JASON start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Jason Zimmerman. --- You see a young man with sharp features. start->look_at_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc follow_player critter_p_proc->follow_player Jason23 I hope we get out of here soon! talk_p_proc->Jason23 Jason19 Thank goodness you're here! Please help me get out of here! talk_p_proc->Jason19 Jason18 Leave me alone! talk_p_proc->Jason18 Jason16 Hello again. Have any interesting stories to tell? talk_p_proc->Jason16 Jason01 Hey, are you from really far away? Have you had a lot of adventures? talk_p_proc->Jason01 Jason20 Thank you! Jason19->Jason20 Ayuh. Jason19->Jason20 Don't worry, I'll get us out of here. Jason21 Please don't leave me! Jason19->Jason21 Sorry kid, you're on your own! Jason22 I thought that it would be fun to leave Adytum and explore the world. But the Rippers caught me and have been holding me here. Please, help me! Jason19->Jason22 What are you doing here? Jason08 Really? What kinds of monsters have you fought? Jason16->Jason08 What do you want to know about? Jason17 Well, if you do anything interesting, tell me all about it! Jason16->Jason17 Not really. Jason05 Lorraine says that there was a Vault south of here, where a lot of my grandparents lived. What's it like living in a Vault? Jason01->Jason05 Yes, I'm from a Vault far to the north. Jason13 What, are you some kind of weirdo or something? Caleb never should have let you in the gates! Jason01->Jason13 Actually, I'm from Mars. Want to see my firelance? Jason01->Jason08 I've had some adventures. Jason07 Huh. The Hub merchants talk about radscorpions and stuff. Jason01->Jason07 Haven't done all that much, really. Jason02 Oh. I thought someone who'd been through the wastes outside would be, well, smarter. Never mind. Jason01->Jason02 Uh, far. Vault. Jason06 Oh. Well, you must have had some adventures after leaving, right? Jason05->Jason06 It's pretty boring, actually. Jason14 That's cool. All we have here is this stupid well and those underground farms that Miles keeps trying to get working. Jason05->Jason14 It's very exciting. We have all sorts of technology you wouldn't believe! Jason12 I thought that living in the wasteland would be . . . you know . . . rugged, and dangerous, and everything. But I suppose we have enough to keep us busy here, with the gangs and all. Jason08->Jason12 Not much, just some rats and stuff. Jason07->Jason08 Well, actually, there are all sorts of monsters out there. Jason07->Jason12 Actually, it's mostly just desert. Jason03 Miles says that now that you got those parts, he can get the farms working, so that we don't have to sell bullets to the Hub. I never thought much about it until Smitty pointed out that the bullets he made were --- sold to the Hub, who sold them to the gangs. I guess you found a good solution. Jason04 I never thought that we would be able to stop fighting the gangs. My father told me how you got them to promise to leave us alone. You know, I thought I always wanted to go adventuring, but I think that I like . . . well, the --- feeling of security here now. No more worrying about the gangs suddenly attacking and wondering who's going to be killed. Jason06->Jason08 Yes, there's quite a bit of danger out there. Jason06->Jason07 Not really. Jason15 Yeah, I noticed that you don't have a bedroll or anything. It must get pretty dirty and uncomfortable out there. Jason06->Jason15 As someone once wrote, 'Adventure is someone else far away having a very unpleasant time.' Jason10 I wish that I could go adventuring sometime. Jason14->Jason10 Jason11 I never though about that. I rather like having clean water and a place to stay. Jason15->Jason11 Jason09 Yeah, the Hub guards said that there are lots of radioactive mutant things living in the desert. Monster hunting must be a real blast! Jason09->Jason10 Yes, it's a real kick! Jason09->Jason11 No; it's more of a pain. Venom, bites, radiation . . . it's deadly. Jason22->Jason20 All right, let's get out of here! Jason22->Jason21 No way. You got yourself into this, you get out.