GANGER start You see a ghoul gang member. do_dialogue start->do_dialogue ghoul08 You crazy. What do you think dis is? You better leave. do_dialogue->ghoul08 ghoul00 What are you doing here? Answer wisely - this could be your only chance . . . do_dialogue->ghoul00 ghoulend ghoul08->ghoulend OK, I'm out of here. ghoul12 HEY, ZOMBIES, WE GOT US A PUNCHIN' BAG! ghoul08->ghoul12 Duh. ghoul09 I don't think so. Get out before I call the boyz over and dance on your face. ghoul08->ghoul09 Nah, I want to go in. ghoul00->ghoul08 This building is condemned - I've come to serve final notice. ghoul01 Set ain't here, so git. ghoul00->ghoul01 I'm looking for the boss. ghoul11 Stay away from dis place if you value yer life. ghoul00->ghoul11 Sorry, just looking around. ghoul00->ghoul12 Duh. ghoulcbt ghoul01->ghoulend Oh, OK. Bye. ghoul01->ghoulcbt Well, you'll just have to be my punching bag, then. ghoul02 You gots some mental problems to work out. Set's not gonna let some loser like you take 'em down. He's got the guards and he's got the guns. ghoul01->ghoul02 Well, when I find that son of a bitch, I'm gonna make it so no one can find him. ghoul11->ghoulend ghoul12->ghoulcbt ghoul04 ghoul02->ghoul04 How many guards? ghoul05 I'm supposed to make sure no one goes by. Dis is Zombie house. ghoul02->ghoul05 What are you doing here? ghoul03 Set keeps at least two guards around him at all times, but he can call on more then ten if he needs it. And when he's in his throne room, those ten guards are seconds away. ghoul04->ghoul03 ghoul04a I ain't telling ya' that. Whadda ya' think I am, stupid? Now git . . . ghoul04->ghoul04a ghoul05->ghoulend Well, you have a nice day. ghoul06 Not a what . . . A WHO. We are the Zombies. If we do good, Set'll make us one of his guards. Now that's all I'm gonna tell you. ghoul05->ghoul06 What's a Zombie? ghoul03->ghoul05 So what are you doing here? ghoul04a->ghoulend ghoul06->ghoulend Bye. ghoul07 I said dat's all I'm gonna tell ya'. Now git. ghoul06->ghoul07 Why do you want to be one of his guards? ghoul07->ghoulend ghoul09->ghoulend OK. ghoul10 It was. Now it's a fact. ZOMBIES! ghoul09->ghoul10 Is that a threat? ghoul10->ghoulcbt ghoul13 You should git. ghoul13->ghoulend