DECKER start look_at_p_proc Decker has no wish to talk to you any more. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc I see you have disposed of my Second.  I will have to take care of you myself. --- How good to see you Sheriff Greene!  I see you've come to say your goodbyes. start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc combat talk_p_proc->combat talk_p_proc->combat get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Decker01 So.  You're looking for a job.  How fortunate.  I have one that needs doing.  Ahh, but where are my manners?  What's your name? --- I am --- . talk_p_proc->Decker01 Decker15 I'm very proud of you. You're ruthless, an attribute I admire.  Kane will give you your payment.  I hope you're available in the future. talk_p_proc->Decker15 Decker26 Good day again, my friend. I have another job for you. Are you interested? --- Good day again, my friend. I have another job for you. Are you interested? talk_p_proc->Decker26 DeckerTransport critter_p_proc->DeckerTransport ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Decker13 Everything is my business in the Hub.  Either tell me, or you may leave. --- My name is --- . Decker01->Decker13 What business is it of yours? DeckerEndNormal Decker15->DeckerEndNormal Thanks. Decker16 Under the circumstances, yes. Decker15->Decker16 Can I ask you a few questions? Decker27 Excellent.  You see, the last job I gave you was a test and you did exceedingly well.  Now comes a job of importance. Decker26->Decker27 Sure. Decker35 What a pity.  Are you certain you won't even hear what the job is? Decker26->Decker35 No way in Hell! PlayerQuestions Decker17 The Merchant Market is in the center of town, surrounded by a number of establishments.  You have the Heights to the west, and Old Town to the east. PlayerQuestions->Decker17 What's in the Hub? Decker25 Someone appears to be stealing whole caravans from the Far Go Traders. And the Thieves' Circle is causing their normal minor difficulties. PlayerQuestions->Decker25 Heard any rumors? PlayerQuestions->DeckerEndNormal Nevermind. Decker17->Decker16 Thanks for the information. Can I ask you a few more questions? Decker18 You're in the Maltese Falcon.  There's also the All in One Store, the Armory, the Friendly Lending Company, the police and, unfortunately, the Children of the Cathedral hospital. Decker17->Decker18 What kind of establishments? Decker25->PlayerQuestions Decker14 I see . . . My assistant will show you to the door. Decker13->Decker14 I'm not telling you anything. Decker02 Well, the pleasantries are now concluded.  Do you wish to hear about the job? Decker03 Background:  There's a certain merchant who's . . . how to phrase this . . . not cooperating fully with the Underground. Decker02->Decker03 That's why I'm here. Decker02->Decker14 Not particularly. Decker04 Quite simple.  Hunt down the merchant and his wife and exterminate them. Decker03->Decker04 And the job? DeckerEndInsult Decker14->DeckerEndInsult Decker05 All a matter of semantics, but yes.  Kill them.  Will you take the job? Decker04->Decker05 You mean kill them? Decker11 It's standard pay.  500 caps to start, another 2500 when the job is done.  Will you do it? Decker04->Decker11 How much for the job? Decker10 I must confess feeling a bit . . . disappointed in you.  But these things happen.  You will remember this is confidential.  Good day. Decker04->Decker10 I can't do that! Decker05->Decker10 No! That would be wrong! Decker06 Oh, excellent.  The standard pay is 500 Scripts to open, and another 2500 . . . to close. Decker05->Decker06 Umm, sure -- why not? Decker05->Decker06 How much? Decker11->Decker10 No, thanks. Decker12 Very nice.  The merchant lives in the Heights, on Barter Street and Thunder Avenue.  Your initial pay will be handed to you on your way out. Decker11->Decker12 Yeah, I'll do it. DeckerEndDeclineJob1 Decker10->DeckerEndDeclineJob1 Decker07 They live in the Heights, on Barter Street and Thunder Avenue.  Complete the job and return. Decker06->Decker07 Where can I find this merchant? Decker07->Decker10 I don't think so. Decker08 Quite excellent.  My assistant will renumerate you on the way out. Please, close the door behind you. Decker07->Decker08 Okay, I will. Decker09 Trust me.  I'll know. Decker07->Decker09 How will you know I killed them? DeckerEndAcceptJob1 Decker08->DeckerEndAcceptJob1 Decker09->Decker10 Pass. Decker09->Decker08 Okay, I'll do it. Decker12->DeckerEndAcceptJob1 Decker16->PlayerQuestions Decker18->Decker16 Thanks. Can I ask you some more questions? Decker19 They . . . encroach. Let's leave it at that, shall we? Decker18->Decker19 Doesn't sound like you're a fan of the Children. What's up? Decker19->Decker16 Okay. Can I ask you a few more questions? Decker27->Decker35 Sounds scary. I don't think I'm interested. Decker28 As you may know, the Children of the Cathedral have been gaining influence in this town, and frankly, I won't stand for it. Decker27->Decker28 Which is? Decker35->Decker28 Okay, what is it? Decker36 Then we have nothing more to discuss. Decker35->Decker36 Yep, I'm not gonna do it. Decker29 A small matter.  Kill the High Priestess, Jain. Once she's gone, this little nuisance will be ended.  Interested? Decker28->Decker29 So what do you want me to do? Decker30 I believe I'm beginning to like you.  The pay is 1000 up front and 4000 upon completion.  And trust me, I'll know when it's done. Decker29->Decker30 Absolutely. Decker32 And killing the merchant wasn't? Decker29->Decker32 But that would be immoral! UpReact Decker30->UpReact Decker31 Talk to Kane on your way out.  He'll provide you with details. Decker30->Decker31 Okay. Decker33 The pay is 1000 in advance and 4000 upon . . . execution.  And trust me, I'll know when it's over. Decker32->Decker33 Well, all right, I'll do it. Decker34 And I had such hopes for you! But I can't have you warning the Children. Kane, remove our friend here and pass along some instructions on silence. --- And I had such hopes for you! But I can't have you warning the Children. Kane, remove our friend here and pass along some instructions on silence. Decker32->Decker34 I don't care. I won't do it. UpReact->ReactToLevel DeckerEndAcceptJob2 Decker31->DeckerEndAcceptJob2 Decker33->Decker31 Okay. DeckerEndDeclineJob2 Decker34->DeckerEndDeclineJob2 Decker36->DeckerEndDeclineJob2 LevelToReact DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes