CALEB Start look_at_p_proc This is Caleb, leader of the Regulators. --- You see a stern man in his thirties. description_p_proc This is Caleb, leader of the Regulators. --- You see a stern man in his thirties. talk_p_proc Sorry, but I don't have time for you.  Run along. --- So you're back. Go talk to Zimmerman get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction DialogWeapon You'd best keep your weapons put away while you're in town. talk_p_proc->DialogWeapon DialogMain talk_p_proc->DialogMain talk_p_proc->DialogMain DialogMain11 talk_p_proc->DialogMain11 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel DialogMain1 DialogMain->DialogMain1 You have the look of someone important. DialogMain2 Nice enough town. Me an' the Regulators work hard to keep it that way. Anyone in particular you want to know about? DialogMain->DialogMain2 Can you tell me a little about Adytum? DialogMain5 Yah, I guess. You got the Blades up north, a pretty pathetic herd of people, and the Gun Runners a little north and a ways to the east through the DeathClaw Playground. DialogMain->DialogMain5 Can you tell me what's going on here in the Boneyard? DialogMain6 We are the police force for Adytum. Most folks 'round here know enough not to cause any trouble. DialogMain->DialogMain6 What's the history behind the Regulators? DialogMain7 DialogMain->DialogMain7 Tell me more about the Children and the Followers. DialogMain8 You'll find him in the big building to the southwest. He might be able to put enough sentences together to let you know that we're looking for some help with the Blades. DialogMain->DialogMain8 Where can I find Zimmerman? DialogMainExit Stay out of trouble. --- You have a good day, too. DialogMain->DialogMainExit Have a nice day. Thanks. Dumb Sorry, but I don't have time for you.  Run along. DialogMain->Dumb Guga gu. DialogExit DialogMain11->DialogExit Where are the Blades? DialogMain12 DialogMain11->DialogMain12 All right I get the picture. I'll go talk to Zimmerman. DialogMain13 DialogMain11->DialogMain13 So, Zimmerman gave you the scoop on the Blades. Whatever. I'm sure he'll want to know when you've done the job. critter_p_proc damage_p_proc destroy_p_proc pickup_p_proc DialogMain1->DialogMain DialogMain2->DialogMainExit Nothing else, thanks. DialogMain3 DialogMain2->DialogMain3 Who runs Adytum? DialogMain4 DialogMain2->DialogMain4 Who does trading here? DialogMain5->DialogMain DialogMain6->DialogMain DialogMain7->DialogMain DialogMain8->DialogExit Thanx for the info. Goodbye. DialogMain10 They've done something to Zimmerman's half witted son. But like I said, go talk to Zimmerman about it. DialogMain8->DialogMain10 What's going on with the Blades? DialogMain9 DialogMain8->DialogMain9 Can I ask you something else? DialogMain3->DialogMain DialogMain4->DialogMain DialogMain10->DialogExit All right I get the picture. I'll go talk to Zimmerman. DialogMain10->DialogMain9 Can I ask you something else? DialogMain9->DialogMain DialogMain12->DialogMain11 DialogMain13->DialogMain11 LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes