JON Start look_at_p_proc You see Jon Zimmerman, mayor of Adytum. --- You see middle aged man in civilian clothing. description_p_proc You see Jon Zimmerman, mayor of Adytum. --- You see middle aged man in civilian clothing. talk_p_proc I have no time for idiots. Get out of here. get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Zim00 What do you want? talk_p_proc->Zim00 Zim01 talk_p_proc->Zim01 Zim24 Have you done it?!? Is she dead? Is she dead? talk_p_proc->Zim24 Zim27 Yeah, what do you want? talk_p_proc->Zim27 Zim17 What?! You again? What do you want now? talk_p_proc->Zim17 Zim19 Why haven't you taken care of it yet? talk_p_proc->Zim19 Zim21 Have you done it?! Is she dead? Is she dead? talk_p_proc->Zim21 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Zim00->Zim01 Who are you? Zim13 I have no time for idiots. Get out of here. Zim00->Zim13 Fluup. Zim01->Zim13 Fluup. Zim02 I might . . . Have you ever dealt with a vicious murdering band of thieves before? Zim01->Zim02 Your guards said you had a job for me. Zim14 I might just ignore that remark if you've come here to solve my problem for me. Zim01->Zim14 I don't like your attitude, old man. Zim26 [As he listens to the holodisk he begins to shake and turn red. You think he might drop dead on the spot from sheer hate.] I'll kill all of you fucking bastards! Zim01->Zim26 I have something you should listen to about your son. ZimEnd Zim01->ZimEnd Nothing. damage_p_proc destroy_p_proc critter_p_proc You bastard! You've brought the devils in to our home! pickup_p_proc Zim03 Uh . . . You've dealt with gangs before ? Zim03a Zim04 Good, then you know how ruthless and bloodthirsty they can be. The Blades are the worst of them all, I'm afraid. We're a humble, god fearing town that is only trying to survive, and these . . . these . . . monsters . . . prey on us . . . [He whispers under his breath] and our children . . . Zim05 Well, the Regulators keep them from attacking us outright, but it's all they can do to keep our little community safe. They try to sneak in at night to kill our citizens, or to, to kidnap our children . . . and . . . [He stops a moment to compose himself before continuing] Just last week one of them burst through the north gate in the middle of the night with dynamite strapped to his body to blow up the Regulator's barracks . . . no doubt to weaken us enough so that they could launch a full scale attack. Zim06 Luckily, the Regulators killed him before he could complete his plan. I saw his body myself. Zim07 I'll give you 2000 caps to kill their leader! I want that bitch's head! Zim08 They'll fall apart without her . . . her . . . vile influence. Zim08a BottomReact Zim08a->BottomReact Zim09 She had my son kidnapped, tortured and killed. They left him impaled on a post right outside the gates. Zim10 Thank the gods. Finally, my son shall be avenged. The Blades camp is to the north of here. Come back when you've done the job. Zim11 It was the middle of the night, as I told you. I was asleep. Luckily, the Regulators usually catch these barbarians before they even make it inside our town. Zim12 Get out of here then! If you won't help Adytum, Adytum has no need for you! Zim12->BottomReact Zim15 Have you ever dealt with a vicious, murdering band of thieves before? Zim16 What would be convenient would be to put an end to their foulness once and for all! Zim18 [He looks at you warily.] . . . The Blades camp is to the north of here. Come back when you've done the job, and I'll pay you 2000 caps. Zim20 Well, work faster. Don't bother me again until you've ended her miserable life! Zim22 Thank the gods!!! Here's your money. You'll always be welcome in Adytum, my son. TopReact Zim22->TopReact Zim23 Finally she knows the taste of hell fire! Bless you, my son. [He wipes away a tear]. Here's an extra 500 caps for putting in the extra effort. You'll always be welcome here. Zim23->TopReact Zim25 I've had enough of your impudence! Is she dead or not?! LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes