GLO4WEAP start You see a door which looks very secure. --- The door is uneffected by the skill. --- You get shocked by the security system for --- points of damage. --- You unlock the door with the Red Pass Key. --- That item has no effect on the door. Perhaps another item will be more useful. Using_Door You get shocked by the security system for --- points of damage. --- The door seems to be protected by an energy field. Perhaps you can de-activate it somehow. --- The door seems to have a secondary lock on it. --- You notice that there are some red markings on the door. --- You notice that there are some red markings on the door. --- You wonder what could unlock the door. start->Using_Door Picklocks You get shocked by the security system for --- points of damage. --- The door seems to be protected by an energy field. Perhaps you can de-activate it somehow. --- You successfully unlock the door. --- You failed to pick the lock on the door. start->Picklocks Traps You successfully bypassed the security system. --- You activate the security system and get shocked for --- points of damage. --- You do not detect any traps on the door. start->Traps Sciences You successfully bypassed the security system. --- You activate the security system and get shocked for --- points of damage. --- You do not detect any traps on the door. start->Sciences