JEREM start You see Jeremiah, a messenger for the Children. pre_dialogue start->pre_dialogue jerem29 Hey! I told you were not allowed down here! Guards! start->jerem29 pre_dialogue->jerem29 do_dialogue pre_dialogue->do_dialogue jeremcbt jerem29->jeremcbt checkarea do_dialogue->checkarea jerem00 Excuse me, brother. You startled me. How may I serve the Master? --- Excuse me, sister. You startled me. How may I serve the Master? do_dialogue->jerem00 do_dialogue->jerem00 jerem26 You act very strangely. I do not believe that you are who you say you are. Guards! do_dialogue->jerem26 jerem23 Yes, my brother. How may I be of service? --- Yes, my sister. How may I be of service? do_dialogue->jerem23 jerem28 You ask too many questions.  I do not believe that you are who you say you are. Guards! do_dialogue->jerem28 do_dialogue->jerem28 do_dialogue->jerem28 jerem13 Who are you and what are you doing down here? do_dialogue->jerem13 jerem19 How did you get in here?! What are you doing sneaking around? do_dialogue->jerem19 jerem20 Stop! You have no business being here! do_dialogue->jerem20 jerem01 Ah, yes, a super mutant in training. I will return to my tasks. jerem00->jerem01 Quip! jerem00a jerem00->jerem00a What are you doing? jerem26->jeremcbt jeremend jerem23->jeremend Just serve the Master. That's all I ask. Brother. jerem23->jeremend Sorry, wrong guy. All you guys look the same in these robes. jerem23->jeremcbt You can serve me by dying, you whacked out bastard! jerem24 I transfer the human purity reports for the surrounding areas. jerem23->jerem24 What is it that you do here, brother? jerem28->jeremcbt jerem19a jerem13->jerem19a jerem19->jerem19a jerem20->jerem01 Duh? jerem20->jeremcbt No. Killing is my business and business is good. jerem12 I do not know who you are, and you do not belong here. Guards!!! jerem20->jerem12 Sorry. I'm lost. I'll leave now. jerem15 Morpheus would not send a slag like you on such a mission. Guards!! jerem20->jerem15 But I do have business here. Morpheus sent me on a mission for the Master. jerem20a jerem20->jerem20a I followed a suspicious looking character down here. Have you seen him? jerem03 Transferring the reports, of course. jerem00a->jerem03 jerem02 If you do not know, it is none of your concern. If you are inquiring about something you should not know, then I will have to report you to our supervisors. You should know better. jerem00a->jerem02 jerem07 It is obvious you do not belong here. Who are you? jerem03->jerem07 And a mighty fine job you're doing. jerem03a jerem03->jerem03a Reports of what? If I may ask. jerem03->jeremend That is all. Thank you. jerem02a jerem02->jerem02a I am a person of high importance. jerem04 Very well, then. Peace be with you. jerem02->jerem04 I'm sorry to have bothered you. jerem02->jerem04 I am new here. jerem02b jerem02->jerem02b Who the hell are you to be asking me questions?! You're lucky I don't report you to the holy flame!! jerem05 I apologize. How may I be of service? jerem02a->jerem05 jerem02a->jerem07 jerem02b->jerem05 jerem06 Guards!!! jerem02b->jerem06 jerem05->jerem03 What is it you are doing? jerem05a jerem05->jerem05a You can start by answering my question. jerem05->jeremcbt You can die! jerem07->jerem01 Quip! jerem07->jerem06 I am actually a Vault Dweller and would like to speak to the Master. jerem07->jeremcbt No, I don't belong here. But I know where this bullet belongs... in your head. jerem10 That's rather odd... I've never heard of you. jerem07->jerem10 I am Loki. An initiate from the south. jerem06->jeremcbt jerem08 I transfer the human purity reports for the surrounding areas. But you should know this. [looking suspicious] Who are you? jerem03a->jerem08 jerem09 You ask too many questions. Who are you? jerem03a->jerem09 jerem09a jerem08->jerem09a jerem09->jerem09a jerem05a->jerem08 jerem05a->jerem12 jerem12->jeremcbt jerem08a jerem10->jerem08a I was sent here by Morpheus with a message for the Master. jerem11 Please forgive me. I apologize for questioning you. Please carry on about your business, and if I can be of any service let me know. jerem10->jerem11 I am of the High Order. Only the Master and Morpheus know of me in order to ensure my safety on the outside. But I have been called back by order of the Master. jerem09a->jerem12 It is none of your business who I am... just answer my questions! jerem09a->jerem08a I was sent here by Morpheus with a message for the Master. jerem09a->jerem11 You are not to know who I am, it is the wish of the Master. jerem08b jerem09a->jerem08b You dare question who I am? Fool, I should strike you down where you stand. jerem08a->jerem12 jerem08a->jerem11 jerem08b->jerem06 jerem08b->jerem11 jerem19a->jeremcbt Looking for a lonely soul to send to heaven. jerem14 You are not allowed in this area. Only Servitors and higher allowed down here. Return to the Cathedral proper. jerem19a->jerem14 I am a worshiper and I am lost. jerem19a->jerem15 Morpheus sent me with a message for the Master. jerem16 You idiot! You are not allowed in this area. Return to the Cathedral proper at once! jerem19a->jerem16 Urk! jerem14->jeremcbt OK, but not before I split your head open. jeremret jerem14->jeremret I apologize for any trouble I have caused. jerem14a jerem14->jerem14a May I ask you some questions before I leave? jerem17 I transfer records for the Master. That is all you need to know, my child. Now, you must leave. jerem14a->jerem17 jerem18 No, you may not ask me any questions. Now leave. jerem14a->jerem18 jerem18a jerem17->jerem18a jerem18->jerem18a jerem15->jeremcbt jerem18a->jeremcbt I'll leave. I'll leave. But not until I blow your brains out. jerem18a->jerem12 I just wish to ask you a few more questions. jerem18a->jeremret I will leave now. jerem16->jerem19 Hunh. jerem16->jeremcbt Nah. jerem16->jeremret Akay. jerem20a->jerem12 jerem21 No, I have not seen anyone. What did he look like? jerem20a->jerem21 jerem21->jeremcbt He looked just like you, shit-for-brains! jerem21->jerem12 Doesn't matter. I think he got away. jerem21->jerem12 It was a short little green man. jerem21a jerem21->jerem21a He was about your height but was wearing a leather jacket... What do you have on under those robes? jerem21a->jerem12 jerem22 Um... I... I... You don't actually think it's m... me?  How ridiculous. I've never! jerem21a->jerem22 jerem22->jerem12 Yes! I do think it was you! Get down on the ground and spread 'em! jerem22->jeremret Ok. I'll be leaving then, but let me know if you see anything... jerem22->jerem18 No, I don't believe it was you but may I ask you some questions? jerem24->jerem26 I would like to ask you a few more questions, brother. jerem24->jeremend That is all. Thank you. jerem25 Why, yes. I am the one who brings the Master the news of new, untainted humans untouched by radiation. I was the one who brought the Master the final news of a possible Lost Vault. It may still have pure-straing humans in it. jerem24->jerem25 Yes, and a very important job it is. And do you understand the importance of your duties to the Master and all of us? jerem25->jerem26 I would like to ask you a few other questions. jerem25->jerem26 You wouldn't know a pure-strain human if he was standing right in front of you. Idiot. jerem25->jeremend Yes, my brother. You do understand. Thank you. That is all. jerem27 Yes, my brother. How may I be of service? --- Yes, my sister. How may I be of service? jerem27->jerem28 What is it that you do here, brother? jerem27->jeremend Just serve the Master. That's all I ask. Brother. jerem27->jeremend Sorry, wrong guy. All you guys look the same in these robes. jerem27->jeremcbt You can serve me by dying, you whacked out bastard!