HEATHER start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Heather of the Follower's Scouts. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction heather0 What are you doing here? talk_p_proc->heather0 heather28 Leave me. I am trying to get some rest. talk_p_proc->heather28 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel combat heather0->combat Dis! heather0->combat I am here to kill you! HeatherEnd heather0->HeatherEnd Go bye. heather0a heather0->heather0a I'm just looking around. heather0b heather0->heather0b Just curious as to what is going on around here. heather19 Then look elsewhere. This is no place for you. heather0a->heather19 heather1 Really? And what might you be looking for? heather0a->heather1 heather27 Nothing. Now leave. heather0b->heather27 heather21 I can be persuaded to tell you something that's going on. For a price. heather0b->heather21 heather1->heather19 Nothing really. Just looking around. heather2 Thank you, but I am already spoken for. I think it is time for you to leave. heather1->heather2 I think I have already found her. heather1a heather1->heather1a I am looking for a spy. heather20 If you need information, look to Nicole. She thinks she knows everything. heather1->heather20 Just information. heather22 Three hundred caps and the information is yours. heather21->heather22 How much? heather26 I need to get by somehow. Now, do you want in or not? heather21->heather26 You would sell secrets? heather25 I'm sorry you feel that way. But, good day to you. heather21->heather25 Forget it. I have no money. BigDownReact heather1a->BigDownReact heather3 Yes, the spy. I have heard of that bothersome pest. I really wish we could catch him. heather1a->heather3 BigDownReact->ReactToLevel heather3->HeatherEnd Good luck to you. Sorry I bothered you. heather3a heather3->heather3a I kept hearing that it was a female spy. heather3b heather3->heather3b Have you heard anything about this spy? heather3c heather3->heather3c You are the spy! DownReact heather3a->DownReact heather4 I bet it was the braggart Neil that said as much. I'll have to have a talk with him later. heather3a->heather4 UpReact heather3b->UpReact heather10 I am not certain as to who it is. I think it may either be a guard or a scholar. They keep sneaking into the Children's Cathedral at night. heather3b->heather10 heather3c->BigDownReact heather8 I am truly sorry that you think that way. I cannot have someone think I am a spy. I will remove you from service. heather3c->heather8 DownReact->ReactToLevel heather4->heather10 Then who do you think the spy is? heather5 I am almost sure of it. I just need some proof. heather4->heather5 You think that Neil is the spy? heather17 I think he thinks I am the spy. But I'm not. heather4->heather17 You sound a bit defensive. Any reason why? UpReact->ReactToLevel heather10->HeatherEnd Ok. Thank you for your help. heather11 Not really. Just that I think it is a male and probably a scholar or guard. heather10->heather11 Any other leads that you can think of? heather12 True. We scouts do many raids on the Children, and to much loss lately. This spy costs us dearly. heather10->heather12 But I've heard talk that only the scouts do raids on the Children heather8->combat heather5a heather5->heather5a I will get you proof. heather7 What is there not to know? He has access to the Children. He works during the night when most are asleep. It has to be him. heather5->heather7 He seems like a nice person. I don't know. heather9 He has access to the Children during the night. No one ever sees him on duty. It must be him. heather5->heather9 Why do you think it is him? heather17->heather8 Maybe he is right. heather18 Because I am the new scout. I've only been here for about a year and the trouble started about five months ago. heather17->heather18 Why would he think that? BigUpReact heather5a->BigUpReact heather6 Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me. Once you get proof, kill him. heather5a->heather6 heather7->heather8 Forget it. I think you are trying to divert me! heather7->heather6 Ok, I will check into it. heather9->heather8 Forget it. I think you are trying to divert me! heather9->heather6 Ok, I will check into it. BigUpReact->ReactToLevel heather11->HeatherEnd Ok. Thank you for your help. heather12->HeatherEnd Thank you for your help. heather12->heather6 You seem really torn up about this. I will look for the spy and kill him. heather13 Why would one of us do that? heather12->heather13 Could the spy be a scout? heather14 Sounds like a good thought. I've noticed Peter never gets attacked much in the raids. I think he may be the one. heather13->heather14 If you kill off the scouts, then you stop the raids. heather15 You think that it is me? heather13->heather15 I don't know. Why would you do that? heather16 Then wonder somewhere else. I must get back to work. heather13->heather16 Don't know. Just wondering. heather14->heather8 Forget it. I think you are trying to divert me! heather14->heather6 Ok, I will check into it. heather15->combat Yes! Now you will die! heather15->heather8 I'm sorry. I'm just a bit jumpy. heather18->heather8 I think Neil may be right. heather18->heather6 I think Neil might be the spy. I'll go check into it. heather22->heather25 No way. heather22a heather22->heather22a Sure. heather26->heather25 No way. heather26->heather22a Sure. heather23 There will be a raid on the south end of the Children's stronghold. Now go. heather22a->heather23 heather24 Trying to cheat me? I'll show you! heather22a->heather24 heather24->combat LevelToReact BottomReact TopReact UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes