FISHRSON start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc damage_p_proc start->damage_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a lean and unkempt boy. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Hi. Wha'cha want? start->talk_p_proc flee_dude critter_p_proc->flee_dude get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction FishrSon00 I don't think I should talk to you. Go away. talk_p_proc->FishrSon00 FishrSon01 Why do you have a weapon drawn? We don't got nothing, not even fish! talk_p_proc->FishrSon01 FishrSon04 Hi there. I see you're not stupid enough to be fishing here. What's up? talk_p_proc->FishrSon04 FishrSon02 Hi. Wha'cha want? talk_p_proc->FishrSon02 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel FishrSon02a FishrSon04->FishrSon02a FishrSon05 Not sure. Dad and I have been wandering the wastes for so long. We had a friend, a scorpion hunter with us, but he went nuts and we had to kill him, and then we . . . FishrSon04->FishrSon05 Where do you come from? FishrSon02->FishrSon02a FishrSon06 It sucks. Sorry, I shouldn't use the word 'suck.' Dad thinks that people who say suck all the time are either brain-dead simpletons or inarticulate losers. Dad's always trying to sound smart. FishrSon02a->FishrSon06 How's the fishing? FishrSon07 Sorry. I'm not the one to talk to about supplies. FishrSon02a->FishrSon07 I'm running a little low on supplies . . . FishrSon08 I saw a big thing like a giant spider with two heads, and one head looked human. Dad thinks I sucked up too much radiation. I dunno. Contaminated water does weird stuff to the brain. FishrSon02a->FishrSon08 Seen anything unusual lately? FishrSon10 Sure! FishrSon02a->FishrSon10 Want to hear about my adventures in the Rad Scorpion caves? FishrSon09 What's a runk? FishrSon02a->FishrSon09 Runk! FishrSon06->FishrSon06 How's the fishing? FishrSon06->FishrSon07 I'm running a little low on supplies . . . FishrSon06->FishrSon08 Seen anything unusual lately? FishrSon12 Well he's kind of loud and boring, and I ain't sure he's my real dad. I think he musta stole me when I was a baby. But he feeds me most of the time, so I like him, I guess. FishrSon06->FishrSon12 Tell me about your dad. FishrSon14 Yeah, adults always agree with each other. It's just stupid. FishrSon06->FishrSon14 I agree with your father. FishrSon08->FishrSon06 How's the fishing? FishrSon08->FishrSon07 I'm running a little low on supplies . . . FishrSon08->FishrSon08 Seen anything unusual lately? FishrSon08->FishrSon05 Where do you come from? FishrSon15 Big Henry used to go with us, and he was better'n dad and me, until he went insane and tried to strangle me. Dad had to shoot him! FishrSon08->FishrSon15 Yeah, like what? FishrSon16 Well that sounds great! I'd better get back to fishing though, or we're gonna get so hungry, we're gonna have to eat you! FishrSon10->FishrSon16 The worst thing about hunting Rad Scorpions is waiting for them to get into a good ambush spot. FishrSon10->FishrSon16 The worst thing about hunting Rad Scorpions is chasing them down after they run away! FishrSon10->FishrSon16 The worst thing about hunting Rad Scorpions is getting stung in the face by their stinger. FishrSon03 Hi. Aren't you that person who goes around helping people? You must got lots of interesting stories to tell! FishrSon03->FishrSon02a FishrSon03->FishrSon05 Where do you come from? FishrSon05a Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't talk about that. FishrSon05->FishrSon05a Seen anything unusual lately? FishrSon05a->FishrSon06 How's the fishing? FishrSon05a->FishrSon07 I'm running a little low on supplies . . . FishrSon05a->FishrSon08 Seen anything unusual lately? FishrSon05a->FishrSon12 Tell me about your dad. FishrSon13 They're big and they're nasty, and they're getting outta control. Dad said there used to be heroes who'd wander around the wastes and kill them off, but most of them are dead now, I guess. FishrSon05a->FishrSon13 What about scorpions? FishrSon12->FishrSon06 How's the fishing? FishrSon12->FishrSon07 I'm running a little low on supplies . . . FishrSon12->FishrSon08 Seen anything unusual lately? FishrSon12->FishrSon05 Where do you come from? FishrSon13->FishrSon06 How's the fishing? FishrSon13->FishrSon07 I'm running a little low on supplies . . . FishrSon13->FishrSon08 Seen anything unusual lately? FishrSon13->FishrSon05 Where do you come from? FishrSon17 A lot of heroes. The guy who founded the Brotherhood of Steel, Roger Maxim, he was a real good scorpion killer. When I get older, I'm gonna find out where they are and join them! FishrSon13->FishrSon17 What kind of heroes? FishrSon15->FishrSon06 How's the fishing? FishrSon15->FishrSon07 I'm running a little low on supplies . . . FishrSon15->FishrSon05 Where do you come from? FishrSon18 He's okay, I guess. Actually, I saw him hit a Rad Scorpion between the eyes at seventy yards, but it was a fluke shot. FishrSon15->FishrSon18 Is your dad a good shot? FishrSon19 He was a guy from down south. Some sort of raider who tried to live off the land, not the people. He was a real great guy, but sometimes he'd go nuts, and one time he . . . uh . . . it don't matter. FishrSon15->FishrSon19 Who's Big Henry? FishrSon11 Yeah. Did you ever hear about the raiders who fell into the Rad Scorpion nest and they all got stung and stung and eaten alive, except for the one who ran away with half his face chewed off! FishrSon11a Man, that was a good one! FishrSon11->FishrSon11a Seen anything unusual lately? FishrSon20 Yeah. I'm gonna be a he-ro, just like him. You bet on it! FishrSon17->FishrSon20 Sounds good. FishrSon21 You think living like this is easy? I ain't scared of hardship and there ain't nothing safe out here, so I ain't quitting. I just gotta get old enough to strike out on my own. FishrSon17->FishrSon21 It's really hard to join the Brotherhood. And it's a long dangerous trip. FishrSon18->FishrSon06 How's the fishing? FishrSon18->FishrSon07 I'm running a little low on supplies . . . FishrSon18->FishrSon05 Where do you come from? FishrSon18->FishrSon18 Who's Big Henry? LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes