JCHIDMEM start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Why are you doing this? We will do you no harm! start->talk_p_proc flee_dude critter_p_proc->flee_dude sleeping critter_p_proc->sleeping Child00 We offer healing of the body to heal the spirit. Can I help you? talk_p_proc->Child00 map_update_p_proc Child04 We require a donation of $ --- before we can heal you. Is this acceptable? --- Will you take, $ --- ? --- You are wounded. --- I see you are poisoned. --- Hmm, some radiation poisoning. Unfortunately, we cannot cure that. --- You do not have any condition that needs assistance. Child00->Child04 Yes. Help me. Child11 We are the Children of the Cathedral. We live and work amongst those unfortunates living in the wasteland. If you ever get to the Boneyard, stop by the cathedral. Child00->Child11 Who are you people? Child15 They donated this house to us, in order that we might spread the word and perform our duty as healers. Child00->Child15 What happened to the people who were here before you? Child01 That is fine, my child. We will examine you now. Child00->Child01 Uhn ChildEnd child_heal child_pois Child04->ChildEnd No. Child04a Child04->Child04a Yes. Child09 If you donate all you can, we will heal you. Is this acceptable? Child04->Child09 But I don't have that kind of money! Child11->ChildEnd Thank you. Child12 We are the healers and teachers of peace. We heal the body to heal the spirit. All we ask is a small donation to pay for our healing supplies. Child11->Child12 What do you do? Child15->ChildEnd That was awfully kind of them. Thanks. Child16 Whatever that heathen soul feels is no concern of the Children. We are here to do our duty, and it shall be done. Child15->Child16 Isn't Doc Morbid upset about this? Child01->child_heal Child03 You have been healed. Be more careful in the future. Child01->Child03 Child02 Blessed are the meek of mind. There is nothing wrong with you my child. Run along and play. Child01->Child02 Child08 You do not have enough money. If you donate all you can, we will heal you. Is this acceptable? Child04a->Child08 Child06 Thank you, my son. Let us pray for your healing --- Thank you, my daughter. Let us pray for your healing. Child04a->Child06 Child09->ChildEnd No. Child09a Child09->Child09a Yes. Child08->ChildEnd No. Child08->Child06 Yes. Child07 There you go. Peace and blessings of the Children with you. Child06->Child07 Blessed are the meek of mind. There is nothing wrong with you my child. Run along and play. Child05 The Children do not haggle. Now, will you accept our price? Child05a Child05->Child05a Yes. Of course I will Child05b Child05->Child05b You can bite me! Child05a->Child08 Child05a->Child06 Child05b->ChildEnd Child07->child_heal Child07->child_pois Child09a->Child06 Child10 You have more than enough to make the donation. You need schooling in math, my child. Child09a->Child10 Child10->Child06 Blessed are the meek of mind. There is nothing wrong with you my child. Run along and play. Child14 It is the most holy of ideas. We are working towards ultimate peace in the wasteland. All creatures shall live as one. Child12->Child14 Sounds like a good idea to me. Child13 We did not ask you. I can tell you are tired of listening to our beliefs. If you need anything else, we will be here. Child12->Child13 Sounds like a load of crap to me. Child14->ChildEnd Thank you. Good day. Child16->ChildEnd Uh, gee, thanks. Bye. Child17 Why are you doing this? We will do you no harm! get_reaction ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes