GARRET start You see Garret. --- Follow me. I'll see to your reward. do_dialogue Here is your reward. --- You receive a large reward. --- Garret ignores you. start->do_dialogue reward You receive: --- some flares --- a flare --- some coke bottles --- a coke bottle --- Hmm. Some things are missing from the fridge. It seems that we have been robbed. --- Here is your reward. start->reward done start->done get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction garret02a I told you to leave. --- I told you to leave. do_dialogue->garret02a garret04 do_dialogue->garret04 garret01a You need to leave here . . . immediately. --- You need to leave here . . . immediately. do_dialogue->garret01a garret00b You should talk to Set. do_dialogue->garret00b goodstuff reward->goodstuff neutstuff a shotgun --- some shotgun shells reward->neutstuff badstuff reward->badstuff ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel garretend garret02a->garretend DownReact garret02a->DownReact garret00a You shouldn't be here during the day. It makes Set unhappy. Come back at night garret04->garret00a garret01a->garretend garret00b->garretend garretcbt goodstuff->neutstuff goodstuff->badstuff give_flare badstuff->give_flare badstuff->give_flare badstuff->give_flare badstuff->give_flare give_cola badstuff->give_cola badstuff->give_cola badstuff->give_cola badstuff->give_cola garret00a->garret02a That's not important. What is important is that I speak with him. garret00a->garret01a He should learn to deal with his problems. garret00a->garretend Oh, OK. garret00a->garretend Yerg. garret00c You had better leave now. garret01c I hope not, for your sake. Set was not too happy to have to use you. It might be a good idea to leave Necropolis . . . soon garret00c->garret01c See you around. garret00ca garret00c->garret00ca Is this all I get? I deserve more, and you'd better give it to me! garret02c Whatever. garret00c->garret02c Yerg. garret01c->garretend garret01c->DownReact garret00ca->garret02c garret03c You receive $100. --- Perhaps. Hmm. Here, take this as well. --- Now leave. garret00ca->garret03c garret02c->garretend garret03c->garretend DownReact->ReactToLevel LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes