DOCLOCKR start look_at_p_proc start->look_at_p_proc use_p_proc The locker is locked. --- You spot a trap on the locker, and disarm it. --- You spot a trap on the locker, and accidentally set it off! --- You spot a trap on the locker, but fail to disarm it. start->use_p_proc use_obj_on_p_proc You unlock the locker. --- You accidentally set off the trap! --- While tampering with the lock, you trip up the tumblers. There's no bypassing this lock now. --- You accidentally set off the trap! --- You fail to bypass the lock on the locker. --- The locker's already unlocked. start->use_obj_on_p_proc use_skill_on_p_proc You unlock the locker. --- While tampering with the lock, you trip up the tumblers. There's no bypassing this lock now. --- You fail to bypass the lock on the locker. --- You accidentally set off the trap! --- The locker's already unlocked. --- You spot a trap on the locker, and disarm it. --- You notice that there is a crude explosive device on the locker. --- You accidentally set off the trap! --- You disarm the trap. --- You accidentally set off the trap! --- You fail to disarm the trap. start->use_skill_on_p_proc set_off_trap use_p_proc->set_off_trap use_p_proc->set_off_trap use_p_proc->set_off_trap use_obj_on_p_proc->set_off_trap use_obj_on_p_proc->set_off_trap use_skill_on_p_proc->set_off_trap use_skill_on_p_proc->set_off_trap use_skill_on_p_proc->set_off_trap