DARREL start look_at_p_proc You see Darrel. --- You see a Paladin. start->look_at_p_proc damage_p_proc start->damage_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc pre_dialogue talk_p_proc->pre_dialogue Darrel58 I can't believe it. They're sending him down there? --- I can't believe it. They're sending her down there? critter_p_proc->Darrel58 do_dialogue get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction Darrel71 Can I help you? do_dialogue->Darrel71 Darrel59 So you took the Famous Glow Quest. (Laughs) do_dialogue->Darrel59 Darrel01 Greetings, and welcome to the Brotherhood of Steel. do_dialogue->Darrel01 Darrel16 You need to speak with Cabbot if you wish to join. do_dialogue->Darrel16 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Darrel02 [Laughs at you] Friend, I don't think you have a chance of getting in here. The Elders have a minimum IQ requirement for new Initiates. --- [Laughs at you] Friend, I don't think you have a chance of getting in here. The Elders have a minimum IQ requirement for new Initiates. Darrel71->Darrel02 Duh... DarrelEnd Darrel71->DarrelEnd Nevermind. Bye. Darrel72 Sure ask away. Darrel71->Darrel72 Can I ask you a few questions? Darrel59->Darrel02 Duh... Darrel59->DarrelEnd Yeah, I did. Bye. Darrel60 Glow, Ancient Order it's the same thing. It's still not a good place to visit. Darrel59->Darrel60 No... I'm going to the Ancient Order. Darrel61 The Glow, as it is known to topsiders, was supposedly a place where some of the most advanced weapons of that time were developed. At least that's what it says in the ancient writings. Now as fasr as any of us can tell it's a big crater filled with Rads. I think the Elders send Brotherhood wanabes down there just to get rid of them. Darrel59->Darrel61 The Glow, what's that? Darrel62 Your right. It's not any of my business. Darrel59->Darrel62 It's none of your business what I am doing. Darrel01->Darrel02 Duh... Darrel03 The Brotherhood is a collective of men and women who have dedicated their lives to the preservation of technology. Darrel01->Darrel03 What is the Brotherhood of Steel. Darrel04 No...I never even heard of one of those. One of our head scribes may know. Maybe you can ask one of them. That is if you join us. Darrel01->Darrel04 Do you know where I can find a Water Chip? Darrel75 Yes, Rutger came here personally not too long ago, and that's not like him. He was trying to find out what had been happening to his caravans. I've no idea what it could have been. A few others say they saw something over near the hub, but it disappeared before they could get close enough. It's all very unnerving, I hope it's resolved soon. Darrel01->Darrel75 Do you know anything about the missing caravans? Darrel01->DarrelEnd Nevermind. pre_dialogue->do_dialogue pre_dialogue->do_dialogue Darrel73 Thanks for the info. Bye. --- If you were lookin' to get a hold of some better arms, maybe you should try the Glow down south. [Darrel points south] pre_dialogue->Darrel73 Darrel02a If you were lookin' to get a hold of some better arms, maybe you should try the Glow down south. [Darrel points south] Darrel02->Darrel02a [more] Darrel03->DarrelEnd Good bye. Darrel05 Sacrifice puppies!!! Where the hell did you hear that one? Don't believe everything you hear in the wastes they're all a bunch of pathetic lunatics. Darrel03->Darrel05 I've heard that you people sacrifice puppies. Darrel12 This is Powered Combat Infantry Armor model T-51b or more commonly know as Power Armor. Darrel03->Darrel12 What type of armor is that your wearing. Darrel06 The only way to know anything more about us, is to join us. My friend Cabbot can help you with that. Darrel03->Darrel06 How do I find out more about your technology. Darrel04->DarrelEnd Thanks for your time. Bye. Darrel07 You'll need to speak with Cabbot about that. Darrel04->Darrel07 Join? How do I join? Darrel11 I'm sorry you feel that way. Darrel04->Darrel11 You guys don't know jack. Darrel75->Darrel03 What is the Brotherhood of Steel. Darrel75->DarrelEnd Well, if you see anything let me know. I'd like to get to the bottom of this soon myself. Darrel75->Darrel11 I heard you make animal sacrifices! Maybe you take these caravans for your dark rituals! Darrel76 Not really, but I suspect it's foul play... but then again, there are a lot of strange and dangerous creatures out there in the wastelands. It could simply be some creature, or more likely a herd or band of them. I hope that helps. Good day. Darrel75->Darrel76 Any suspicions? Darrel02b Here take some Rad-X. [Darrel gives you some pills] Darrel02a->Darrel02b [more] Darrel02c Swallow these like this. [Darrel motions taking the pills and rubs his tummy]. Mmmmm yummm. Darrel02b->Darrel02c [more] giveradx Wait, wait, Not yet! [Darrel stops you from taking the pills] Wait until you get to the Glow. Darrel02c->giveradx [more] giveradx->DarrelEnd [more] Darrel05->DarrelEnd Actually I thought it would have been kinda cool. Darrel08 That's OK...It's just people don't even try to understand what we're all about. Darrel05->Darrel08 Sorry to have upset you. Darrel09 Yes..a..well..a..No. It's just people don't even try to understand what we're all about. Darrel05->Darrel09 Everyone is a lunatic outside the Brotherhood of Steel? Darrel12->DarrelEnd Thanks for the info. Bye. Darrel13 The Brotherhood are the sole bearers of the Power Armor in the wastes. Only the honored, and Knights of the highest Stature are given the privilege to wear the ultimate armor. Darrel12->Darrel13 I've been wanderin' the wastes for weeks for weeks now and I've never seen armor like this before. Darrel15 Cumbersome? Not in the least. The sacred armor is so finely constructed to such exacting specifications that it feels like an extension of the blessed one's own body. It increases one's strength many times over and helps you resist the effects of radiation so that you may more effectively serve the brotherhood. I would feel diminished without my holy armor. Darrel12->Darrel15 It looks like it would be cumbersome to wear. Darrel06->Darrel04 Do you have a Water Chip in the Brotherhood?. Darrel06->DarrelEnd OK, Thanks. Bye. Darrel07->Darrel03 What is the Brotherhood of Steel all about anyway? Darrel07->DarrelEnd OK, Thanks. Bye. Darrel08->Darrel11 Well?... I think you guys just might be a little kookie myself. Darrel10 Technology. That is all that any one needs to understand. Join us and you will come to know this. Darrel08->Darrel10 What's there to understand? Darrel09->Darrel11 Well?... I think you guys just might be a little kookie myself. Darrel09->Darrel10 What's there to understand? Darrel10->Darrel07 How does one join the Brotherhood? Darrel10->Darrel11 You people are a little too left field for me. Darrel13->DarrelEnd Thanks, Bye. Darrel13->Darrel07 How does one join the Brotherhood? Darrel13->Darrel13 That still doesn't answer why I've never seen it before. Darrel15->DarrelEnd Thanks for the info. Bye. Darrel15->Darrel07 I want one of those. Sign me up. Darrel14 Heathens have tried and failed to take our Power Armor from us. They would have to kill a Brother to possess his birthright, and if it comes to that, the armor would be in such poor condition as to render it useless. Darrel15->Darrel14 How come no one else in the wastes has this armor. Darrel14->DarrelEnd Bye. Darrel14->Darrel05 Do I have to sacrifice a puppie to join? Darrel14->Darrel07 I would like to join. combat Darrel14->combat I think I'll try to take it off your dead cold body. Darrel60->Darrel61 What's so special about this place. Darrel63 Well? To start it's a good 18 days travel to the Southeast from here. And then there's the radiation. There's a reason none of us have ever gone to the "Ancient Order". If you don't have Rad-X you'll be cooked before you even know what hit you. Darrel60->Darrel63 Why do you say that? Darrel60->Darrel63 How hard could it be. All I have to do is go get something and bring it back. It's the old send the new guy on a quest thing. Darrel64 Most topsiders think that it is just a big Radioactive hole. Thus the name became the Glow or some even call it the Hot Spot. We in the Brotherhood know the truth. According to the ancient writings this place was the source of all our technology. And who knows what may still be there. Darrel60->Darrel64 Why the two names? Darrel66 Others have tried. We never heard from them again. Darrel61->Darrel66 Others? There was others before me. Darrel67 The Glow and the Ancient Order are one in the same. Darrel61->Darrel67 I'm going to the Ancient Order. Where's that located. Darrel63->DarrelEnd Thanks for the info. Bye. Darrel63->Darrel72 Let me get this straight... Darrel64->DarrelEnd Ok... Thanks for the info. Darrel69 Most topsiders think that it is just a big Radioactive hole. Thus the name became the Glow or some even call it the Hot Spot. We in the Brotherhood know the truth. According to the ancient writings this place was the source of all our technology. And who knows what may still be there. Darrel64->Darrel69 Let me get this straight... Darrel66->DarrelEnd They were weak. I'll be seen' you around. Darrel66->DarrelEnd I Thank you for the warning. Bye. Darrel66->Darrel63 What should I watch for when I go down there. Darrel68 Don't get me wrong the Brotherhood is a great place to join. It's by far the safest place to live in the wastes. No place else will you find better weapons and armor. We serve technology and technology serves us. Darrel66->Darrel68 Hell, you've almost talked me out of even wanting to join the Brotherhood. Darrel67->DarrelEnd Thanks for the info. Bye. Darrel67->Darrel64 What is the Glow? Darrel72->Darrel75 Do you know anything about the missing caravans? Darrel72->DarrelEnd Thank you. Bye. Darrel72->Darrel69 Why does the Ancient Order have two names? Darrel70 Well? To start it's a good 18 days travel to the Southeast from here. And then there's the radiation. There's a reason none of us have ever gone to the "Ancient Order". If you don't have Rad-X you'll be cooked before you even know what hit you. Darrel72->Darrel70 Where is the Ancient Order, and the dangers are...? Darrel69->DarrelEnd Thanks for the info. Bye. Darrel69->Darrel72 Got another question for you. Darrel68->DarrelEnd Sounds good, I'll be going on my way. Darrel68->DarrelEnd It doesn't sound like it is worth the trouble. Darrel68->Darrel63 What can you tell me about the Glow. Darrel70->DarrelEnd Thanks for the info. Bye. Darrel70->Darrel72 Got another question for you. Darrel76->Darrel03 What is the Brotherhood of Steel. Darrel76->Darrel04 Do you know where I can find a Water Chip? Darrel76->DarrelEnd Thank you for your time. LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes