc->Butch01 Butch73 Make it quick. talk_p_proc->Butch73 Butch60 Leave me alone! You got your reward, now get out! talk_p_proc->Butch60 Butch59 Well, whatta'ya got for me? talk_p_proc->Butch59 Butch37 Well, what do you have? talk_p_proc->Butch37 ButchEndTransport talk_p_proc->ButchEndTransport combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel ButchEnd Butch01->ButchEnd Nothing, thanks. Butch02 Time is money. Chit-chat is not money. You here about the job or what? Butch01->Butch02 I need to ask you a few questions. Butch68 Go talk to Rutger. He can tell you more about that crap. Butch73->Butch68 Where do I get my reward? ButchX2 Butch60->ButchX2 Butch40 What, do I look a crate shy of a load? Did you even see the Death Claw? Butch59->Butch40 It was Mutants. Butch49 I don't have time for this. Get out, and don't come back until you find something useful! Butch59->Butch49 Nothing yet. Butch54a Well then, then who's stealing my caravans? Butch59->Butch54a Well, I know it wasn't the Death Claw who took the caravans. Butch67 Well, you're a bright one, ain't you? Here's the job: Find out who's stealing my caravans. Money, big. You fail, hurt, big. Understand? Now get outta here! Butch59->Butch67 What was I supposed to do again? Butch37->ButchEnd Nothing right now. Goodbye. Butch38 Really?  Who? Butch37->Butch38 Well, I found out who's taking the caravans. Butch53 How do you know? Did you see the Death Claw? Butch37->Butch53 Well, I know it wasn't the Death Claw who took the caravans. damage_p_proc Butch00a Butch34 Well, you got the Junktown to the north, and the Brotherhood of Steel to the northwest. And, of course, the Boneyard to the south. Butch00a->Butch34 Butch36 Just a bunch of different places. Go find out for yourself! Butch00a->Butch36 Butch00 Butch34->Butch00 Butch35 Well, Necropolis is east. But uh . . . I wouldn't spit there if it came out gold, if ya' get my drift. Those ghouls'll eat a man's face faster than an old lady shopping at bargain day. Butch34->Butch35 Anything else? Butch36->Butch00 Butch30a Butch36->Butch30a Well, thanks for nothing. Butch00->Butch00a What else is around here, besides the Hub? Butch23 Hmmm. Whatta ya want'a know? Butch00->Butch23 Tell me about yourself. Butch10 Nah. Just the normal stuff. Butch00->Butch10 Heard any good rumors? Butch27 What do I look like, a . . . a . . . one of those tourist things? Jeez. Butch00->Butch27 What's in the Hub? Butch00->ButchEnd Thanks, that's it. Butch17 Make it quick. Butch23->Butch17 Nevermind.   I have some more questions. Butch23a Butch23->Butch23a Just curious. Butch23->Butch23a No reason. Butch12 Well there's uh . . . something, but I never listen to those rumors. Butch10->Butch12 Oh come on. There has to be something I can use. Butch28 Thanks. Now, is there anything else? Butch27->Butch28 No, you seem to be a brilliant man. Butch27a Butch27->Butch27a I just want to know some general places. Butch03 Hot damn, someone with guts! Done and done. Go talk with my second, Rutger, and get the details. Butch02->Butch03 Yes. Butch08 Well, some caravans have been disappearing on us lately. Damn if anyone can figure out what happened to 'em. Butch02->Butch08 What job? Butch02->Butch08 Here for the what or the money? UpReactLevel Butch03->UpReactLevel Butch04 Ahh, don't spoil it! Make 'em quick. Butch03->Butch04 Wait! I have some questions about this job first! ButchEndAccept Butch03->ButchEndAccept Okay, thanks. Butch09 Simple. Find out who's doing it, and tell me. Or take 'em out. It makes no damn difference to me. Just get that job done! Butch08->Butch09 So what do you want me to do? Butch19 Uh . . . what did you say? Butch08->Butch19 I bet you didn't even look for them. LevelToReact UpReactLevel->LevelToReact Butch04->Butch08 Uh . . . what is the job? Butch04->ButchEndAccept Well, if you feel that way, I'll just go talk to Rutger. Butch05 Uh . . . Rutger'll handle that. He does all the trivial stuff for the Far Go Traders. Now get on out, cause I got work to do! Butch04->Butch05 How much does it pay? Butch05->ButchEndAccept Okay, thanks. Butch06 Just one. --- [You notice that he seems tense.] Butch05->Butch06 One more question, okay? Butch06->Butch08 Uh . . . what's the job? Butch06->Butch05 Uh, how much does it pay again? Butch21 Uh . . . what did you say? Butch06->Butch21 Just how stupid are you? Butch11 Listen, I don't have time to swap stories with you. Butch06->Butch11 You seem tense. Want to talk about it? Butch21->Butch08 Nothing. So, what do you want me to do? Butch15 I'm tired of your insults you . . . you pinhead! Don't come back! Rutger, take this annoying bug away! Butch21->Butch15 You heard me. DownReactLevel Butch21->DownReactLevel Butch09->Butch12 Any clues on who's doing this? Butch16 Done and done. Now get on outta here, but come back and talk to me when you've found something. Butch09->Butch16 I'll take them out. Butch18 Then what the hell am I doing still looking at you? Get out! Butch09->Butch18 Sounds scary . . . I better pass. Butch19->Butch15 I was implying that you were too frightened to go look for them. Butch19a Butch19->Butch19a Nothing. So what do you want me to do? Butch12->ButchEndAccept Okay, thanks. Butch12a Butch12->Butch12a Well, I do. What is it? ButchX3 Butch16->ButchX3 Butch13 You uh . . . you really want to hear it, huh? Well, some say it's the Death Claw, but . . . but I don't know nothin' about that. Butch12a->Butch13 Butch14 Listen you, I ain't scared. I'm . . . cautious. You'd be stupid not to be, with the Death Claw. Go talk to Beth, she'll tell ya more. Butch13->Butch14 You sound scared. Butch13->Butch17 Thanks. Can I ask you a few questions? Butch13a How do ya . . . Go talk to Beth, she knows more about that crap. Butch13->Butch13a How do I find out about the Death Claw? Butch14->Butch16 Sorrrry. I'll go check it out. Butch14->Butch17 I need some more information. Butch14->Butch15 You sound as scared as a whipped dog. Butch14->DownReactLevel Butch17->Butch00 Butch13a->Butch16 I'll go check it out. Butch13a->Butch17 I need some more information. Butch13a->Butch15 Yep, you're as scared as a whipped dog. DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Butch19a->Butch09 Butch20 You know, I don't like you. But that doesn't matter. You want the job or not? Butch19a->Butch20 Butch20->Butch16 Sure. Butch20->Butch18 No thanks. Butch20->DownReactLevel Butch22 Yeah, yesterday! Get going! Butch24 Well, I've run the Far Go Traders for about five years. Before that I was in Adytum. Before that, near the Glow. Butch23a->Butch24 Butch26 Yeah, well I don't like going around talking about my personal life and such. Butch23a->Butch26 Butch24->Butch00 Butch25 Not really. Butch24->Butch25 Anything else? Butch26->Butch00 Butch26->Butch24 Oh come on, please? Butch25->Butch00 Butch28->Butch00 Butch29 Well, you got Old Town and the Heights, but that's just houses. Downtown's got all the stores and stuff. Butch27a->Butch29 Butch30 Just stuff. you wanta' see the town, go look around yourself! Butch27a->Butch30 Butch29->Butch00 Butch32 Well, you got the Maltese Falcon, a nice place to eat, believe you me. And then . . . let's see, the All in One Store, the Weapons Shop . . . and, of course, Bob's Iguana Bits. Butch29->Butch32 What stores? Butch30->Butch00 Butch30->Butch30a Uh, thanks for nothing. Butch32->Butch00 Butch30a->Butch15 Butch30a->DownReactLevel Butch31 Uh . . . what did you say? Butch30a->Butch31 Butch31->Butch17 Nothing. I need to ask you a few more questions, though. Butch31->Butch15 Are you deaf? Butch33 Got the Children of the Cathedral's hospital over on the west side of Downtown. And then, of course, you got the Water Merchants south, and the Crimson Caravan west. Butch33->Butch00 Butch35a Puhh. Maybe for you! If you like that, then the Glow's down south. It's a radioactive pit. Butch35->Butch35a Sounds like fun. Butch35a->Butch00 Butch39 Wha . . . what would mutants want with our caravans? Butch38->Butch39 It's these big mutant guys. Butch51 Rats? You've got to be kidding me. Butch38->Butch51 Rats! BIG rats with BIG teeth . . . Butch54 You . . . you killed it? Butch53->Butch54 Been there, saw that, killed it. Butch53a Butch53->Butch53a Just trust me. I know. Butch39->Butch40 I don't know, but they seem to be taking the humans prisoner. Butch46 Alright, so it wasn't the Death Claw. But what would the mutants in Old Town want with our caravans? Unless it's some kind of conspiracy. Butch39->Butch46 I don't know for sure. But it's mutants, not the Death Claw. Butch50 Well then, what is it? Butch51->Butch50 You're right. I was just kidding. Butch51a Butch51->Butch51a No, really. BIG rats! Butch40->Butch46 I'm telling you that it wasn't the Death Claw. Butch41 You . . . you killed it? Well . . . I uh . . . um . . . uh, where did these mutants come from? Butch40->Butch41 Been there, saw that, killed it. Butch42 An outpost? Well . . . um . . . well uh. I'll have to talk to the Committee. Yeah . . . yeah, they'll know what to do. Done and done. Get out, 'cause I got stuff to do . . . okay? Butch46->Butch42 No, no, no, you pinhead. These mutants are big and green and they have an army in the mountains to the north. Butch47 What? Get out! I need to tell the Committee about this. Go on, get out! Butch46->Butch47 You really are stupid, aren't you? You're not listening! Butch41->Butch34 They work for The Master. They aren't your regular mutants, either. Butch41->Butch42 I don't know yet. But they have an outpost in the mountains. Butch42->ButchX2 Butch43 The Master?  H-He's more of a myth than the Death Claw. You . . . you don't think he's real, do you? Butch44 Yeah, done and  . . . yeah, you do that! Uh, I need to talk to the Committee. They'll know what to do. N-N-Now get out! I've got a lot to do . . . okay? Butch43->Butch44 I'm not sure. But I intend to find out. Butch45 What! Well . . . well . . . I'm not afraid! Rutger! I got guns! Rutger! Butch43->Butch45 Yep, I've seen him! And he's coming to get you! Butch44->ButchX2 Butch45->ButchX2 Butch47->ButchX2 Butch49->ButchX3 Butch50->Butch39 Actually, it IS these big mutant guys . . . Butch50->Butch49 Rats, I tell you! Big, hairy . . . Butch51a->Butch49 Butch52 Well . . . okay. I'll tell the Committee, but I don't think they'll believe it. Although I have seen mighty big rats around . . . Butch51a->Butch52 Butch52->ButchX2 Butch54->Butch54a Yep, sure did. Butch53a->Butch54a Butch58 Yeah, right. Like I'd believe that. Get out until you can find me something useful. Butch53a->Butch58 Butch55 Uhh, do that.  And come back and tell me  . . . okay? Butch54a->Butch55 I don't know yet, but I'll find out. Butch56 Who the hell's Ralph? Butch54a->Butch56 Ralph did it. Butch58->ButchX3 Butch55->ButchX3 Butch56->Butch55 Nevermind. I'll get more info on the caravan problem. Butch57 Hey! You're making fun of me, aren't you? Rutger, show this jerk the street! And don't come back without some real information! Butch56->Butch57 He's coming for your soul! Butch57->ButchX3 Butch67->ButchEnd Butch61 Butch62 Butch63 Butch64 Butch65 Butch66 Butch68->ButchEnd Butch69 Butch70 Butch71 Butch72 UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel Goodbyes