CHDGUARD start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see before you a gruff guard. start->look_at_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc ChdGuard35 It's you again. I thought you would have learned by now. Too little, too late, I guess. talk_p_proc->ChdGuard35 ChdGuard0 Who goes there? talk_p_proc->ChdGuard0 combat ChdGuard35->combat ChdGuard1 Meme? Well, get out of here! This is the property of the Children of the Cathedral. ChdGuard0->ChdGuard1 Me. Me. ChdGuard13 Just tell me who you are before I blow off your head. --- I am --- . Remember it! ChdGuard0->ChdGuard13 Who goes where? ChdGuard25 And who are you? --- I am --- . Remember it! ChdGuard0->ChdGuard25 I do! ChdGuard26 Deathslayer, eh? You look more like worm bait to me. ChdGuard0->ChdGuard26 Deathslayer! ChdGuard27 If you are a friend, then prove it. ChdGuard0->ChdGuard27 Be at peace. I am a friend. ChdGuard2 Great. Of all the people I had to stop, I stopped a piece of cannon fodder. What can I do for you? ChdGuard1->ChdGuard2 Huh? Me stay! ChdGuard1->combat Huh? You Die! ChdGuard9 It is very dangerous here. Big, bad monsters took over this place. We are trying to save what we can before they come back. ChdGuard1->ChdGuard9 Me no want to go. ChdGuard13->combat DIE!!! ChdGuard14 Come with me. I'll show you where everyone else went. ChdGuard13->ChdGuard14 I'm a Follower. Where did everyone go? ChdGuard15 So, you are a Follower? ChdGuard13->ChdGuard15 I'm one of you. Now let me pass. ChdGuard24 Then I don't have to let you live. Good night. ChdGuard13->ChdGuard24 I don't have to. ChdGuard25->combat DIE!!! ChdGuard25->ChdGuard14 I'm a Follower. Where did everyone go? ChdGuard25->ChdGuard15 I'm one of you. Now let me pass. ChdGuard25->ChdGuard24 I don't have to! ChdGuard26->combat ChdGuard28 Really? I think my boss would like to hear more about that. Go look for Orfeo. He'll be able to reward you for your help. ChdGuard27->ChdGuard28 I helped kill the Followers. ChdGuard29 For someone who comes in peace, you do an awful lot of killing. But those Rippers were causing quite a bit of trouble. Orfeo can reward your for your aid. ChdGuard27->ChdGuard29 I helped kill the Rippers. ChdGuard30 You kill harmless creatures which are the end result of man's destructive nature and then claim peace? ChdGuard27->ChdGuard30 I helped kill those mutant things. ChdGuard34 That's where I know you from. It's payback time! ChdGuard27->ChdGuard34 I helped kill the Children. ChdGuard2->combat Go night-night! ChdGuard3 OK. I suggest you get out of here before you get hurt. ChdGuard2->ChdGuard3 Nahnah. ChdGuard4 You want to help me? I doubt that. What do you have? ChdGuard2->ChdGuard4 Hep ew. ChdGuard10 Okay. Suit yourself. When they get back here, you can be their dinner. ChdGuard9->ChdGuard10 No go! No go! ChdGuard12 Uh oh is right. They are nasty. We are trying to make them understand that people and monsters can live together. ChdGuard9->ChdGuard12 Uh, oh. ChdGuardend ChdGuard9->ChdGuardend Bubye. ChdGuard4->combat Dis! ChdGuard5 Wasting my time, I see. Get lost! ChdGuard4->ChdGuard5 Nahnah. ChdGuard6 Vaut. Vaut? What's a vaut? ChdGuard4->ChdGuard6 Vaut. ChdGuard6->ChdGuard5 Nonah. ChdGuard7 Oh, you want candy. Sorry, I don't have any. Goodbye. ChdGuard6->ChdGuard7 Numnum. ChdGuard8 Oh, a Vault. I'm sure that is very nice. Maybe you can talk to one of my superiors about that. I'm kinda busy right now. ChdGuard6->ChdGuard8 Valt! Valt! ChdGuard10->ChdGuardend Bubye. ChdGuard11 You can try. I'm not sure you will get very far, though. Good luck to you. ChdGuard10->ChdGuard11 Me kill! Me kill! ChdGuard12->ChdGuardend Oh. OK. Bubye. ChdGuard14->combat ChdGuard16 Silly me. I mistook you for someone else. Come with me. I'll show you the way. ChdGuard15->ChdGuard16 Of course! Who else would I be? ChdGuard17 I don't remember you. What's the name? --- I'm --- . How could you forget about me? ChdGuard15->ChdGuard17 No, I am a Children member. ChdGuard24->combat ChdGuard16->combat ChdGuard17->combat I'm your worst nightmare. ChdGuard20 You are in my patrol area. It is my business. Talk or die! --- Fine. I'm --- . Ring a bell yet? ChdGuard17->ChdGuard20 None of your business. ChdGuard20->combat Hmmm. I think . . . KILL! ChdGuard17a ChdGuard18 I'm sorry. I still don't remember you. Maybe someone else may remember who you are. ChdGuard17a->ChdGuard18 ChdGuard19 Yes, I remember you. We were told to look for you. Vengeance shall be mine! ChdGuard17a->ChdGuard19 ChdGuard19->combat ChdGuard21 Let me think. ChdGuard21->ChdGuard17a ChdGuard22 Now let me see. It's --- . Right? ChdGuard22->combat No stupid. It's Deathstalker! ChdGuard23 Good. Just making sure for your headstone. ChdGuard22->ChdGuard23 Yes, you moron. ChdGuard22->ChdGuard23 Yes. ChdGuard23->combat ChdGuard30->combat Now I'm going to kill you. ChdGuard31 I still let you live. I think I better take you in to have you cleansed of these thoughts of destruction. ChdGuard30->ChdGuard31 I'm sorry. They were ugly, so I shot them. ChdGuard32 Funny. I thought I saw some of them out in the street trying to clean up the gangs. ChdGuard30->ChdGuard32 They were hurting people all over the place. ChdGuard34->combat ChdGuard31->combat ChdGuard32->combat Die, scum! ChdGuard33 Those losers are now no more. ChdGuard32->ChdGuard33 They attacked the Blades? ChdGuard32->ChdGuard33 What happened to the Adytum? ChdGuard33->combat And now, you won't be either. ChdGuard33->ChdGuardend That's a good thing. Well, goodbye.