HUBFLRCD start look_at_p_proc You see a flower child. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Silly! You already got a flower! start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Flower00 Hello! Would you… oh, excuse me… talk_p_proc->Flower00 Flower01 You! I heard about you! You kill kids and eat them! Mother Jain! Mother Jain! Help! talk_p_proc->Flower01 Flower02 Would you like a flower, mister? --- Would you like a flower, madam? talk_p_proc->Flower02 combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel flee_dude Flower00->flee_dude Flower01->flee_dude Flower03 Do you want the flower or don't you! Flower02->Flower03 Is there anything special about this place? Flower04 It's a Unity Rose. It's the color of the Holy Flame, and represents the peace and harmony we'll have when the Children of the Cathedral helps everyone in the whole world become friendly and strong!  Uh, do you want one? Flower02->Flower04 What's so special about the flower? Flower05 It's free. We don't believe in money. The Holy Flame takes care of all of our needs! It's so wonderful! You should join us in our Cathedral of Happiness! Uh, do you want one? Flower02->Flower05 What are you charging, kid? Flower06 Thank you, oh thank you! I gave away a flower! Isn't that great… Flower02->Flower06 Sure, kid! Flower07 You're mean! I hate you! I hope you get eaten by the Holy Flame! Flower02->Flower07 No thanks. Flower02->Flower07 Sure. I could get off on stomping it to pieces! Flower08 They sure do! Have one! I gave away a flower! Isn't that great… Flower02->Flower08 [sniff, sniff]. Smell nice! Flower09 You're stupid! I hope the Holy Flame kills you before you can say anymore stupid things. Mother Jain, watch out for the stupid man! Flower02->Flower09 [sniff, sniff]. Smell yuck! damage_p_proc Flower03->Flower04 What's so special about the flower? Flower03->Flower06 Sure, kid! Flower03->Flower07 No thanks. Flower03->Flower07 Enough about the damn flower. Just answer the question! Flower03a Flower03->Flower03a I'll take the flower if you tell me a little about this place. Flower04->Flower05 How much is it, kid? Flower04->Flower06 Sure, kid! Flower04->Flower07 No thanks. Flower04->Flower07 Enough about the damn flower. Just answer the question! Flower12 Roses won't do that, silly! Only people can change the world. And with the Holy Flame as our master, we'll be sure to make everything nice and special! So would you like a flower… Flower04->Flower12 Now how's a rose going to do all that? Flower04a Flower04->Flower04a Tell me about the Holy Flame… Flower05->Flower06 Sure, kid! Flower05->Flower07 No thanks. Flower05->Flower07 Enough about the damn flower. Just answer the question! Flower05->Flower04a Tell me about the Holy Flame… Flower05a Flower05->Flower05a Tell me about the Cathedral… Flower07->flee_dude Flower09->flee_dude Flower10 We're the Children of the Cathedral. We've been commanded by the Holy Flame itself to feed the hungry and heal the sick. We're going to spread peace and unity everywhere…and everything will be soooo good! Here, have your flower! Flower03a->Flower10 Flower11 I don't think you want a flower at all. You're being mean to me! Flower03a->Flower11 Flower11->flee_dude Flower12->Flower06 Sure, kid! Flower12->Flower07 No thanks. Flower12->Flower07 I'll show you silly, you little... Flower12->Flower04a Tell me about the Holy Flame… Flower12->Flower05a Tell me about the Cathedral… Flower04a->Flower11 Flower13 That's the fire that cleansed the world, and if we obey it, it'll never do it again! It wants us be smart and peaceful and unified and stuff! So would you like a flower? Flower04a->Flower13 Flower13->Flower06 Sure, kid! Flower13->Flower07 No thanks. Flower13->Flower07 Enough with the damn flower! Flower13->Flower11 Tell me about this unity… Flower05a->Flower11 Flower14 It's a wonderful place near the ocean, where people spend all their time praising the Holy Flame and being good. And everyone there is kind, except maybe Father Lasher. Uh…would you like a flower? Flower05a->Flower14 Flower14->Flower06 Sure, kid! Flower14->Flower07 No thanks. Flower14->Flower07 Enough with the damn flower! Flower14->Flower11 Tell me about Father Lasher… LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes