GIZMO start critter_p_proc So it comes down to this, Killian. Well, I never could put up with your stink, and now I'm gonna put an end to it! start->critter_p_proc description_p_proc This is easily the most corpulent individual you have ever seen. start->description_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Gizmo, the casino owner. start->look_at_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc What business? --- Get your butt in here and sit down. We got some business to discuss. start->talk_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Gizmo45 Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing? Izo, tear his arms off! --- Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing? Izo, tear off her arms! talk_p_proc->Gizmo45 Gizmo21 What do you want? I'm a busy man. talk_p_proc->Gizmo21 talk_p_proc->Gizmo21 Gizmo13 Did ya' finish the job yet? talk_p_proc->Gizmo13 Gizmo35 You're back. You know, I had to hire someone else to do your work. That didn't make me happy. In fact, Izo will show you just how unhappy I am. I hope you had a nice day. It was your last. talk_p_proc->Gizmo35 Gizmo01 Get your butt in here and sit down. We got some business to discuss. talk_p_proc->Gizmo01 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Gizmo01b Get outta here, ya' idiot! Gizmo21->Gizmo01b Blehh. Gizmo15 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah! Izo's got your money. Oh, this is good! Hey, hey, uh . . . you should leave town for a while. You know, just in case. Gizmo21->Gizmo15 I took care of Killian. Word is you might appreciate that. Gizmo22 I don't know what you're talking about. Gizmo21->Gizmo22 I'm here to tell you your assassin failed. Gizmo21->Gizmo22 I'm here to talk about the attempt on Killian's life. Gizmo32 I don't like people who waste my time. Don't come back again soon! Gizmo21->Gizmo32 Nothing, actually. I'll just be going now. Gizmo34 You know, [Gizmo sighs] I don't like it when people insult me in my own place. Izo, escort our guest out . . . through the window. Gizmo21->Gizmo34 I want to know how someone as stupid as you is still alive. Gizmo13_1 Gizmo13->Gizmo13_1 Yep, sure did. Gizmo20 No tags, no money. You come back without the tags again and Izo gets creative with your anatomy. Now get out! Gizmo13->Gizmo20 Nope, not yet. Gizmox1 Gizmo35->Gizmox1 Gizmo01_1 Gizmo01->Gizmo01_1 Looks like there's enough butt in here already . . . Gizmo04 All right, [Gizmo snorts] here's the deal. Junktown, it ain't what it used to be. The only reason it's still here is because of my gambling establishment.  Even so, Killian's been breathing down my neck, and I'm starting to take it personal. [Gizmo snorts] And that's where you come in, slick. Gizmo01->Gizmo04 I gathered as much.  What do you want? Gizmo01->Gizmo04 What business? Gizmo01->Gizmo01b Blehh. damage_p_proc UpReactLevel Gizmo01_1->UpReactLevel Gizmo02 You kiss your mother with that mouth? Show some respect. Gizmo01_1->Gizmo02 Gizmo05 What I think is you're going to take him out for me, you know? No witnesses, just in, over, out. Gizmo04->Gizmo05 What do you want me to do? Gizmo04_1 Gizmo04->Gizmo04_1 If you think I'd help you, you're fat and stupid. Gizmox2 Gizmo01b->Gizmox2 LevelToReact UpReactLevel->LevelToReact Gizmo02->Gizmo04 You're right, I'm sorry. So let's talk business. Gizmo11 One is okay. Two is too much. And that was two. Izo, get me a set of kneecaps. Gizmo02->Gizmo11 You do anything but eat? Gizmo11->Gizmox1 Gizmo06 I would, but there must be no connection between me and Killian's unfortunate demise. Gizmo05->Gizmo06 Why don't you send one of your own goons in? Gizmo05_1 Gizmo05->Gizmo05_1 I wouldn't work for you if you offered me all the money in this crummy place. Gizmo07 [Gizmo wheezes.] I knew you'd see it my way. As proof, I want the dog tags Killian wears around his neck. Ya' get them, ya' get your money. Now, just get. And don't cross me. I still got the kneecaps from the last one who tried. Gizmo05->Gizmo07 Sure. I can use the money. Gizmo10 Sorry you feel that way. Not as sorry as you're gonna be, though. Can't let word of this get out. Izo, show our new friend what we do with people who say no to me. Gizmo05->Gizmo10 I don't think so. Thanks anyway. Gizmo08 Thousand caps. No more, no less. Gizmo05->Gizmo08 How much you willing to pay? Gizmo04_1->Gizmo11 Gizmo04a Funny. Gizmo04_1->Gizmo04a Gizmo04a->Gizmo05 Gizmo06->Gizmo07 Makes sense. Sure, I'll do it. Gizmo06->Gizmo07 All right, I'll do it. Gizmo06->Gizmo10 No way in Hell. Gizmo06->Gizmo10 I don't think so. Thanks anyway. Gizmo06->Gizmo08 How much you willing to pay? badmouth Gizmo06->badmouth What a coward. Afraid people won't like you? Too late. Gizmo05_1->Gizmo10 DownReactLevel Gizmo05_1->DownReactLevel Gizmox Gizmo07->Gizmox Gizmo10->Gizmox1 Gizmo08->Gizmo07 Sounds good. I'll do it. Gizmo08->Gizmo10 Not even close. I don't want any part of this deal. Gizmo08->badmouth I wouldn't trust you as far as two people could throw you. Forget it, slim. Gizmo09 [Gizmo laughs and coughs] Maybe you're right. I think you're worth more. 1500. Gizmo08->Gizmo09 You call that a reward? If I'm to whack the guy, I'm going to need more than that. DownReactLevel->LevelToReact badmouth->Gizmo11 badmouth->Gizmo10 Gizmo09->Gizmo07 Now we're talking. Gizmo09->Gizmo10 Thank you, but I'd rather not. Gizmo09->Gizmo10 No way in Hell. Gizmo09->badmouth That's about what, a dollar a pound for you? Forget it. Gizmo14 Let's see the tags. Gizmo13_1->Gizmo14 Gizmo17 Then give me the dog tags? Gizmo13_1->Gizmo17 Gizmo20->Gizmo11 Gizmo20->Gizmox Gizmo17->Gizmo20 I lied. I don't have them. Gizmo17->Gizmo20 I had them, but then I lost them. Gizmo18 [Gizmo laughs.] You know, you're a crummy liar. Now go get the tags. I don't want to see your face until you've offed Killian. Gizmo17->Gizmo18 Um . . . well . . . I . . . uh, lost them. Gizmo19 No problem, I take them off your dead body. Gizmo17->Gizmo19 What if I don't want to give them you? GizmoPay Gizmo15->GizmoPay Okay, I'm going. Gizmo15->GizmoPay Sure, I'll go. Just remember you owe me one. Gizmo15_1 Gizmo15->Gizmo15_1 You don't order me around, fat boy. You got that? Gizmo16 You don't leave town, you end up under it. You got me? Gizmo15->Gizmo16 And if I don't? Gizmo15_1->Gizmo11 Gizmo15_1->Gizmo16 Gizmo16->GizmoPay Okay, okay. I'm going. Gizmo16->GizmoPay All right, fine. Just remember you owe me. Gizmo16a Gizmo16->Gizmo16a Who's going to do that? You? You couldn't get off your fat butt to get a sandwich, much less kill me. Gizmo16a->DownReactLevel Gizmo16a->badmouth Gizmo18->Gizmo11 Gizmo18->Gizmox Gizmo19->Gizmo20 Uh . . . well, I kinda lied. I don't have them. Gizmo19->Gizmo20 Well, I had them, but they were stolen. Gizmo19->Gizmo18 I lost them. Gizmo19a Gizmo19->Gizmo19a Yeah? You going to hire somebody to do your bending for you? Gizmo19a->Gizmo11 Gizmo19a->DownReactLevel Gizmo22->Gizmo32 You're right. Goodbye. Gizmo22->Gizmo34 You don't remember hiring someone to kill Killian, you stupid slug? Gizmo22->Gizmo34 You're a liar! Gizmo23 I don't know who you are, but I don't take kindly to strangers walking into my office and accusing me of things they know nothing about. Gizmo22->Gizmo23 Of course you do. You hired someone to kill Killian, and he screwed up. Gizmo22->Gizmo23 Oh, really? Gizmo33 Such as? Gizmo22->Gizmo33 Well, let's take a hypothetical situation . . . Gizmo32->Gizmox2 Gizmo34->Gizmox1 Gizmo23->Gizmo32 You're right. I'm leaving. Gizmo23->Gizmo34 I know it all. So confess! Gizmo24 Really? [Gizmo chuckles.] He's gonna help me? What kinda help are we talking about? --- Really? [Gizmo chuckles.] She's gonna help me? What kinda help are we talking about? Gizmo23->Gizmo24 Ah, but there's where you miss the point, Gizmo. I'm not accusing. I'm here to help you. Gizmo23->Gizmo24 Hey, okay, if you don't want him dead, fine. Just tryin' to be helpful. Gizmo33->Gizmo32 Huh? Oh, never mind. Gizmo25 And let me guess. You're that someone? Gizmo33->Gizmo25 Well, let's say you did try and kill Killian, and your assassin failed. That means you need a new one to do the job right. Gizmo24->Gizmo32 Nothing. Forget I brought it up. Gizmo24->Gizmo25 Easy. You sent someone to kill Killian. He failed. You need someone who can do the job . . . better. Gizmo26 Well, how can I trust you? Gizmo24->Gizmo26 I was thinking maybe knife in the back or bullet in the head. Gizmo25->Gizmo26 Very good . . . For a price, of course. Gizmo25->Gizmo26 I can kill him quicker than you can spit. Gizmo27 Hmm . . . all right. We can do this. But you work for me, you better know that nobody ever double-crosses Gizmo and lives to talk about it. You got me? Gizmo26->Gizmo27 I'm here. And you need someone from out of town to do your dirty work. Right? Gizmo26->Gizmo27 Because I've been around. I've killed before. Gizmo30 You're either real stupid . . . or a real stupid spy. Doesn't matter, because now Izo's gonna make you real dead. Gizmo26->Gizmo30 You can't . . . I mean you can . . . I mean . . . Gizmo27->Gizmo34 Oh, I could put one over on you . . . just no way anyone could put one 'round you. Gizmo28 Huh. That's easy. I want him dead because he cramps my business. So, will you do him for me? Gizmo27->Gizmo28 Of course. But first I need to know why you want him dead. Gizmo27->Gizmo28 Got it. What'cha want 'im dead for? Gizmo30->Gizmox1 Gizmo28->Gizmo30 Could you say that again please . . . this time in my coat pocket? Gizmo28->Gizmo30 Well, um . . . No, I can't. Gizmo29 Good. Return with the dog tags he wears around his neck as proof. And we never had this conversation, you don't mention this to anyone. No one double crosses me. No one. Gizmo28->Gizmo29 That's why I'm here. He'll be dead before sundown. Gizmo28->Gizmo29 Sure. It's a job. Gizmo29->Gizmox Gizmo36 [Gizmo grunts.] Killian's the mayor of this town. Thinks he knows everything . . . well, we'll just see how much he knows, won't we? Gizmo37 [Gizmo coughs.] That's me, stupid. I run the . . . gambling establishment here. Gizmo38 That's Killian's place the north end of town. He sells crap. Gizmo39 Well, most people gamble here. You ask stupid questions. Gizmo42 Wouldn't you like to know? Gizmo43 You don't need to concern yourself with that. Gizmo44 [Gizmo sniffs.] I uh . . . I don't feel like talking about that right now. Gizmo47 What, are you deaf? I said . . . Gizmo48 Hey, I won't repeat myself again! UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel Goodbyes