HBETH start look_at_p_proc You see Beth, owner of the Weapon Shop. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc You're welcome here anytime, during business hours that is. start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc Get_Stuff talk_p_proc->Get_Stuff get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Beth55 Excuse me, sir. Please put your weapon down. --- Excuse me, ma'am. Please put your weapon down. talk_p_proc->Beth55 Beth56 I'm sorry but I won't help you unless you put your weapon away.  This is a shop not an arena. talk_p_proc->Beth56 Beth64 Back so soon? --- You just left.  Miss me already? --- Need something already. --- Long time no see, what can I get you today? --- It's been a while, I hope you've been well. --- Still alive I see. I was starting to worry. What can I get you today? --- Back so soon? --- You just left.  Miss me already? --- Need something already. --- Long time no see, what can I get you today? --- It's been a while, I hope you've been well. --- Still alive I see. I was starting to worry. What can I get you today? talk_p_proc->Beth64 Beth65 talk_p_proc->Beth65 Beth00 Hi there.  How can I help you? talk_p_proc->Beth00 Put_Stuff talk_p_proc->Put_Stuff combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Beth01 Beth64->Beth01 Beth65->Beth01 Beth00->Beth01 damage_p_proc Beth09 Of course you can, don't be silly. Beth01->Beth09 Can I ask you some questions? Beth62 Goodbye. --- Goodbye. --- Oh, that's right. You're working for Butch, you get the 15% discount. Beth01->Beth62 I want to buy something. Beth68 Oh yes. You ought to stay as far away from the Maltese Falcon as you possibly can. Decker and his greasy lapdog Kane are bad news. They'll eat you alive if you're not careful. I'd also give Lorenzo at the Friendly Lending company a wide berth. Beth01->Beth68 Is there anyplace in town I should avoid? Beth63 Goodbye. --- Goodbye. --- Oh, that's right. You're working for Butch, you get the 15% discount. Beth01->Beth63 I have something to sell. Beth06 Well I'm not hiring but there's a job post in the center of the Merchant Market, you might want to check there. Beth01->Beth06 How does someone make money around here? BethEnd Beth01->BethEnd Nothing. Bye. Beth04 I'm sorry, what was that? Beth01->Beth04 Ruk? Beth02 Beth09->Beth02 Beth62->BethEnd Thanks. Beth62->BethEnd Ook. Beth62->BethEnd Thanks. Beth62->BethEnd Ook. Beth68->Beth01 Beth63->BethEnd Thanks. Beth63->BethEnd Ook. Beth63->BethEnd Thanks. Beth63->BethEnd Ook. Beth06->BethEnd Okay, thanks. Beth05 I'm sorry, I don't understand. Please come back when you are feeling better. Beth04->Beth05 Klug? Beth04->Beth05 Ruk! Beth02->BethEnd Thanks, that's all.  Bye. Beth36 Some people think the Water Merchants are responsible, but I don't think so.  I think it was that darn Deathclaw, or maybe the people over at the Brotherhood of Steel. Beth02->Beth36 What's the word out on the street about the missing caravans? Beth02a Beth02->Beth02a What do you know about the Deathclaw? Beth02b Beth02->Beth02b What can you tell me about Decker? Beth69 Oh yes. You ought to stay as far away from the Maltese Falcon as you possibly can. Decker and his greasy lapdog Kane are bad news. They'll eat you alive if you're not careful. I'd also give Lorenzo at the Friendly Lending company a wide berth. Beth02->Beth69 Is there anyplace in town I should avoid? Beth23 Well, there are three main merchant groups. There's the Water Merchants, the Crimson Caravan, and the Far Go Traders. They also run the city council. What do you want to know about? Beth02->Beth23 What can you tell me about the different merchants? Beth03a Beth02->Beth03a Have you heard any good rumors? Beth35 Beth36->Beth35 Beth37 Well, I thought that it was destroying the caravans, but I guess not.  It's still out there though. There are too many rumors floating around for it not to exist. Beth02a->Beth37 Beth38 I think that's what's taking the caravans. It could also be the Brotherhood of Steel; they're a strange bunch. Some people think it's the Water Merchants, but they're wrong. Beth02a->Beth38 Beth66 Did you hear? He's dead! I'm overjoyed! That's the best thing that's ever happened to this city. --- I already told you. He's dead! Let's just forget about him, his name brings back bad memories. Beth02b->Beth66 Beth14 Now there's someone you don't ever want to mess with, he scares me. He 'owns' the Maltese Falcon. Beth02b->Beth14 Beth69->Beth02 Beth24 Beth23->Beth24 Beth03 Well, I'm not one to gossip, but I heard that Decker's death is somehow related to the assassination hit on Jain. --- There is something else. I know someone who knows someone that says that they saw three extremely large robed figures go into the Maltese Falcon right before the murders. --- There is something else. Someone killed Jain, the High Priestess of the Children of the Cathedral. I don't care for them myself, but I don't know what she could have done to deserve that. --- There is something else. A merchant friend of mine saw a group of mutants wandering around in the desert up past the Brotherhood of Steel, far to the Northwest. --- There is something else. The Children of the Cathedral have been asking people where you are. I'd be careful. They're a strange bunch. --- Well, I'm not one to gossip, but I heard that Decker's death is somehow related to the assassination hit on Jain. --- Well, I usually don't talk behind people's backs, but I know someone who knows someone that says that they saw three extremely large robed figures go into the Maltese Falcon right before the murders. --- Well, I usually don't talk behind people's backs, but someone killed Jain, the High Priestess of the Children of the Cathedral. I don't care for them myself, but I don't know what she could have done to deserve that. --- Well, I usually don't talk behind people's backs, but a merchant friend of mine saw a group of mutants wandering around in the desert up past the Brotherhood of Steel, far to the Northwest. --- Well, I usually don't talk behind people's backs, but the Children of the Cathedral have been asking people where you are. I'd be careful. They're a strange bunch. Beth03a->Beth03 Beth12 No, that's all. Was there something else you wanted to talk about? Beth03a->Beth12 Beth37->Beth35 Beth38->Beth35 Beth18 Is there anything else I can do for you? Beth66->Beth18 Oh, yeah. Beth67 You did it? Really? I love you! [Beth looks over at Sid] Don't even think about it wise guy . . .  Here, to show my gratitude . . . [Beth gives you six stimpaks.] It's not much, but I really appreciate it! --- You did it? Really? You're the best! You have no idea how happy I was to hear that he was dead. Here take these . . . [Beth gives you six stimpaks.] It's not much, but I really appreciate it! Beth66->Beth67 Yeah, he deserved it and I don't feel bad about doing it. Beth15 Sorry, it just reminds me of a friend that used to own it before him. Decker wanted it really bad, but my friend wouldn't sell. Two days later they found him dead in a back alley of Old Town. Beth14->Beth15 Why did you say it like that? He 'owns' the Maltese Falcon. Beth20 He's the deadliest person in the Hub; most say that he runs this place, not the merchants or the police. If you ever cross him, watch out. Beth14->Beth20 Why does he scare you? Beth03->BethEnd Okay, thanks. Beth03->Beth03a Anything else? Beth39 Sure. Beth03->Beth39 Thanks, can I as you another question? Beth39->Beth02 Beth08 What else can I do for you? Beth12->Beth08 Yes. Beth13 Well come back soon. Don't be a stranger. Beth12->Beth13 No. Beth07 No, nothing good at least. Give me a chance to do some digging. <She winks at you>. Anything else? Beth07->Beth08 Yes. Beth11 All right. Well it's been nice talking to you, have a nice day. Beth07->Beth11 No. Beth08->Beth01 Beth10 Why sure, I'd be happy to help. What did you need to know? Beth10->Beth02 Beth15->BethEnd Sorry, but I have to go. Beth16 My friend was a clean freak. He wouldn't come within a hundred yards of Old Town.  He was shot with a Magnum; no one in Old Town could afford one of those. Plus, he was shot once in the head and twice in the back. Does that sound like a robbery? My friend was just trying to get his life back. Beth15->Beth16 Why do you think Decker's responsible? Beth15a Beth15->Beth15a Well he should have known better than to mess with Decker. Beth20->Beth02 Beth16a Beth16->Beth16a Hey, I like his style. After you kill him, put his body in the place he despises the most. Beth17 You probably don't understand, but most of us look forward to the day when we own our own lives. When our lives don't belong to the merchants or the money lenders. Beth16->Beth17 Get his life back? Beth16->Beth18 I'm sorry to hear that. Beth16->Beth18 Oh, okay. BigDownReact Beth15a->BigDownReact Beth21 That gives him no right to kill anyone. Beth15a->Beth21 BigDownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact Beth16a->BottomReact Beth22 You make me sick, please leave. I'm sure he's missing your company. Beth16a->Beth22 Beth17->Beth18 Oh, thanks. Beth17a Beth17->Beth17a Don't you ever stop talking?! Beth17b Beth17->Beth17b That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard! Beth18->Beth02 DownReact Beth17a->DownReact Beth19 Well, excuse me. YOU asked. Beth17a->Beth19 Beth17b->BigDownReact Beth17b->Beth19 DownReact->ReactToLevel Beth24->BethEnd That's all. Thanks for the information. Beth25 They're in charge of all the water. Greedy people, I wouldn't want to work for them.  Their pay is the worst and the jobs are just as bad. Beth24->Beth25 The Water Merchants. Beth30 The Crimson Caravan are a bunch of crazy people. They will do any job, no matter what the risk. I'm surprised they aren't missing more caravans than they are. Beth24->Beth30 The Crimson Caravan. Beth33 The Far Go Traders pay well and their jobs aren't too deadly. Butch owns this shop, a good man. They're fair and let me do as I please with the place; I like working with them.  Plus you get a discount on anything you buy here if you work for Butch. Beth24->Beth33 The Far Go Traders. Beth42 There are six representatives two from each of the main merchant groups. Everything needs at least four votes to be passed. They can never agree on anything. Beth24->Beth42 The City Council. Beth25->BethEnd Thanks, bye. Beth27 No. From what I've heard, a while back a group of merchants seized control of the water tower and proclaimed that they were the water merchants and people had to get water from them. The merchant war raged on for years until a man named Roy Greene - yeah, Justin's Grandfather, that's it - helped to negotiate an agreement that ended the war. Beth25->Beth27 Did they always control all the water? Beth34 Personally I don't think so. I think it was the Deathclaw or maybe the Brotherhood of Steel. Beth25->Beth34 Are they the ones behind the missing caravans? Beth26 What else would you like to know about? Beth25->Beth26 Thanks, another question about the merchants . . . Beth30->BethEnd Thanks, bye. Beth30->Beth26 Thanks, another question about the merchants . . . Beth32 Actually all the merchants have had a few caravans disappear. The Far Go Traders are just unlucky, I suppose. Beth30->Beth32 They're missing caravans too? Beth31 They will pass right through an area known to be attacked by raiders. They charge a lot so they can hire extra hands. The pay's great but you have to be alive to spend it, right? Beth30->Beth31 How risky? Beth33->Beth24 Beth42->Beth24 Beth27->BethEnd Thanks, bye. Beth27->Beth26 Thanks, another question about the merchants . . . Beth28 Well he set up the city council and set a limit on the price of water. Personally I think they should have beat the tar out of them - oh, sorry. I mean they should have showed them who's boss. Beth27->Beth28 What kind of agreement? Beth27a Beth27->Beth27a Damn! Sorry I asked. Beth34->Beth35 Beth26->Beth24 Beth28->BethEnd Thanks, bye. Beth28->Beth26 Thanks, another question about the merchants . . . Beth29 Sorry I tend to get carried away with myself. Was there anything else you wanted to know about? Beth28->Beth29 Great. I didn't need quite that much information but thanks just the same. Beth27a->BethEnd Beth27a->BigDownReact Beth29->Beth24 Beth32->BethEnd Thanks, bye. Beth32->Beth26 Thanks, another question about the merchants . . . Beth32->Beth31 How risky? Beth31->BethEnd Thanks, bye. Beth31->Beth26 Thanks, another question about the merchants. Beth31->Beth32 They're missing caravans too? Beth35->BethEnd Okay, well I got to go. Beth35->Beth24 Thanks, let's get back to the merchants. Beth40 Because, like I've been telling everyone, they've had a few caravans disappear too.  Nothing like what's happening to the Far Go Traders, but they are being affected. Beth35->Beth40 Why don't you think it's the Water Merchants? Beth46 The Deathclaw is the most evil thing to rise out of the ashes after the War. Some say it's a powerful ghost from the war that haunts the land. It's no ghost, it's as real as you and me. It's 20 feet tall with teeth as big as your arm. It's some kind of demon that found it's way here when the world was engulfed in fire. Beth35->Beth46 What exactly is a Deathclaw? Beth35a Beth35->Beth35a Why do you think it was the Brotherhood of Steel? Beth40->BethEnd Thanks, but I have to go. Beth40->Beth23 Thanks, let's get back to the merchants. Beth40->Beth35 Another question about the missing caravans . . . Beth43 Good thought, but I highly doubt it. They've been sabotaging each other for years, but this is not their style. They wouldn't spend that much money to take out the caravans. Plus all the caravans are very heavily guarded. You would think someone would escape. They don't have the man power or the cash to pull that off. There would have been at least one survivor. Beth40->Beth43 They could be lying or it could be part of their plan to make you believe them. Beth44 Bad luck? I don't know, maybe they're traveling along different routes than the others. Maybe because they aren't as heavily guarded as the Crimson Caravan but . . . they might have better cargo than the Water Merchants. Who knows. There doesn't seem to be any clear difference between the three. Beth40->Beth44 Why would it happen to the Far Go Traders more than the others? Beth40a Beth40->Beth40a You're full of crap! Beth47 Well, I know this old mutant in Old Town named Harold. He's seen it. He's the 'only' one that's seen it and lived. Beth46->Beth47 Uh, sorry I asked. Beth46->Beth47 Do you know anything else about the Deathclaw? Beth49 You'll see! Beth46->Beth49 You're crazy! I should just end your misery right here and now. Beth50 Yeah, pretty amazing isn't it. It's down to the southwest somewhere. There's an old mutant in Old Town named Harold who actually saw this thing in its lair. Nicest Skag I know. Beth46->Beth50 Wow! Do you know where it is? Beth54 Like you don't know. You're obviously one of them, walking around in that metal suit. You're all a bunch of sick people. Beth35a->Beth54 Beth53 Why, you don't know? [whispering] I heard that they make human sacrifices and do all sorts of other terrible things! Beth35a->Beth53 Beth57 Uhh . . . well, yeah . . . umm You . . . I . . . Is there anything else you needed? Beth54->Beth57 Yeah, so. Aren't we all? Beth58 You never know what a person's really like behind closed doors. You've got to be careful with who you associate yourself with.  Was there anything else you needed? Beth54->Beth58 I had no idea. Beth61 Sure, whatever you say. Was there anything else that I can do for you? Beth54->Beth61 I don't know what you're getting at, but I can assure you nothing 'sick' is going on at the Brotherhood. Beth53->Beth57 Yes, we do. What's wrong with that? Beth59 You're a . . . ?  I mean. I didn't mean . . . Umm . . . Lovely day we're having. Don't you think so? So, was there anything else I can do for you? Beth53->Beth59 As a 'MEMBER' of the Brotherhood, I can ASSURE you that NOTHING like that is going on! Beth53->Beth58 Really? I've been there, they seemed strange but not that bad. Beth53->Beth58 Really? I had no idea. Beth43->BethEnd Thanks, but I have to go. Beth43->Beth23 Thanks, let's get back to the merchants. Beth43->Beth35 Another question about the missing caravans . . . Beth43->Beth44 Yeah, but why would it happen to the Far Go Traders more than the others? Beth44->BethEnd Thanks, but I have to go. Beth44->Beth23 Thanks, let's get back to the merchants. Beth44->Beth35 Another question about the missing caravans . . . Beth44->Beth44 The Water Merchants could be lying or it could be part of their plan, to make you believe them. Beth45 Excuse me! You're free to leave at any time. If you didn't want the answer you shouldn't have asked. Beth44->Beth45 You NEVER stop talking do you! Beth40a->BigDownReact Beth41 Excuse you! You're awfully quick to judge, are you afraid of the truth? Beth40a->Beth41 Beth45->BigDownReact Beth47->BethEnd I'll check it out. See ya. Beth47->Beth23 Thanks, let's get back to the merchants. Beth47->Beth35 Another question about the missing caravans . . . Beth47->Beth49 Yeah, sure, and I'm the Deathclaw's daddy Beth47->Beth49 Yeah, sure, and I'm the Deathclaw's mommy. Beth48 Uncle Slappy over in Old Town talks about it sometimes, but he's just a crazy old fool. Beth47->Beth48 The only one that's seen it and lived? Beth50->BethEnd Thanks. I'll check it out. Bye. Beth50->Beth23 Thanks, let's get back to the merchants. Beth50->Beth35 Another question about the missing caravans . . . Beth50->Beth48 Anyone else you know who might have some information about the Death Claw? Beth48->BethEnd Thanks. I'll check it out. Bye. Beth48->Beth23 Thanks, let's get back to the merchants. Beth48->Beth35 Another question about the missing caravans . . . Beth52 Well, um. I don't remember, but who ever it was wouldn't lie . . . I mean, it might be true! You should be careful just the same. Beth52->BethEnd Look at the time, I've got to go! See ya. Beth52->Beth23 Well, let's get back to the merchants. Beth52->Beth35 Another question about the missing caravans . . . Beth52a Beth52->Beth52a You're an idiot! Beth52a->BethEnd Beth52a->DownReact Beth60 Beth57->Beth60 Beth59->Beth60 Beth58->Beth60 Beth61->Beth60 Beth60->BethEnd No, that's it. Bye. Beth60->Beth23 Thanks, let's get back to the merchants. Beth60->Beth35 Another question about the missing caravans . . . LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes Beth02c Beth02c->Beth03 Beth02c->Beth07