HARRY start The mutant ignores you. --- You see Harry, the Super Mutant. do_dialogue start->do_dialogue harry07b Harry think he beat your head now. start->harry07b harry21 Hey, you a normal! You come with Harry! start->harry21 pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc Critter_Action start->Critter_Action start->Critter_Action get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction harry19 Ohhh...You again?  What want now? do_dialogue->harry19 harry11 Not like you. Hurt you now. Bad. do_dialogue->harry11 harry26 Hey, Harry hear about you. You break the Vats! do_dialogue->harry26 harry23 Ummm...yes. You prime normal.  The Lou will be happy.  Take away, take away. do_dialogue->harry23 harry18 You hurt Harry's friends! I...hurt...you! do_dialogue->harry18 harry12 Uh, hello, pretty lady. You look real nice. do_dialogue->harry12 harry00 Hey! You not look like ghoul. How come? do_dialogue->harry00 harry07 Harry think he beat your head now. do_dialogue->harry07 harrycbt harry07b->harrycbt harry21->harrycbt gameover You're not taking me anywhere! ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel harry19->harrycbt I came back to kick your ass. harry00a Huh? harry19->harry00a Uh? harry22 Hmm...OK. Take ya to Lou. harry19->harry22 I want you to take me to your superiors. harry19_2 harry19->harry19_2 Nothing, just passing through. harry11->harrycbt harryturn harry26->harryturn Yep, I did. And now I'm going to take you out. harry27 Uhh, me let you go. OK? You not show face here again? Please? harry26->harry27 Yes, I'm the one. What are you going to do about it? harry26->harry27 Uh-huh. harryxxx harry23->harryxxx OK, let's go see Lou. harry24 Not have to. Harry follow orders. Take to the Lou. harry23->harry24 Wait, wait! You don't understand. harry25 Harry not think so, but you can try. Let go, guys. harry23->harry25 I'll kill you with my bare hands. harry18->harrycbt harry12->harry00a Uh? harry12_2 harry12->harry12_2 Are you busy? I could use a big, strong man. harry12_3 harry12->harry12_3 Move a little closer. I've got something for you. harry00_2 harry00->harry00_2 That's because I dressed up really snazzy today. harry00_3 harry00->harry00_3 But I am a ghoul! harry02 You not ghoul! I knew, I knew! Not fool Harry! harry00->harry02 Let me guess . . . because I'm not a ghoul? harry00->harry00a Uh? harry07->harrycbt harryleave harryend harryextra surprise harrytime harrytime2 harry00_2->harry02 harry01 Oooo...That was snazzy like, huh? harry00_2->harry01 harry00_3->harry02 harry20 Um..OK. Move along then. harry00_3->harry20 harry02->harrycbt You're right. And now that you know, I'll have to kill you. harry03 You not ghoul. Orders say not-ghoul, not be here. harry02->harry03 Yeahhh, that's pretty obvious. harry00b Whuh? harry00a->harry00b Huh? harry00b->harry02 Mom? harry01->harry02 Nah, I was just fooling you, I'm not a ghoul harry04 Lou tell me watch place. Not let no one in. Not normals most. Take normals to the Lou. Hey... harry01->harry04 What do you do here? harry20->harrytime2 harry04->harryturn Frag it. How about, 'Not let you live.' harry08 Ooo...Harry confused. You not ghoul. You not normal.  Hmm, what you? [Mumbling] harry04->harry08 But I'm not a normal! harry04->harryxxx OK, let's go see Lou. harry03_2 harry03->harry03_2 Who's giving you orders? harry03_5 harry03->harry03_5 Ok, thanks. I'll be leaving now. harry03_2->harry04 harry05 Oh ho-ho, you find out soooon. harry03_2->harry05 harry03_5->harry07 harry06 Oh, uh, OK.  Have nice...day. harry03_5->harry06 harry05->harrycbt You're not taking me anywhere! harry05->harryxxx Ok, take me to your boss. harry06->harrytime harry08->harry07 Alright, I am a normal. harry09 No! Harry know you not. Not like you! harry08->harry09 I'm a new race of super mutant. harry08_2 harry08->harry08_2 I'm a highly advanced robot. harry09->harrycbt harry08_2->harry09 harry10 Oh, ok. Harry think what to do. harry08_2->harry10 harry10->harrytime harry13 Harry gotta guard this place. Gotta stay right here. harry12_2->harry13 harry14 Hey, you a normal! Gotta take you to Lou. Now! harry12_2->harry14 harry12_3->harry14 harry17 What do you have for me? harry12_3->harry17 harry13->harry14 That makes me sad. harry13_2 harry13->harry13_2 Ahh, I understand. You have a good day, then. harry14->harryturn Ah, heck with it! Watch these feminine wiles, mutie! . . . harry14->harryxxx OK, let's go see Lou. harry14_2 harry14->harry14_2 Please, don't do it. Let me go. harry17->surprise A whittle smack just for you... harry17->harry14 A whittle kiss just for you. harry13_2->harry14 harry16 OK. Go now. Gotta keep eyes out for humans. Not have time for you. harry13_2->harry16 harry16->harrytime harry14_2->harry07 harry15 Ohhh...Go away quick or Harry be in trouble. harry14_2->harry15 harry15->harrytime harry22->harryxxx harry19_2->harry07 harry19_2->harry20 harry24->harrycbt You're not taking me anywhere! harry24->harryxxx OK, let's go see Lou. harry25->harrycbt harry27->harryleave Goodbye. I don't expect to see you again. harry27->harryleave Uhh. harry27->harryturn Not good enough. harry200 Not have to tell you anything! harry201 You kill Larry! harry202 You kill Gary! harry203 You kill my brother, Barry! harry204 You kill Terry! harry205 You kill Sally! He did have lousy name. But not reason to kill him! harry206 Not bother me. Leave alone! harry207 Uhhh...Not know. harry300 I dunno, but think he like a boss people. harry301 He Lou Tenant. He my boss. Not tell him, but Harry could take on good day. harry302 Set a wuss. He think he run place, but we run. harry303 The what? harry304 Hmph! Punies. harry305 Weak. Not know why the Lou want normals. They suck! harry306 Here, dummy. [Sigh] You stupid? harry307 The U' U' U' Un, I don't know. harry308 Nice for little guys. Harry hurt once and they make better. Make perfect again! LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes