JASMINE start look_at_p_proc You see Jasmine. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Jasmine01 The door's over there. Don't let it hit you on the way out. talk_p_proc->Jasmine01 Jasmine02 Hi. Welcome to the Circle of Thieves. Play your cards right and you're in. talk_p_proc->Jasmine02 Jasmine03 Welcome to the Circle of Thieves. I'm Jasmine. I'm here to help make your infiltration of the Daren Hightower estate as painless as possible. Hightower's estate is located in the Heights. It has a minimum of two guards on duty at all times. The necklace is probably in a strongbox, which often have some minor traps, so be careful. Here are some lockpicks and a couple of flares to make your job a little easier.. And a bottle of Nuka-Cola.  Try not to kill Mr. Hightower.  He's one of our "favorite" people. You got all that? talk_p_proc->Jasmine03 Jasmine05 Hi again. If you've got the necklace, you'll have to give it to Mr. Loxley before you get your reward. talk_p_proc->Jasmine05 Jasmine06 Well done, lad.  Here's your reward.  [Jasmine gives you 3000 bucks] --- Well done, miss.  Here's your reward.  [Jasmine gives you 3000 bucks] --- By the way, here's a little something extra to help you out in your future felonious forays. --- [Jasmine hands you a set of Electronic Lockpicks] talk_p_proc->Jasmine06 Jasmine07 Hello again. talk_p_proc->Jasmine07 combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Jasmine08 Well, he's been our benefactor on many occasions. If you kill him, someone smarter may take his place. We wouldn't like that. Jasmine03->Jasmine08 What do you mean by "favorite." Jasmine09 Pfah! A real thief lives on her wits. We're being generous with you. Now scat! --- Pfah! A real thief lives on her wits. We're being generous with you miss. Now scat! Jasmine03->Jasmine09 Lockpicks and Flares? That's all. Jasmine11 Hmm, don't think I like the attitude. Oh well, nobody's perfect. Jasmine03->Jasmine11 Don't kill him? No promises, woman. Jasmine12 Fine. I think I can speak for Mr. Loxley when I say that I hope we never cross paths again. Get out of here. Jasmine03->Jasmine12 This job sucks. Find someone else. Jasmine13 Good luck. Diamonds are my second favorite thing in the world! Jasmine03->Jasmine13 No problem. I'm outta here. Jasmine14 Right. Runk. Sure. Jasmine03->Jasmine14 Runk! Jasmine00 Let me get this straight; you're shooting my boss and my friends, and you want to talk? Get bent! Jasmine00->combat Jasmine04 Excuse me, sir, but shouldn't you be working on your assignment? --- Excuse me, miss, but shouldn't you be working on your assignment? Jasmine10 They're our corporate sponsor. Loxley got thirsty, and they "donated" several dozen bottles to us. Real nice of them to help us out. Jasmine15 We warned you, but you didn't listen. Too bad about that hearing problem. Jasmine16 I think you just failed the test! Don't come back. Jasmine17 Excuse me, sir, this person is a member of one of the merchant guilds. JasmineEnd LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes