FRY start look_at_p_proc You see Deputy Fry. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction FryDialog Pfffftttt . . . Chrrrr . . . talk_p_proc->FryDialog combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Fry11 Murdering animal! FryDialog->Fry11 Fry12 I can't believe the Sheriff's dead . . . FryDialog->Fry12 Fry13 There you are, you thieving little snake! I almost didn’t recognize you. Guards! FryDialog->Fry13 Fry00 I’ve been hoping to run into you, child killer. I hope your stay isn’t long. I’ll be playing close attention to you while you’re here. Keep your nose clean in my city, I’m just dying for an excuse to get rid of scum like you. --- Hello friend, Deputy Tony Fry at your service. FryDialog->Fry00 Fry10 I'm still watching you, child killer. FryDialog->Fry10 Fry14 Hello again. I hope you like our town. A nice young man such as yourself, is always welcome. If you should decide to stay, I’m sure you would make a valuable addition to the Hub. --- Hello again. I hope you like our town. A lovely lady such as yourself, is always welcome. If you should decide to stay, I’m sure you would make a valuable addition to the Hub. FryDialog->Fry14 Fry15 Hello again. What can I do for you? FryDialog->Fry15 Fry16 Yes? I don't have all day. I'm trying to watch the front gate. FryDialog->Fry16 damage_p_proc FryCombat Fry11->FryCombat FryEnd Fry12->FryEnd Fry13->FryCombat Fry00->FryEnd Nice to meet you. Bye. Fry01 Oh, a newcomer! Welcome to the Hub! You've reached the biggest city on the coast. Heck, maybe the biggest city in the world for all we know. I thought you were part of the caravan, did you come in with them? Fry00->Fry01 What is this place? Fry09 I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Maybe you need healing? The Children of the Cathedral are south. Head straight down past the Merchant Market down to the Water Merchants. They’re right next to the Water Merchants. Fry00->Fry09 Wug. Fry00->Fry09 Ack! Fry10->FryEnd Fry17 Fry14->Fry17 Fry15->Fry17 Fry16->Fry17 Fry02 I’m not surprised. Most of the new members of our city come in with the caravans, even with the missing caravans we’ve had. It’s a fine city but be careful who you associate with. People like Decker and his thugs can get you into a lot of trouble. Fry01->Fry02 Yes. Fry03 That’s surprising. It’s been pretty rough out there, especially with the missing caravans. But you’re safe now, just stay away from the Maltese Falcon. They're a bunch of trouble makers, Decker and his crew. Fry01->Fry03 No. Fry09->FryEnd Fry05 Fry02->Fry05 Fry07 He owns the Maltese Falcon in the merchant market, but I wouldn’t associate with him if you want to stay out of trouble. He’s nothing but a murdering animal, but the Sheriff won’t let me arrest him without proof. Fry03->Fry07 Who's Decker? Fry04 If you say so. So, did you have any other questions? Fry03->Fry04 Yeah, well . . . I'm pretty rough. Fry06 It’s a tragedy really. Some caravans have turned up missing. Butch over at the Far Go Traders is offering a reward for information or something. You should check at the merchant market if you’re interested. Fry03->Fry06 What was that about missing caravans? Fry21 Why that would be in the Merchant Market, a few miles south of here. Two of the caravan houses are located there, the third is further south. I’d recommend the Far Go Traders. They pay well and they're not too crazy. Fry03->Fry21 Where can I make some money? Fry23 Water Chip? Well, I've never heard of one. If it has to do with water, though, you should talk to the Water Merchants. Their headquarters are located further south, past the Downtown area. Fry03->Fry23 Do you know where I could find a Water Chip? My vault's chip malfunctioned, and we need another immediately. Fry08 No problem. Believe it or not, our city is quite safe and our police are all very highly trained peace keepers. You shouldn’t have any problems, just avoid the Maltese Falcon. Fry03->Fry08 That's it, thanks. Fry05->Fry07 Who's Decker? Fry05->Fry06 What was that about missing caravans? Fry05->Fry21 Where can I make some money? Fry05->Fry23 Do you know where I could find a Water Chip? My vault's chip malfunctioned, and we need another immediately. Fry05->Fry08 That's it, thanks. Fry07->Fry05 Fry04->Fry05 Fry06->Fry05 Fry21->Fry17 Fry23->Fry05 Fry08->FryEnd Fry17->FryEnd Bye. Fry17->Fry09 Garro? Fry17->Fry09 Ooga. Fry17->Fry21 Where's there work around here? Fry24 Water Chip? Well, I've never heard of one. If it has to do with water, though, you should talk to the Water Merchants. Their headquarters are located further south, past the Downtown area. Fry17->Fry24 Do you know where I could find a Water Chip? My vault's chip malfunctioned, and we need another immediately. Fry18 Really? I, uh, you should talk to the Sheriff. I can’t leave my post right now. I’ve got to . . . uh, fend off any raiders that might come. Plus, I’m not very good with reports. Fry17->Fry18 I have a crime to report! Fry19 Oh, sorry. I hadn’t noticed. The Children run the Hospital next to the Water Merchants. Go south past the Merchant market and you’ll see it just northwest of the Water Merchants. I hope everything goes okay. Fry17->Fry19 Do you have a hospital, I'm injured. Fry20 That’s hard to miss. It’s by far the busiest part of town. The Merchant Market is a few miles south of here. You’ll be most interested in the northern section, that’s where most of our locals buy and sell to the public. Fry17->Fry20 Where are the shops? Fry24->Fry17 Fry18->Fry17 Fry19->Fry17 Fry20->Fry17 Fry22 Dead… they’re all dead . . . Fry22->FryEnd LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes