HCHDGRD start look_at_p_proc You see a guard for the Children. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction ChildGuard32 Hey! What do you think you're doing! talk_p_proc->ChildGuard32 ChildGuard37 talk_p_proc->ChildGuard37 ChildGuard00 Phillips! Let's take this guy out! talk_p_proc->ChildGuard00 ChildGuard36 We ain't supposed to talk to you. On your way, pal. talk_p_proc->ChildGuard36 ChildGuard01 Get outta my face! talk_p_proc->ChildGuard01 ChildGuard02 What do you want? talk_p_proc->ChildGuard02 ChildGuard30 Can't talk. The boss don't like it. Sorry. talk_p_proc->ChildGuard30 combat critter_p_proc->combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel ChildGuard32->ChildGuard37 You saw me! Too bad for you… ChildGuard33 None of your business! Get outta here! ChildGuard32->ChildGuard33 Why the lock? ChildGuard34 Good! Now get outta here! ChildGuard32->ChildGuard34 Hey, I'm backing off! ChildGuard35 Get lost! If you pull this sort of shit again, I'll kill you personally! ChildGuard32->ChildGuard35 Can you give me a hand with this door? It's stuck! ChildGuard37->combat ChildGuard00->combat ChildGuard03 I'm a hired hand. If anyone bothers these space cadets, I kill em. You got a problem with that? ChildGuard02->ChildGuard03 Tell me about your work. ChildGuard04 Something called a Holy Flame. Don't listen to this bullshit, it'll rot your brain! ChildGuard02->ChildGuard04 What's this place about? ChildGuard05 Water chip? Do you mean like ice chips? Up in the mountains, maybe. ChildGuard02->ChildGuard05 You wouldn't know where I can find a water chip? ChildGuard06 Yeah, I heard about him. He's a real bastard, but he pays his bills. Phillips worked for him a few times. ChildGuard02->ChildGuard06 What can you tell me about a man named Decker? ChildGuard02a ChildGuard02->ChildGuard02a Nice weapon you got there… ChildGuard09 Get the Hell out of my face before I kill you. ChildGuard02->ChildGuard09 Uh… milk. damage_p_proc ChildGuard10 Way to go, Rocket Scientist! Who else could I be, Doc Morbid? Jeez! ChildGuard03->ChildGuard10 So you're a bodyguard… ChildGuard11 The priest bitch. Who else did you think? Jeez! ChildGuard03->ChildGuard11 Who hired you? ChildGuard12 I hate to admit it pal, but I've been out of the loop for weeks. You better ask someone else. ChildGuard03->ChildGuard12 Anything interesting happening in the Hub? ChildGuard13 Room and board and not much else. These religious types are cheap! ChildGuard03->ChildGuard13 What are you making? ChildGuard14 Then let's solve it! ChildGuard03->ChildGuard14 Yeah. A big problem. ChildGuard15 Fine. Because nobody likes a problem around here. ChildGuard03->ChildGuard15 No problem, friend. ChildGuard04->ChildGuard12 Anything interesting happening in the Hub? ChildGuard16 It's gotta be a scam. Nobody's really dumb enough to believe all this religious shit. Could they? ChildGuard04->ChildGuard16 What's your take on this Holy Flame? ChildGuard17 Yeah. It's a good thing that they aren't paying me to agree with them. Holy flame, my ass! ChildGuard04->ChildGuard17 Man, are these people ever stupid! ChildGuard18 I dunno. I can tell you one thing, whatever you can say about the religion, they're not amateurs. They came in and organized this place like clockwork. This isn't just another band of mindless zombies. ChildGuard04->ChildGuard18 Where did these guys come from? ChildGuard19 Jeez, I thought only Vaults used that sort of crap! ChildGuard05->ChildGuard19 No, I mean the computer chip to control a water purification system. ChildGuard20 Watch your mouth, asshole. These people may believe in peace and love, but I don't! ChildGuard05->ChildGuard20 Not that kind of chip, you moron! ChildGuard21 No problem. ChildGuard05->ChildGuard21 Uh thanks. I think. ChildGuard22 Nah. The higher you climb, the worse the radiation gets. ChildGuard05->ChildGuard22 You ever been to the mountains? ChildGuard06->ChildGuard21 Thanks! ChildGuard23 Uh, if you like psychotic, stone cold ruthless bastards, then he's the man. ChildGuard06->ChildGuard23 So you think he's a creep? ChildGuard24 My partner. The guy who's guarding Jain. ChildGuard06->ChildGuard24 Phillips? ChildGuard25 It depends on how much risk you like. My life's been kinda busy lately, so I came here to lie low. But if you like action, sure. Just don't screw up or you're dead, that's all. ChildGuard06->ChildGuard25 Would you take a job from him. ChildGuard07 Yeah, this is the only one I'd want in a fire fight. What can I do for you? ChildGuard02a->ChildGuard07 ChildGuard08 Sorry pal, but I'm on duty. No small talk. ChildGuard02a->ChildGuard08 ChildGuard07->ChildGuard06 What can you tell me about a man named Decker? ChildGuard26 I hear the Water Merchants are always packing the best shit. But people will say anything about the Water Merchants. It ain't here among this crowd, that's for damn sure. ChildGuard07->ChildGuard26 Where can a guy go here to get some quality weapons? ChildGuard27 I been trying to get a good read on these guys for weeks. At first I thought they were fools, but now… I ain't sure. They're organized, and they've got a plan. I can smell it! ChildGuard07->ChildGuard27 What's up with these Cathedral guys? ChildGuard28 I hear Decker's got some action, but man, it's shitty work and if you screw up, you're as good as dead. ChildGuard07->ChildGuard28 Where can a guy go to find action around here? ChildGuard29 Water purification chip? You don't use well water? Good lord! I heard tell of a Vault near Shady Sands where you might find one, but that place is completely caved in. I don't think I can help you. ChildGuard07->ChildGuard29 You wouldn't know where I can find a water chip? ChildGuard14->combat ChildGuard31 Hey, you! ChildGuard31->combat LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes