GENRAIDR start The Raider is too frightened of Garl to speak to you anymore. --- You see a tough desert Raider. combat start->combat start->combat start->combat do_dialogue start->do_dialogue Critter_Action start->Critter_Action damage_p_proc start->damage_p_proc guard00 do_dialogue->guard00 guard02 do_dialogue->guard02 sys_dialog do_dialogue->sys_dialog get_reaction sys_dialog->get_reaction guard04 What do you want? sys_dialog->guard04 guard15 What? Go away! sys_dialog->guard15 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel guard07 Nah. I ain't seen her. Why are you asking? guard04->guard07 I'm looking for a woman named Tandi. Seen her? guard06 Then do it elsewhere. guard04->guard06 Nothing. Just looking around. guard05 Oh. You must be looking for a job. Go and see Garl in the big room and leave us alone. guard04->guard05 Huh? guard01 Well met. --- Hi. --- I'm waiting for Garl to crush Shady Sands. I want some loot. --- Welcome, friend. --- I'm glad that you could return for a visit. guard03 So, you think you're tough, huh? Mess with me and we'll both find out. --- I don't like your looks. --- Go away! guard08 Ah, OK. guard07->guard08 Nothing. Just looking for a friend of mine. guard07a guard07->guard07a There is a bounty on her head. If I can kill her, I can get some good cash. guard07b guard07->guard07b You're lying. Where is she? DownReact guard06->DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel guard09 Really? What does she look like? guard07a->guard09 guard11 You don't sound like you mean it. I think that you are up to something. And if you are telling the truth, then I'll bag the reward for myself. guard07a->guard11 guard12 I . . . I can't say any more or Garl will kill me. guard07b->guard12 guard13 Bite me! guard07b->guard13 guard10 Yeah, she's here. She's in the big house. You know, if we tell Garl, then he would want a piece of the bounty. You might want to think about that. guard09->guard10 About 6 feet tall. Blonde. She's from Shady Sands. guard13->combat guard14 I don't like your looks. You'd better get away from me. guardend weapon_check LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes first notfirst