DEALER start destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc Hi! I'm Bob. start->critter_p_proc Dealer00 Hi! Welcome to my previously owned car lot. Which one of these beauties interests you today? talk_p_proc->Dealer00 Dealer02 But, sir, these are fine examples of motor vehicles. --- Ma'am, these are excellent vehicles. Dealer00->Dealer02 You must be joking. These cars are all wrecks. DealerEnd Dealer00->DealerEnd Uh, nothing, thanks. Dealer01 Oh, I'm sorry, you don't look like you can afford our financing rates. Dealer00->Dealer01 Lug! Dealer02->DealerEnd Yeah, right. Okay. Bye. Dealer03 These cars have been given a full 100-point service by our dedicated service department. Dealer02->Dealer03 They can't be in working condition. Dealer03->DealerEnd Goodbye. Dealer04 Right over there, sir. [The dealer points to nothing.] --- Right over there, ma'am. [The dealer points to nothing.] Dealer03->Dealer04 And where is your service department? Dealer08 I'm insulted. I don't have to take that from a customer. Have a good day. Dealer03->Dealer08 You are a loon. Dealer04->DealerEnd Goodbye. Dealer04->Dealer08 You're crazy. Dealer05 What do you mean? They're working on a newly purchased '56 Corvega. An excellent buy, I might add. Dealer04->Dealer05 Where? There's nothing over there. Dealer05->DealerEnd Bye. Dealer05->Dealer08 You're just insane. Dealer06 And we have an excellent warranty. You can bring it back to us for any oil changes, as well. The first one is free. What do you say? Dealer05->Dealer06 Okay, whatever you say. Dealer06->DealerEnd I'm leaving now. Dealer06->Dealer08 You need help. Dealer07 I'm sorry, we don't have any petrol. Maybe next time. Goodbye. Dealer06->Dealer07 Throw in a full tank of gas and you have a deal.