GUSTOFER start combat_p_proc start->combat_p_proc critter_p_proc Let the fight begin! start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Sorry, one bet per fight. start->talk_p_proc flee_dude critter_p_proc->flee_dude destroy_challenger critter_p_proc->destroy_challenger sleeping critter_p_proc->sleeping Gustofer05 Hey, there. No boxing today. --- Try again the day after tomorrow. --- Try again tomorrow. talk_p_proc->Gustofer05 Gustofer16 Well, well, looks like you're a winner! Here's your caps. talk_p_proc->Gustofer16 talk_p_proc->Gustofer16 Gustofer07 Well, you can't win them all, my friend. Better luck next time. --- Well, you can't win them all, my friend. Better luck next time. talk_p_proc->Gustofer07 talk_p_proc->Gustofer07 Gustofer13 Hey, what are you doing? talk_p_proc->Gustofer13 Gustofer06 So! Want to lay a bet on the fight? talk_p_proc->Gustofer06 Gustofer19 Please don't disturb me while the match is in progress. talk_p_proc->Gustofer19 Gustofer18 Sorry, but today's match is already over. talk_p_proc->Gustofer18 Gustofer00 Sorry, no boxing today. talk_p_proc->Gustofer00 Gustofer16->destroy_challenger Gustofer14 Please quit it. Gustofer13->Gustofer14 Uh, nothing. Gustofer15 Uh, no. Never mind. Forget I said anything. Gustofer13->Gustofer15 You wanna start something, loser? Gustofer13->Gustofer15 Hnn. Gustofer01 You might try signing up with Gizmo. I hear he's always looking for new meat to toss in the ring. Gustofer06->Gustofer01 Hnn. GustoferEnd Gustofer06->GustoferEnd I've got better things to do with my money. Goodbye. Gustofer08 Who do you want to bet on, Saul or the challenger? Odds favor Saul winning. Cost is 25 caps to bet; you get 50 if you win betting on Saul, 100 if you win betting on the challenger! Gustofer06->Gustofer08 What are the odds? Gustofer09 All right, I guess. --- Sorry, I don't have the time. Maybe later. Gustofer06->Gustofer09 No, thanks. Mind if I ask a few questions, though? Gustofer18->GustoferEnd Oh. Well, never mind, then. Gustofer18->GustoferEnd Hnn. Gustofer00->Gustofer01 Hnn. Gustofer00->GustoferEnd Uk, okay. Gustofer00a Gustofer00->Gustofer00a When's the next match? Gustofer03 You just missed it. Try again in a couple of days. Saul boxes every three days. Gustofer00a->Gustofer03 Gustofer02 Try again tomorrow. Saul will be boxing then. Gustofer00a->Gustofer02 Gustofer03->GustoferEnd Thanks. Gustofer04 Saul is the local champion. Saul is the current favorite of Gizmo. Gustofer03->Gustofer04 Who's Saul? Gustofer02->GustoferEnd Thanks. Gustofer02->Gustofer04 Who's Saul? GustoferBet1 Would you like to wait here until the fight starts at 2:00? --- Come back when you have enough caps to bet! Gustofer08->GustoferBet1 I'll bet on Saul. GustoferBet2 Would you like to wait here until the fight starts at 2:00? --- Come back when you have enough caps to bet! Gustofer08->GustoferBet2 I'll bet on the challenger. Gustofer09->GustoferEnd Uh, never mind. Gustofer10 Saul, the fastest fist in Junktown! He's a marvel of manly musculature! A pulsating power puncher! Gustofer09->Gustofer10 Who's the boxer? Gustofer11 Gizmo, the casino owner, employs Saul. He occasionally likes to watch a match or two, but mostly it's good money - people will bet a lot on a fight. And nobody has to get killed, unlike those death matches they supposedly have in the Hub. Gustofer09->Gustofer11 Who runs these matches? Gustofer17 Okay, but if you miss, the fight, you forfeit your bet! GustoferBet1->Gustofer17 Nah, I got stuff to do. I'll be back later. GustoferWait GustoferBet1->GustoferWait Sure, what the heck. GustoferBet2->Gustofer17 Nah, I got stuff to do. I'll be back later. GustoferBet2->GustoferWait Sure, what the heck. Gustofer10a He's a nice guy, too. Gustofer10->Gustofer10a You just missed it. Try again in a couple of days. Saul boxes every three days. Gustofer11->GustoferEnd Thanks. Gustofer12 Well, it's just a rumor. But they say there's an underground fighting ring there where you can pay to watch people fight to the death. Not my kind of fight. Gustofer11->Gustofer12 Death matches? Gustofer10a->GustoferEnd Thanks. See you around. Gustofer10a->Gustofer11 Um, yeah. So, who runs these matches? Gustofer12->GustoferEnd Hmm. Thanks.