CHIDGAB start You see a Child with a real attitude. --- Get away from me! --- Get out of my face, you son of a bitch! Brat02 What in the Hell do you want? start->Brat02 Brat03 In Hell, loser. Brat02->Brat03 Where might I meet this Master? Brat04 Do you always ask stupid questions, loser? Brat02->Brat04 To find out what's happening around here. Brat05 It sure as Hell ain't you, punk. Brat02->Brat05 Who's in charge here? Brat06 What makes you think I want to drink with you, you puke! Brat02->Brat06 Hey, mellow out! Let's have a drink! Brat07 Get out of here before I kill you! Brat02->Brat07 To add your ears to my collection. Brat02->Brat07 Me no want Hell! Stupid man! Combat BratEnd