DEMETRE start look_at_p_proc You see Demetre. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Demetre10 talk_p_proc->Demetre10 Demetre20 Sorry, but we're paid good money to be sure the job gets done! We'll only hire the best! We've got to have reliable men and women on those caravans! --- Huta? --- Demetre ignores you. talk_p_proc->Demetre20 talk_p_proc->Demetre20 Demetre30 You're lucky, we almost lost that caravan you bugged out on! I'm afraid we can't hire you for any more jobs, sorry. talk_p_proc->Demetre30 Demetre00 Hey there! How are you doin'? The name's Demetre, Demetre Romara, head of the best damn caravan in the wastes. Are you lookin' for a job? --- Hmmm, you don't look very strong at all, but... you MUST be great with guns then to have survived the outside! Hell, you're probably one mean fighter when the time comes! --- Hey there! How are you doin'? The name's Demetre, Demetre Romara, head of the best damn caravan in the wastes. Are you lookin' for a job? --- You look pretty fit. --- Hey there! How are you doin'? The name's Demetre, Demetre Romara, head of the best damn caravan in the wastes. Are you lookin' for a job? --- You look pretty strong. --- Hey there! How are you doin'? The name's Demetre, Demetre Romara, head of the best damn caravan in the wastes. Are you lookin' for a job? --- Damn, you look strong! --- Hey there! How are you doin'? The name's Demetre, Demetre Romara, head of the best damn caravan in the wastes. Are you lookin' for a job? --- Damn! You look like you could lift a mountain! talk_p_proc->Demetre00 Demetre27 So? Do you want a job or what? I'm offerin' you a great chance at some excitement and lots of cash! You can never have too much of either! talk_p_proc->Demetre27 Demetre40 Well, what are you waiting for? There are caravans to run! talk_p_proc->Demetre40 Demetre28 Hey, you did a fine job on that last caravan -- good goin'! Did you need somethin'? talk_p_proc->Demetre28 combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel DemetreEnd Demetre20->DemetreEnd Like I really wanted a job, ya' loud-mouthed moron! Demetre25 Get out of here, you make me sick! Demetre20->Demetre25 Sorry to have bothered you. Demetre20a Demetre20->Demetre20a Please, can I have another job? Demetre22 Doing chems are we? Hell, it's a good thing we aren't hiring your ass again! Demetre20->Demetre22 Huta? Demetre01 That's just what we're lookin' for! You like the thrill and excitement of battle don't you?! Bullets flying everywhere, whippin' by your head, blowin' your enemy in two, seein' the fear in their eyes! Ahhhh, that's the life! You look like the kind of person that could serve us well, and we pay well! Oh yes, we do! We've just had a few new openin's, if you are interested; but of course you are, right?! Demetre00->Demetre01 Yeah, so? Demetre00->Demetre01 What's it to you? Demetre00->Demetre01 Huh? Demetre13 Yeah! I like you! You're hired! Go talk to Keri in the next room, she'll assign you to a caravan. Demetre27->Demetre13 I'll kill anything that gets in our way! Demetre02 We pay 600 hub bucks a job! That's each way! Hell, people say we take all the dangerous routes but I say they're the most excitin'! You need a little excitement in your life, am I right? Of course I am! Demetre27->Demetre02 Oh, yeah. How much was that? Demetre12 Hell, that's disappointin', but oh well. Demetre27->Demetre12 No, thanks. Demetre31a Demetre27->Demetre31a I need a water chip. Demetre15 Not much, I've only lost two. I really have no idea why they're hittin' the Far Go Traders more then anyone else. Demetre27->Demetre15 What do you know about the missing caravans? Demetre27->DemetreEnd I've got to go. Demetre21 Hell, I don't hire dirty chem cravers! If you want a job you better sober up! Demetre27->Demetre21 Ruk luk? Demetre40->Demetre31a I need a water chip. Demetre40->Demetre15 Tell me what you know about the missing caravans. Demetre40->DemetreEnd Okay, bye. Demetre40->Demetre21 Rik rok? Demetre41 Damn! You're missing out on some good action! I'm sure there are lots of people, creatures, and things waiting to attack the caravans! Nothing beats a good fire fight! Here - take this, it'll give you something to play with until the next caravan is ready to go. [He hands you a frag grenade.] --- Damn! Do our caravans ever leave? Demetre40->Demetre41 They're not ready to leave yet. Demetre43 Don't take too long. Demetre40->Demetre43 I've still got some things to do first. Demetre42 What about your boat? Demetre40->Demetre42 Roerow? Demetre28->Demetre31a I need a water chip. Demetre28->Demetre15 What do you know about the missing caravans? Demetre28->DemetreEnd Nothing, bye. Demetre33 Well, you should be talking to my daughter, Keri; she takes care of all that!  She's in the next room. --- I already told you. Just talk to Keri in the next room. Demetre28->Demetre33 Yeah, I wanted another job. Demetre39 Uh, okay. Demetre28->Demetre39 No.  Just stopped by to say hi. damage_p_proc Demetre01->Demetre13 I'll kill anything that gets in our way! Demetre01->Demetre02 What's the pay? Demetre01->Demetre12 No thanks. Demetre01->Demetre31a I need a water chip. Demetre01->Demetre15 What do you know about the missing caravans? Demetre01->DemetreEnd I've got to go. Demetre01->Demetre21 Ugggg uggg! Demetre03 Damn straight it is! Just go talk to Keri in the next room, she'll let you know when the next caravan is leavin'. Demetre02->Demetre03 Hell, I think that's just what I'm lookin' for! Demetre05 What, are you afraid of loud noises or somethin'? Demetre02->Demetre05 Do you always talk so loud? Demetre09 Of course it's dangerous -- why else would I fork out 600 bucks? Demetre02->Demetre09 Dangerous? Demetre04 Bub? What the hell are you talkin' about? Well, no skin off my back. Demetre02->Demetre04 No thanks, bub. Demetre14 A water chip? Hmmm, haven't heard of one of those before. You might want to check with one of the shops outside -- they have lots of stuff. So, did you want a job? Demetre31a->Demetre14 Demetre15->DemetreEnd Okay, thanks. Demetre16 Who ever is doin' this has got to have one hell of a raidin' party. Our caravans are well armed and you would think that someone would have gotten away by now. They don't leave a trace. Demetre15->Demetre16 Any suspicions? Demetre17 Hell, we go to more dangerous places than they do and our cargo is better! Demetre15->Demetre17 What about your routes and cargo? Demetre21->DemetreEnd I'm no chem add . . . I mean . . . Arg! Demetre21->DemetreEnd Blah! Demetre08 Ha! That's a funny one! Well, if you think you can brave the darkness, come see me. Demetre05->Demetre08 Yes. Demetre07 You're a smart little ass, are you? Well, it doesn't matter to me! Just as long as you defend the caravans I'll be satisfied. Go talk to Keri in the next room if you want a job. Demetre05->Demetre07 Only at night. Demetre05->Demetre07 No, but my ears were getting a little sore. Demetre06 Ha! Maybe both! Well, go talk to Keri in the next room if you do want a job. Demetre05->Demetre06 No, I was just wondering you were deaf or dumb. Demetre09->DemetreEnd Oh, okay. Bye. Demetre11 Of course you will! Go talk to Keri in the next room, she works the schedules. Demetre09->Demetre11 I'll still take the job. Demetre14->Demetre02 Well, what's it pay? Demetre14->Demetre12 No, not really. Demetre16->Demetre02 So, how much does that job pay? Demetre16->DemetreEnd Okay, thanks. Demetre16->Demetre17 What about your routes and cargo? Demetre18 Well, okay -- maybe it's not better but we do carry a larger variety than them. Demetre17->Demetre18 How is your cargo better? Demetre17a Demetre17->Demetre17a Just checking, thanks. Demetre17b Demetre17->Demetre17b You're full of crap! Demetre18->Demetre17a Okay, thanks. Demetre17a->DemetreEnd Demetre19 You know, Beth's been yapping about some Death Claw. I would check that out if I where you! I've heard a few rumors from other sources about somethin' creepin' around at night to the northwest. Demetre17a->Demetre19 Demetre17b->DemetreEnd BigDownReact Demetre17b->BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel Demetre24 Sorry, you'll have to see if one of the others' houses will take a risk with you. I can't afford to take another one. Demetre20a->Demetre24 Demetre23 Hell, no! I don't think you realize just how much is at stake! We can't afford to take the risk! Hell, I don't no how the Far Go Traders are still in business with all those missin' caravans! Demetre20a->Demetre23 Demetre26 Demetre33->DemetreEnd Okay. Demetre34 Yes, she's my pride and joy! Isn't she beautiful? Just talk to her when you want another job. Some day . . . hopefully soon, I'll be able to retire and she'll take over for me. Demetre33->Demetre34 Your daughter? Demetre33a Demetre33->Demetre33a That ugly thing is your daughter?  That explains a lot! Demetre29 We lost all of our cargo! I'm afraid we can't hire you anymore, sorry. Demetre31 We're not hiring, so what do you want? --- Get lost! We're not hiring. Demetre31->Demetre31a I need a water chip. Demetre31->Demetre15 Tell me what you know about the missing caravans. Demetre31->DemetreEnd Never mind. Demetre31->Demetre21 Ruk luk? Demetre31b Demetre31->Demetre31b I want your ugly face out of my way! Demetre31c Demetre31->Demetre31c I want your head on a stick! DownReact Demetre31b->DownReact Demetre32 You think you're tough? Don't make me laugh! Demetre31b->Demetre32 Demetre31c->DemetreEnd DownReact->ReactToLevel Demetre34->DemetreEnd Okay, thanks. Demetre37 Is that your poor attempt at a threat? Demetre34->Demetre37 You can't if you're both dead! Demetre35 You dare insult someone's family? I should rip your heart out! Demetre33a->Demetre35 Demetre36 Too late for apologies! [His face gets very red . . . then in a calm, controlled voice.] Get, before I make good on my threat! Demetre35->Demetre36 I'm sorry, I was just kidding! Demetre35a Demetre35->Demetre35a I'll do more than insult you! Demetre37->combat It's not a threat! You're about to die! Demetre37->DemetreEnd No, I'm sorry. I've got to go. Bye! Demetre38 Well I've got to admit, I've heard better. Demetre37->Demetre38 Yeah, well, I gave it the old college try! Demetre35a->combat Demetre38->combat Well, you're still going to die! Demetre38->DemetreEnd Yeah, I know. See ya. LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes