HAROLD start look_at_p_proc You see Harold. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Harold00 Spare change, old friend, old pal? Can you help a poor mutant down on his luck? [Cough] --- Spare change, old friend, old pal? Can you help a poor mutant down on his luck? [Cough] talk_p_proc->Harold00 Harold39 Hey, can you help me out, friend? --- Hey, can you help me out, friend? talk_p_proc->Harold39 Harold41 Oh, hey, it's you again. talk_p_proc->Harold41 Harold55 Leave me alone. [cough] talk_p_proc->Harold55 combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Harold00a Harold00->Harold00a Yeah, here's $25. Good luck to you. Harold00b Harold00->Harold00b How about $5. Harold38 Oh well, thanks anyway. [cough] Harold00->Harold38 Sorry, don't have any money on me. Harold45 Oooh, that thing. Friend, that is nightmare city.  Why the hell you asking about that? Harold00->Harold45 I need info on the Deathclaw, and I hear you're the man. Harold37 You're as bad as the rest of them. [Wheezing cough] Harold00->Harold37 Keep away from me! Harold01 Geez. You're worse off than I am, friend. Luck to you. Harold00->Harold01 Uhhh? Harold39->Harold38 Don't bug me. Harold39->Harold45 I need info on the Deathclaw, and I hear you're the man. Harold39->Harold01 Uhhh? Harold39a Harold39->Harold39a Yeah, here's $25. Harold39b Harold39->Harold39b Take $5. HaroldEnd Harold41->HaroldEnd Uhh? Harold41a Harold41->Harold41a Here's $20, if you need it. Harold43 Anything I can do for you? Harold41->Harold43 Hi. Harold56 Well, I don't wanta talk to you.  Go away! Harold55->Harold56 I want to talk to you. Harold57 Don't want your money. Go away. [cough] Harold55->Harold57 Here's some cash. Harold00a->Harold01 Harold02 Oh, kind of ya, friend. Very kind. You know, if I could clear the gunk out of there, you, just might find a tear in Old Harold's eye. --- Oh, kind of ya, friend. Very kind. You know, if I could clear the gunk out of there, you, just might find a tear in Old Harold's eye. Harold00a->Harold02 Harold00b->Harold01 Harold00b->Harold02 Harold47 Okay.  Well, it's like a damn big man, is what it is.  Got spikes and claws that can cut through the heaviest armor.  But don't let the size fool ya, it's quick. Harold45->Harold47 Gonna kill it. Harold45->Harold47 If it catches up with me, I want to know what to do. BigDownReact Harold37->BigDownReact Harold02->Harold45 I need info on the Deathclaw, and I hear you're the man. Harold03 [Cough] Rest of the Hubbers' been picking on me like a bad booger since I came back to town.  I can't leave, though.  When the deals are done [wheez] it's still my home. Harold02->Harold03 Why is that? Harold02->HaroldEnd You're welcome. Harold03->HaroldEnd Hope things get better. See you around. Harold04 Well, after the Great War, my Vault was one of the first to open. [Takes a deep breath] Whew. Long time. Harold03->Harold04 What happened to you? Harold36 You're in the Hub, right? People who live in the Hub?  Hubbers.  Get it? [cough] Sheesh!  Thanks for the help and good luck...think you're gonna need it. Harold03->Harold36 Who are the Hubbers? Harold05 All started with the sirens.  I was young, but ohh, I do remember that. Lotta terrible years followed.  And I remember walking outta the Vault late one morning. Harold04->Harold05 Tell me more about those days. Harold32 Well, I got mutated. Sure wasn't born this ugly.  Happened when we tried to find out where all the mutants were coming from. Harold04->Harold32 No, no. I meant what happened to change you? Harold07 Well, I was a trader. Did pretty good making a circuit between survivors.  Lost a lotta good people, though. [Coughs] Harold05->Harold07 What did you do then? Harold06 You know, [cough] I'm not real sure anymore.  West, I think.  Uh wait - east? Ooh I don't know. [Hacking cough] Harold05->Harold06 Where was your Vault located? Harold30 Yeah, about a century or two in dog years. Harold05->Harold30 Do you realize how old that makes you? Harold11 We mounted an expedition. God, Richard.  Richard Grey.  Led a small group of us up there. Harold32->Harold11 What happened? Harold08 Gangers got'em. Scavengers attacking the caravans.  And mutants, son of a dog, if they weren't springing up like rabbits with a mission. [cough] Had to have an army of guards with, just to do a deal. Harold07->Harold08 How? Harold06->Harold07 What did you do then? Harold31 Nevermind, that was from my time.  I'm cranky, old and I've been that way ever since I changed. Harold30->Harold31 What? Harold09 Course they helped, ya bonehead!  Just too damn many to handle! Harold08->Harold09 Didn't the guards help? Harold10 Everywhere!  Hell, seemed like you couldn't fart without hitting one.  But mostly in the northwest. Harold08->Harold10 Where were the mutants coming from? Harold09a Didn't.  Got killed. [Laughing cough] Love that joke. Harold09->Harold09a How did you survive the mutant attacks? Harold10->Harold11 Did you explore that area? Harold12 Needed to see what was there.  Maybe stop whatever was churnin them boogers out.  We thought we were prepared.  Were we wrong. Harold10->Harold12 Why didn't you just avoid the area? Harold10a [Laughs] Pretty good...Noo... Harold10->Harold10a You farted northwest? Harold09a->Harold11 Uh, yeah. Harold14 Richard Grey was a doctor.  Little older than me, and friend was he smart.  He found the source. Harold11->Harold14 Richard Grey? Harold13 I can't remember the route or anything.  But I am damn sure it was northwest, though...I think. Harold11->Harold13 Where exactly did you go? Harold12->Harold11 What did you do? Harold10a->Harold11 Harold18 Some sort of old military base.  We lost a lotta folks getting in there. Harold14->Harold18 And what was that? Harold13->Harold14 What about your leader? Harold15 I like telling it my way. Short version will cost you 25 extra, friend. Which will it be? Harold13->Harold15 Is there a shorter version of this story? Harold15->HaroldEnd How about neither, you old fart? Harold15->Harold14 Ok, long it is. Harold15a Harold15->Harold15a Short. Harold20 Because it was like someone went bargain shopping at mutantland! Geez!  Cheaper by the dozens!  Can't figure any other reason except that being the factory. Harold18->Harold20 How did you know this base was the cause? Harold19 Robots and such.  Lot of'em.  Damn surprised they was still running after all this time, what with the war and all. Whooa boy they tore us a good one. Harold18->Harold19 What were you running up against? Harold15a->Harold14 Harold17 Little light on funds, huh? Harold15a->Harold17 Harold16 Well, you seem like an okay sort.  I'll speed it up a bit. Harold17->Harold16 Harold17a My way or walk away. Your choice, friend. Harold17->Harold17a Harold16->Harold14 Thanks. Harold17a->HaroldEnd Walking. Harold17a->Harold14 OK. Long it is. Harold21 We got pretty far inside. Wasn't a lot of us left by then.  Grey, me and couple of others. Harold20->Harold21 Did you examine the base closely? Harold19->Harold21 What did you do once you got past the robots? Harold22 One of them robots got Francine.  Mark was wounded, sent him back to the surface.  Then it was just me and Grey. Harold21->Harold22 And then? Harold23 To this day, I don't know.  He never made it back here, and...well I...couldn't face the wasteland again, so I...I never looked. Harold22->Harold23 What ever happened to Mark? Harold24 We made it to some sort of central core, like a plant of some sort. That's when it happened. Harold22->Harold24 What happened then? Harold23->Harold24 What about you and Grey? Harold25 A robot crane crashed into us.  Last I saw of Grey, he was flying through the air in-into some sort of acid bath. I was in bad shape and...well I passed out. Harold24->Harold25 What? Harold25a Didn't.  Got killed...[Laughs then coughs] God, I love that joke. Harold25->Harold25a How did you survive? Harold27 No, you idiot!  I just said I never saw him again, didn't I? Harold25->Harold27 And you never saw Grey again? Harold26 Well, I have no idea. Woke up in the wasteland, barely hanging on.  Got lucky and some traders I knew found me days later. Good thing, since I was already changing.  They brought me here, and here I've been since. Harold25a->Harold26 Yeah, I can tell. Harold27->Harold26 How did you survive? Harold28 All's I know, is it was something inside that base. Harold26->Harold28 How did you mutate? Harold26a Well...Thanks for letting me tell it. --- Well...Thanks for letting me tell it. Harold26->Harold26a Quite a great story. Thanks. Harold28->Harold26a Sorry, tough break. Thanks for the story. Harold29 How the hell should I know?  Grey would've known if anybody could. [sigh] Anyway, that's how the deal went down. Harold28->Harold29 Do you think it could have been radiation? Harold26b For me it was. Harold26a->Harold26b So that was the short version? Harold29->Harold26a Thanks for the story. Harold31->Harold07 What did you do before this happened to you? Harold33 It's in the past. Probably should stay that way. Harold33->HaroldEnd Have it your way. Harold34 Well, if you put it that way.  I guess it couldn't hurt. Harold33->Harold34 Please tell me what happened, it may help me now. Harold34->Harold05 Thanks. BigDownReact->ReactToLevel Harold39a->Harold01 Harold40 Hey, 'preciate it!  Gotta admit, when I first saw you, [cough] I figured you might hassle me. Harold39a->Harold40 Harold39b->Harold01 Harold39b->Harold40 Harold40->Harold03 Why do you say that? Harold40->HaroldEnd Nah, not me!  Have a good one. Harold41a->Harold01 Harold41a->Harold43 Harold43->Harold45 I need info on the Deathclaw, and I hear you're the man. Harold43->HaroldEnd Nothing, thanks. Harold43b Harold43->Harold43b Heard any good words recently? Harold43a The whole thing?  Well... Harold43->Harold43a What's your story? Harold42 Just putting me on, huh? DownReact Harold42->DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel Harold53 Well, heard one of Decker's men has somebody from the Brotherhood of Steel trapped in Old Town. Harold43b->Harold53 Harold54 I don't believe this one, but some say an army of mutants is on the way. [cough] Harold43b->Harold54 Harold43a->Harold04 Harold53->HaroldEnd Thanks. Harold54->HaroldEnd Thanks. Harold44 Oooh, well thanks.  Hope it wasn't too much of a strain. [coughs] Harold49 Well, from what I've heard, maybe whack it in the head?  I'd try the eyes.  'Course, there's a problem there. Harold47->Harold49 Any weaknesses? Harold50 You can't look at 'em! It is said the Death Claw can hypnotize just by lookin'.  Then it walks up and "boom", you're et! Harold49->Harold50 What kind of problem? Harold51 Good luck to you...you're gonna need it. Harold50->Harold51 Great, thanks. Harold51->HaroldEnd Could be. Harold52 You don't want to know about the Death Claw, and I ain't gonna be the one to tell ya. LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes