CHIDNITE start You see before you a Nightkin. --- Die! Nightkin01 Leave me or die! start->Nightkin01 Nightkin01a Nightkin01->Nightkin01a I don't like your tone. If my message does not get to the Master, I will see to it that your death is slow and painful. Nightkin04 I shall enjoy watching you die! Nightkin01->Nightkin04 I just wanted to compliment you on the great looking hump on your back. Your breath could use some work, though . . . Nightkin01->Nightkin04 I'm not leaving! Nightkin05 Do you not listen? It is unwise to ignore the Nightkin. Nightkin01->Nightkin05 Could you direct me to the man in charge? Nightkin01->Nightkin05 Man, you could use a drink worse than me! Nightkinend Nightkin01->Nightkinend Okay. Me leave. Nightkin02 It is unwise to play games with the Nightkin. Get out of here! Nightkin01a->Nightkin02 Nightkin03 I do not think so. Nightkin01a->Nightkin03 Combat Nightkin04->Combat Nightkin05->Nightkin04 Nobody's ever accused me of being wise! Nightkin05->Nightkin04 You wanna see unwise? It's unwise to give me lip, asshole! Nightkin05->Nightkinend I'm sorry! Have a good day. Nightkin05a Nightkin05->Nightkin05a I must talk with you. It's urgent! Nightkin07 This is your last warning! Nightkin05->Nightkin07 I just want to speak with the man in charge! Nightkin05->Nightkin07 You supposed to be tough or something? Nightkin03->Combat Nightkin05a->Nightkin03 Nightkin06 Go upstairs. Others of my kind will judge the worth of your message. Nightkin05a->Nightkin06 Nightkin07->Nightkin04 Sure it is! Big deal . . . Nightkin07->Nightkin04 I REALLY need to speak with the guy in charge! Nightkin07->Nightkinend Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Have a good day. Nightkin07->Combat You know what your mistake is? You give warnings. I don't. Die!