GENSARG start You see a Super Mutant Sargeant. pre_dialogue start->pre_dialogue do_dialogue pre_dialogue->do_dialogue pre_dialogue->do_dialogue mutan00 Stop! --- Die, human! --- To the death. --- You will pay for your sins! pre_dialogue->mutan00 pre_dialogue->mutan00 get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction mutan01 You are not supposed to be armed in this area, little brother. Explain yourself. --- You are not supposed to be armed in this area, little sister. Explain yourself. do_dialogue->mutan01 mutan13 What do you want this time? I have little time for your talk. do_dialogue->mutan13 mutan05 Yes, little brother. What is it that you need from me? --- Yes, little sister. What is it that you need from me? do_dialogue->mutan05 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel mutan02 What manner of treason is this?! mutan01->mutan02 It's okay, I work here. mutan01->mutan02 Hngg. mutan03 Show me your pass, then. mutan01->mutan03 It's okay, I have a pass. mutan04 Hurry on your task then, but be warned -- I'm watching you. mutan01->mutan04 I am armed by permission of the Lieutenant. mutancbt mutan13->mutancbt I have little time for your life . . . Die! mutan13a mutan13->mutan13a Nothing, sorry. mutan13b mutan13->mutan13b Praise to the Unity, brother. mutan14 You are obviously an intruder! mutan13->mutan14 Labbo! mutan05a mutan05->mutan05a Hmm, where's this Master guy? mutan05b mutan05->mutan05b Praise to the Unity, brother. mutan06 I am not one to guide you on the path to Unity. Leave! mutan05->mutan06 Hngg. mutan00->mutancbt mutan02->mutancbt mutan03->mutancbt It's right here, stapled to the front of my gun. mutan03a mutan03->mutan03a I, uh, left it in my other robe. mutan03a->mutan02 mutan03a->mutan04 mutan08 Here is here. Why do you ask? mutan05a->mutan08 mutan07 You are obviously a heathen! Pay for your sins! mutan05a->mutan07 mutan10 Praise to the Unity. mutan05b->mutan10 mutan11 You sound like you do not believe what you say. Could this be true? Or have you left the path of righteous? mutan05b->mutan11 mutan08->mutancbt I am going to kick his ass from here to, uh, someplace really far away! mutan08a mutan08->mutan08a Oh, uh, no reason. mutan08b mutan08->mutan08b What question? I said 'Hail to the Master, goodbye.' mutan07->mutancbt mutan11->mutancbt I think your kind is doomed, actually. Here, let me prove it with some help from my friends . . . mutan11a mutan11->mutan11a You mistake the tremor in my voice for fear when it is actually a cold of some sort. mutan08a->mutan04 mutan08a->mutan07 mutan08b->mutan04 mutan09 You insult me! Die! mutan08b->mutan09 mutan09->mutancbt mutan11a->mutan09 mutan12 When you become one of us, you will not fear such minor things. Begone. mutan11a->mutan12 mutan13a->mutan09 mutan13a->mutan12 mutan13b->mutan10 mutan13b->mutan11 mutan14->mutancbt mutan15 Get out of my face. --- I don't have time for you. Stop bothering me. mutanend LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes