GHREFUGE start You see a ghoul refugee. do_dialogue start->do_dialogue pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc Critter_Action start->Critter_Action get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction ghoul14 You again? What do you want now? do_dialogue->ghoul14 ghoul03 You're gonna kill me! do_dialogue->ghoul03 do_dialogue->ghoul03 ghoul00 Please don't kill me. do_dialogue->ghoul00 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel ghoul01 You . . . You're just gonna kill me, anyway! ghoul14->ghoul01 Gah. ghoul15 Nope. Well, I did hear that more super mutants were coming. I don't know when. ghoul14->ghoul15 Any more news? ghoul16 Make it elsewhere then. I gotta keep low. ghoul14->ghoul16 Just making chit-chat. ghoulcbt ghoul03->ghoulcbt ghoulend ghoul00->ghoulend Don't worry, you aren't worth it. ghoul00a ghoul00->ghoul00a Shut up and I might let you live. ghoul05 The super mutants attacked. We were slaughtered. They had guns and bombs, even some steam trucks. They killed my friends. The mutants just butchered us, like you're probably gonna do to me. --- The super mutants attacked. We were slaughtered. They had guns and bombs, even some steam trucks. They killed my friends. The mutants just butchered us. ghoul00->ghoul05 What happened here? ghoul00->ghoul01 Gah. ghoul00a->ghoul01 ghoul02 Ah, oh. OK. ghoul00a->ghoul02 ghoul12 Some big thing that moved on wheels but without any brahmin. ghoul05->ghoul12 What's a steam truck? ghoul11 I hid until most of the mutants left. ghoul05->ghoul11 How did you survive? ghoul05a ghoul05->ghoul05a Do you know why? ghoul01->ghoulcbt ghoul02->ghoulend Good, stay that way. ghoul04 Ah, didn't you just tell me to shut up? ghoul02->ghoul04 Now, tell me what happened here. ghoul04->ghoulcbt You die now. ghoul04->ghoul05 Yes, and now I want to know what happened here. ghoul12->ghoul05a Hmm, OK. Anything else? ghoul13 Hey, then why did you ask about it? ghoul12->ghoul13 That's dumb. ghoul11->ghoul05a Anything else? ghoul07 I heard they was pissed that some human killed their men here. ghoul05a->ghoul07 ghoul06 I don't know. ghoul05a->ghoul06 ghoul07->ghoulend Hmmm. OK. Get out of here. ghoul07a ghoul07->ghoul07a Oh, uh, anything else? ghoul06->ghoul03 You're useless. ghoul06->ghoulend Thanks. ghoul08 No. ghoul07a->ghoul08 ghoul09 I heard some of the sewer ghouls might have survived, but I don't like it down there. ghoul07a->ghoul09 ghoul08->ghoul03 You're useless. ghoul08->ghoulend Thanks. ghoul09->ghoulend OK, thanks. ghoul09a ghoul09->ghoul09a That's it? ghoul09a->ghoul03 DownReact ghoul09a->DownReact ghoul10 Yeah, that's it. ghoul09a->ghoul10 DownReact->ReactToLevel ghoul10->ghoulend OK, Thanks. ghoul13->ghoulend Just wanted to know. That's all. ghoul13->ghoulcbt That's it! Enough insolence from you! ghoul15->ghoulend Hmm. OK. timetomove LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes