GHGUARD start You see a ghoul guard. do_dialogue start->do_dialogue Critter_Action start->Critter_Action ghoul06 Nah. Thanks. do_dialogue->ghoul06 ghoul01 You shouldn't be here . . . do_dialogue->ghoul01 ghoul00 We're going to take you to Set. I think he'll want to talk to you, personally. do_dialogue->ghoul00 ghoulend ghoul06->ghoulend ghoul01->ghoul00 Huh? ghoul01->ghoulend OK. I'll just be leaving then. ghoul01a ghoul01->ghoul01a Garret told me it was OK. He told me to get something from Set's room for him. Do you know where it is? ghoulcbt ghoul00->ghoulcbt ghoul02 That doesn't sound right. You'd better come along with me. ghoul01a->ghoul02 ghoul03 I don't think you want to go to that room. ghoul01a->ghoul03 ghoul02->ghoulend OK. ghoul02->ghoulcbt I don't think so. ghoul03a ghoul03->ghoul03a Why not? ghoul04 I think you'd better be leaving. ghoul03->ghoul04 Ok, I don't want to go into that room. Now what? ghoul03a->ghoul04 ghoul05 We are here to make sure that people that don't belong in Set's room don't go into it. Not for Set's safety, actually, but for theirs. Anything else? ghoul03a->ghoul05 ghoul04->ghoulend ghoul05->ghoulend Yeah. Your shoelaces are untied. timetomove get_reaction ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes