CHUCK start destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Chuck, the gypsy fortune-teller. --- You see a dark-skinned man adorned with bright scarves and trinkets. start->look_at_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Chuck22 talk_p_proc->Chuck22 Chuck01 Hello, stranger. May I be of service? talk_p_proc->Chuck01 damage_p_proc ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Chuck02 Hmm. Don't worry, my simple friend, you have great things ahead. Chuck22->Chuck02 Uugh! Chuck18 I'm a farmer. I also like to do a little bit of work on the buildings, restoring them and keeping them intact, and sometimes I give advice. Chuck22->Chuck18 May I ask what you do around here? ChuckCards [Chuck pulls out a set of Tarot cards.] Let me consult the cards. [Chuck shuffles the cards.] Chuck22->ChuckCards I'm looking for a little advice. Chuck23 Hello, then. I hope you're doing well. Chuck22->Chuck23 Just stopping by to say hello. Chuck01->Chuck02 Uugh! Chuck03 And what do you think of our town? Chuck01->Chuck03 I'm just looking around, thanks. Chuck04 I'm called Chuck. Welcome to Adytum. I'm afraid that most of the people here aren't too forthcoming with strangers, though. Chuck01->Chuck04 I'm getting to know the people of Adytum. Chuck05 We all need something, don't we? And you wouldn't have talked to me if you didn't want something, whether information, conversation, or perhaps guidance. I can tell that you've been through a lot. What do you need? Chuck01->Chuck05 Why do you assume that I need something? critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Chuck09 It is home. Chuck03->Chuck09 It's okay. Chuck14 The people of Adytum have much to do in a normal day. They do not want their work to be found wanting at the end of the day. Chuck03->Chuck14 Don't like it much. Not too friendly. Chuck15 Thank you. It has been difficult. We lose people to the Deathclaws sometimes, and winters can be hard, especially when the Hub traders don't come. But we are surviving. Chuck03->Chuck15 You've done remarkably well, considering the hostile circumstances. Chuck04->Chuck14 Yeah, I noticed. Chuck04->Chuck18 So, what's your job, Chuck? ChuckBye Good journeys, wanderer. Chuck04->ChuckBye See you around, Chuck. Chuck05->ChuckBye Uh, I don't need anything, thanks. Chuck05->ChuckCards Now that you mention it, perhaps you can give me some advice. Chuck09->ChuckBye Uh, yeah. See you around. Chuck10 The Regulators make sure of that. The people of Adytum sometimes suffer because of their strict rules. Chuck09->Chuck10 Things do seem a little quite around here. Chuck19 Yes, unfortunately. I think . . . it is a kind of crucible, that by surviving these hard times, we come to rely on each other and to learn the skills we need to survive. I think, eventually, mankind will be better for it. Chuck09->Chuck19 I know what you mean. I've seen a lot of suffering. Chuck14->Chuck10 Things do seem a little quiet around here. ChuckEnd Chuck14->ChuckEnd Yeah, well, whatever. Chuck15->ChuckBye Good luck. Chuck15->ChuckEnd Yeah, well, whatever. Chuck16 They infest an area North-East from here, and can often take the lives of people given the task of trading with the Gun Runners. Chuck15->Chuck16 What is going on with the DeathClaws? Chuck18->ChuckBye It's been good talking. See you around. Chuck18->ChuckCards What kind of advice? ChuckCards2 [Chuck pulls out a card with a picture of a man in a lab coat with a computer in one hand, and a card with a man in power armor.] The Heirophant and the Prince of Wands in the south . . . great wisdom and nobility await in a place to the south. --- [Chuck pulls out a card with a picture of a man with a vibro-blade and a flag.] The Prince of Swords in the north . . . you must face a powerful foe far to the north. --- [Chuck pulls out a card with a picture of a radio tower, and a card with a picture of a man in a suit with a scepter.] The Tower and the Emperor . . . great change awaits by the hands of a powerful leader. Whether that change is death, I cannot tell. --- [Chuck pulls out a card with a picture of a man dancing on a nuclear warhead.] The Fool. I cannot help you; you must make your own way in the world. ChuckCards->ChuckCards2 [More] Chuck06 It works for me. If you don't want to believe then it's not for you. DownReact Chuck06->DownReact Chuck07 If that is how you feel, then I suppose we have nothing more to discuss. Chuck06->Chuck07 No offense, but it sounds like a load of superstition. Chuck08 Indeed, we do. And your universe is shaped by your beliefs, while my universe is shaped by my thoughts. We may not share beliefs, but I wish you well in your universe. Chuck06->Chuck08 Well, I guess we each have our own beliefs. DownReact->ReactToLevel Chuck07->DownReact UpReact Chuck08->UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel Chuck10->ChuckBye I guess so. Well, see you around. Chuck11 Since I wish to stay here, I accept the Regulators as part of that which is Adytum. However, I do what I can to lighten their lives. Chuck10->Chuck11 And you're okay with this? Chuck19->ChuckBye It's been good talking. See you around. Chuck20 They will eventually destroy themselves. And the people who will be left will be the ones who work together to survive, like us. Chuck19->Chuck20 I don't agree.  I have come across many gangs and raiders in my travels. They've become petty killers and thieves. I think that we all risk that eventually. Chuck21 I'm glad that some of the outsiders, like you, feel that way. We need to find ways to work together to build something new. It won't start here; we are too regulated, but it has to start somewhere. Chuck19->Chuck21 Perhaps you're right. Certainly those who survive will be stronger. Chuck11->ChuckBye Uh, yeah. See you around. Chuck12 The Regulators protect their own interests, and I must respect that. Chuck11->Chuck12 You do not seem to agree with what they do. Chuck13 Well, I'm only one person, but help in what way I can. I advise you to fight for what you believe in, but most of all, choose the fights that are worth fighting, and find the times when compromise and hope will win greater victories. Chuck11->Chuck13 Is there anything else that you could do? Chuck12->ChuckBye It's been good talking. See you around. Chuck12->Chuck07 Yeah, whatever. Chuck12->UpReact I don't necessarily agree with that view, but can understand it. Chuck13->ChuckCards Do you have any other advice? Chuck13->Chuck07 Yeah, whatever. Chuck16->ChuckBye Hopefully you will find a solution. Chuck17 Perhaps. I think Adytum will be here. Instead of going to the world, the world must come to us, like you have. Chuck16->Chuck17 Yeah. Whatever. Chuck17->ChuckBye Hmm. I guess so. Chuck17->DownReact Yeah, well, whatever. Chuck20->ChuckBye It's been good talking. See you around. Chuck20->Chuck21 Perhaps you're right. Certainly those who survive will be stronger. Chuck21->ChuckBye [More] Chuck23->ChuckBye [More] ChuckCards2->ChuckBye Hmm. Thanks for the advice. ChuckCards2->Chuck06 Do you actually believe this stuff?! LevelToReact BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes