DOCWU start Owww!! --- Aaaaagh! --- Ow! You little . . . --- Ha ha! You really are stupid! I just gave you a lethal poison! Ha ha ha! --- That should fix you real good! --- Ha ha ha! --- Now get out of here, and don't come back! --- You screamed like a woman! Ha ha ha! --- Bitch shouldn't play in a man's world! Ha ha ha! --- You screamed like a castrated pig! Ha ha ha! --- What a dork! I've heard more many screams from children! Ha ha ha! --- I made the bitch scream! Ha ha ha! do_dialogue start->do_dialogue get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction DocWu00 Shithead! You get hurt again, you stupid bastard! --- Shithead! You get hurt again, you stupid bitch! do_dialogue->DocWu00 DocWu01 What do you want?! Will you assholes never learn? I'm tired of using my talents on losers. Shoot straight next time! Don't let them shoot you. do_dialogue->DocWu01 DocWu02 Incompetent son of a bitch! You need healing AGAIN! I hope they kill you next time! do_dialogue->DocWu02 DocWu03 What is your problem, asshole? Maybe I put you to sleep, shithead! do_dialogue->DocWu03 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel DocWuOpts1 DocWu00->DocWuOpts1 DocWuOpts2 DocWu00->DocWuOpts2 DocWuOpts3 DocWu00->DocWuOpts3 DocWu04 The Cause is not helped by morons! Why are you bothering me? I'm a very busy doctor, asshole! You need me or not? DocWu00->DocWu04 Hey, I was just trying to help the cause! DocWu07 Go to hell! You wanna get fixed or you just wanna be an asshole? DocWu00->DocWu07 Your bedside manner sucks. DocWu09 And maybe you need a doctor one day and the doctor won't be there. Psycho asshole! You wanna get fixed? Maybe I do something about shit in your brains, too! DocWu00->DocWu09 You keep it up, and you'll need a doctor. DocWu01->DocWuOpts1 DocWu01->DocWuOpts2 DocWu01->DocWuOpts3 DocWu01->DocWu09 Maybe I'll use you for target practice. DocWu11 You are an idiot! Quality, not quantity! You think the Nightkin care when they're outnumbered? Go cry to your mother, you little baby! Now, do you want to get better or not? DocWu01->DocWu11 I was outnumbered! DocWu12 Be quiet or I'll take out your vocal cords! Debark you like dog! Ha ha ha! Now you wanna get well or not? DocWu01->DocWu12 What are you, a doctor of assholes? DocWu02->DocWuOpts1 DocWu02->DocWuOpts2 DocWu02->DocWuOpts3 DocWu02->DocWu12 I hope they get you, too . . . DocWu13 I'm a doctor, not a cheerleader! You need healing or not? DocWu02->DocWu13 Thanks for the moral support, doc. DocWu14 I'm shaking, asshole! Now, you wanna get well or not? DocWu02->DocWu14 If they do, you'll go down first. DocWu03->DocWuOpts1 DocWu03->DocWuOpts2 DocWu03->DocWuOpts3 DocWu03->DocWu12 You'd better not try it. DocWu03->DocWu14 I snooze, you lose, asshole! DocWu15 Nightkin prefer to do that. I give them chems sometimes. Nobody pays attention to Doctor Wu. They're all assholes! Now, you wanna get fixed up? DocWu03->DocWu15 Do you put a lot of people to sleep, doc? social_skills social_skills->get_reaction DocWu05 I am not a library! You go outside for answers! Get out now! DocWuOpts1->DocWu05 I want to ask a few questions. DocWu06 Fine! It's always patch you up! Fix you up! Asshole! DocWuOpts1->DocWu06 Just fix me up, okay, doc? DocWu08 You loser! Why don't you just crawl out into the Glow and lick puddles? Stupid drunken craving asshole! DocWuOpts2->DocWu08 Doc, I need a drink, bad! Got any rubbing alcohol? DocWuEnd DocWuOpts3->DocWuEnd Me go. DocWu10 You stupid jackass! You're too stupid to feel pain. You remind me of a lower lifeform! DocWuOpts3->DocWu10 Ow! Oooo! Hnnh! DocWuOpts4 DocWu04->DocWuOpts4 DocWu16 Idiot! Cathedral very busy! Unity keeps Doctor Wu very busy! Now, you wanna get fixed up? DocWu04->DocWu16 What's keeping you busy? DocWu07->DocWuOpts4 DocWu09->DocWu06 Fine -- do it and shut up! DocWu23 You little asshole! Who do you think you are to bother Dr. Wu? Stupid shithead! DocWu09->DocWu23 Go to Hell. DocWu24 You are healthy as a brahmin, but not as bright! Get out of here, you hypochondriac asshole! DocWu09->DocWu24 Shut up and gimme a diagnosis. DocWu11->DocWuOpts4 DocWu12->DocWuOpts4 DocWu13->DocWuOpts4 DocWu14->DocWu06 Do it. Just don't screw with me! DocWu14->DocWu23 Damn straight I do. There's gotta be a real doctor around this place. DocWu14->DocWu24 Just take a look and see what's busted first. DocWu15->DocWu06 Patch it, doc! DocWu15->DocWu23 If the Nightkin don't trust you, neither do I. I'm outta here. DocWu15->DocWu24 Just take a look and see what's busted first. DocWu17 Now comes the fun part! DocWuOpts4->DocWu17 Sure, doc. DocWu18 Asshole! Shithead! I'm very busy, and you have to bother me! Screw you! Get out of here, you puke! Now! DocWuOpts4->DocWu18 Not right now. DocWu19 You are healthy as a brahmin, but not as bright! Get out of here, you hypochondriac asshole! DocWuOpts4->DocWu19 What's your diagnosis, doc? DocWu16->DocWu06 Patch it, doc! DocWu16->DocWu23 If the Nightkin don't trust you, neither do I. I'm outta here. DocWu16->DocWu24 Just take a look and see what's busted first. DocWu05->DocWuEnd [Done] DocWu06a DocWu06->DocWu06a [More] DocWu08->DocWuEnd [Done] DocWu23->DocWuEnd [Done] DocWu24->DocWuEnd [Done] DocWu24a You have taken some wounds. I can fix that, dickhead, if you stay very still! DocWu24->DocWu24a DocWu24b Five broken bones at least, and you've lost lots of blood. Being an idiot is hazardous to your health! You want to get fixed? DocWu24->DocWu24b DocWu10a This will hurt a lot! DocWu10->DocWu10a [More] DocWu10c DocWu10a->DocWu10c [More] DocWu10b DocWu17a This should do it . . . DocWu17->DocWu17a [More] DocWu17b DocWu17a->DocWu17b [More] DocWu18->DocWuEnd [Done] DocWu19->DocWuEnd [Done] DocWu19a You have taken some wounds. I can fix that, dickhead, if you stay very still! DocWu19->DocWu19a DocWu19b You have taken some wounds. I can fix that, dickhead, if you stay very still! DocWu19->DocWu19b DocWu19a->DocWu06 Sure, doc. DocWu19a->DocWu23 Not right now. DocWu19b->DocWu06 Sure, doc. DocWu19b->DocWu18 Not right now. DocWu20 Fine. But I hope I perform an autopsy on you by the end of the day! DocWu20a This should do it . . . DocWu20->DocWu20a [More] DocWu20b DocWu20a->DocWu20b [More] DocWu21 Fine, I heal you! DocWu21a DocWu21->DocWu21a [More] DocWu22 Then leave, asshole! I'll be laughing at your corpse real soon. DocWu22->DocWuEnd [Done] DocWu24a->DocWu23 Not right now. DocWu24a->DocWu17 Sure, doc. DocWu24b->DocWu06 Depends on the definition of "fix." You can treat me, doc. DocWu24b->DocWu23 Not right now. DocWuOpts5 I hear they say very bad things about you . . . DocWuOpts5->DocWu21 You swore an oath, doctor. Do your job. DocWuOpts5->DocWu22 Forget it. I can't trust you. DocWuOpts5a DocWuOpts5->DocWuOpts5a The enemies of the Master will stop at nothing to discredit the Faithful. DocWuOpts5->DocWuOpts5a Heal me or die, doctor! DocWuOpts5a->DocWu20 DocWuOpts5a->DocWu21 LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes