FGTCARVN start look_at_p_proc You see the Fargo Traders Caravan Driver. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc FGTDriver10 Couldn't just leave my stuff alone, could you? Why did you do it? --- So you just spit in my face huh?  I guess the only way to get this through your thick skull, is to remove it from that neck of yours. pickup_p_proc->FGTDriver10 get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction RecalcDate talk_p_proc->RecalcDate FGTDriver14 If you don't get out of here, I'm gonna call the cops! --- Guards! Police! talk_p_proc->FGTDriver14 FGTDriver15 I think you should leave.. --- Sorry, but I ain't gonna offer you a job. --- I'd love to give you a job, but it's just not gonna happen. --- Leave. talk_p_proc->FGTDriver15 FGTDriver19 Not sure what happened, but the whole caravan was lost.  Funny thing for something like that to happen, and for you to be the only one left standing? Things don't generally fall that way.  I just don't think I can hire you anymore because of it. I'm sure you understand why. talk_p_proc->FGTDriver19 FGTDriver27 You did a good piece of work.  You want to sign up for another? talk_p_proc->FGTDriver27 FGTDriver00 Hi, if you're wantin' a job on a caravan, you should talk to Rutger. He's just over there. --- You're gonna need to talk to Rutger. talk_p_proc->FGTDriver00 FGTDriver01 So you signed up.  Good to hear it.  So ya know, we leave just about every ten days. That's the 8th, 18th, and 28th of each month.  Right now we're making runs to The Brotherhood, Junktown and the LA Boneyard. talk_p_proc->FGTDriver01 FGTDriver03 I'll still give you a job, even though... never mind.  Are you interested? --- We're headin' out today. You interested? --- We take off on --- . You interested? talk_p_proc->FGTDriver03 FGTDriver28 Got all you're gear? We're going out today. talk_p_proc->FGTDriver28 FGTDriver29 Next caravan ain't runnin' until --- . Head on back here if you still want the job. --- Otherwise I'll just give it to someone else, don't worry about it. You're not obligated... until you leave with the caravan, right? talk_p_proc->FGTDriver29 combat FGTDriver10->combat FGTDriver08 Man, you don't seem to be doing well.   You should get something in your stomach, just stay clar of Bob's. FGTDriver10->FGTDriver08 Cuz I'm a mean green moth'a from outer space, and I'm... 'bad'! FGTDriver10a FGTDriver10->FGTDriver10a I didn't want to, but I'm starving and I have kids to feed. FGTDriver31 FGTDriver10->FGTDriver31 I'll carve your heart out with a spoon! FGTDriver10->FGTDriver31 (Attack) ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel FGTDriver14->FGTDriver31 FGTDriver04a FGTDriver27->FGTDriver04a Sure. FGTDriver05 Alrighty.  Not a problem. Just let me know if you change your mind. FGTDriver27->FGTDriver05 No. FGTDriver06 Come back by if you end up looking for something to do.  That's the 8st, 18th, and 28th. Bye. FGTDriver27->FGTDriver06 Maybe. FGTDriver07 Uh, it ain't gonna work if you can't tell your right foot from your left.  Sorry big guy. FGTDriver27->FGTDriver07 Eeek! FGTDriver27->FGTDriver07 Lub. FGTDriver02 You'll get 400 hubbucks. You might be sayin' that it ain't that much, but we go out often and you ain't gonna lose your life that easy.  But you get that pay going each way, not that you have to go each way, but you'll get a total of 800 if you do. --- We're headin' out today. You interested? --- You'll get 400 hubbucks. You might be sayin' that it ain't that much, but we go out often and you ain't gonna lose your life that easy.  But you get that pay going each way, not that you have to go each way, but you'll get a total of 800 if you do. --- We take off on --- . You interested? FGTDriver01->FGTDriver02 So what's the pay? FGTDriver01->FGTDriver02 Um. RecalcDateString January --- February --- March --- April --- May --- June --- July --- August --- September --- October --- November --- December --- 8th --- 18th --- 28th FGTDriver03->RecalcDateString FGTDriver04 FGTDriver03->FGTDriver04 FGTDriver03->FGTDriver04 FGTDriver28->FGTDriver07 Ack! FGTDriver17 Well OK then! It'll pay 400 hubbucks. Which route would you prefer? FGTDriver28->FGTDriver17 Yes. FGTDriver35 FGTDriver28->FGTDriver35 No! FGTDriver29->RecalcDateString RecalcDateString->RecalcDate damage_p_proc FGTDriver02->RecalcDateString FGTDriver02->FGTDriver04 FGTDriver04->FGTDriver04a Sure. FGTDriver04->FGTDriver05 No. FGTDriver04->FGTDriver06 Maybe. FGTDriver04->FGTDriver07 Yaya. FGTDriver04->FGTDriver07 Tae? FGTDriver04a->RecalcDate FGTDriver04a->FGTDriver17 FGTDriver18 Great to hear.  Come back by on --- .  You'll be headin' out then.  Like always it'll pay 400 hubbucks. FGTDriver04a->FGTDriver18 FGTDriver33 FGTDriver17->FGTDriver33 FGTDriver20 FGTDriver17->FGTDriver20 FGTDriver18->RecalcDateString FGTDriver30 FGTDriver18->FGTDriver30 Okay. FGTDriver34 FGTDriver18->FGTDriver34 Sorry, can't wait. FGTDriver11 Fine, but that don't make it right.  You still are gonna have to get out of here. FGTDriver10a->FGTDriver11 FGTDriver12 You think I'd believe that crap?  Guards! FGTDriver10a->FGTDriver12 FGTDriver31->combat FGTDriver12->combat FGTDriver13 So you're a tough guy, huh?  Just lookin' for another fight? FGTDriver20->FGTDriver34 Um, not right now. Maybe another time. FGTDriver21a Good to hear, I'll round up the rest of the crew. --- Great. --- Get on out of here.  Good luck! --- Try to avoid trouble, don't go lookin' for it. --- Great.  Junktown ain't a bad place. --- Oh, and stop on by Killain, and tell him 'Hi" for me.  Man, the times we used to have on the caravans. --- Hear some odd doctor is out that way.  Deals in the dead, so they say. FGTDriver20->FGTDriver21a Junktown FGTDriver21b Good to hear, I'll round up the rest of the crew. --- Great. --- Get on out of here.  Good luck! --- Try to avoid trouble, don't go lookin' for it. --- You be careful out there, the Boneyard ain't the safest of places.. --- That's good. Those black walkways are really strange, but they're great to travel on. --- They definitely got a bad element out that way. I'd watch who you deal with while down that way. FGTDriver20->FGTDriver21b LA Boneyard FGTDriver21c Good to hear, I'll round up the rest of the crew. --- Great. --- Get on out of here.  Good luck! --- Try to avoid trouble, don't go lookin' for it. --- Brotherhood of Steel, here we come! Well… I'm not going with you, but you know what I mean. --- Okay, get out of my face already.  Those Brotherhood fanatics are waiting for you. --- I hope you like mountains!  You're going right into them.  You should see lots of action there. --- Ready to go, and you'll be heading straight though the mountains!  It should be a blast! FGTDriver20->FGTDriver21c Brotherhood of Steel FGTDriver32 LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes