CARVLEAD start look_at_p_proc You see the caravan leader. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc The caravan has left. --- The caravan has left. start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction CarvLead09 OK.  You made it. Here's your --- caps.  If you want more work, just go talk to the boss again.  I'd be more than happy to work with you again. I'll put in a good word for you with the boss. Take it easy. talk_p_proc->CarvLead09 CarvLead00 Well, here we are. Here's your payment of --- caps. [He pulls out an old dog-eared money bag and gives you the money.] You'll get another --- caps if you return with us to the Hub. We'll rest here for a while, but don't go too far or the caravan will leave without you. talk_p_proc->CarvLead00 CarvLead07 Are you ready to go? talk_p_proc->CarvLead07 combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel CarvLead11 CarvLead09->CarvLead11 bY bY. CarvLead09->CarvLead11 See ya. CarvLead01 I don't know if you'll understand this, but we leave in two hours or whenever you're ready. CarvLead00->CarvLead01 Aaa... OK. CarvLead03 We usually leave two hours after arrival. There's nothing here we haven't seen before, though, so if you want to leave earlier we're ready whenever you are. CarvLead00->CarvLead03 How long before the caravan leaves? CarvLead04 Well, it's quite a bit like the Hub, really.  It has its share of problems: gangs, thugs, thieves, you know... the usual stuff. All in all, it's my kind of town. [Laughs] CarvLead00->CarvLead04 What can you tell me about Junktown? CarvLead05 This part of the Boneyard is called Adytum.  The Boneyard is basically run by gangs. Kind of a rough area, so watch your step here. Adytum is run by the Regulators.  They're trying to hold this place together in light of all the gang wars. They're understandably suspicious of strangers, so if you haven't spoken to them yet I suggest you do before you start wandering around. CarvLead00->CarvLead05 What can you tell me about the Boneyard? CarvLead06 Not much I can tell you about them.  The Brotherhood keeps to themselves for the most part. A lot of people give them a bad rap, but from what I can tell they're good people.  A little fanatical, maybe, but good guys. CarvLead00->CarvLead06 What can you tell me about the Brotherhood of Steel? CarvLead07->CarvLead11 Hunh? CarvLead07->CarvLead11 No.  I'm still looking around. CarvLead12 CarvLead07->CarvLead12 go! CarvLead07->CarvLead12 Yeah.  We can go. advance_day damage_p_proc CarvLead01->CarvLead11 Um... CarvLead02 Man, we're hiring dumb ones these days. CarvLead01->CarvLead02 Hunh? CarvLead01->CarvLead12 go. Gud. CarvLead03->CarvLead04 What can you tell me about Junktown? CarvLead03->CarvLead05 What can you tell me about the Boneyard? CarvLead03->CarvLead06 What can you tell me about the Brotherhood of Steel? CarvLead03->CarvLead11 I think I'll take a look around before we go.  See you later. CarvLead03->CarvLead12 OK.  Let's head back to the Hub.  Nothing I want to see here either. CarvLead04->CarvLead03 How long before the caravan leaves? CarvLead04->CarvLead11 I think I'll take a look around before we go.  See you later. CarvLead05->CarvLead03 How long before the caravan leaves? CarvLead05->CarvLead11 I think I'll take a look around before we go.  See you later. CarvLead06->CarvLead03 How long before the caravan leaves? CarvLead06->CarvLead11 I think I'll take a look around before we go.  See you later. CarvLead10 Hey, how's it goin'? --- If you want more work, go check with the boss. LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes