JTGENGRD start critter_p_proc You're in trouble now . . . --- Hey! What do you think you're doing? start->critter_p_proc description_p_proc He looks like an experienced guardsman. start->description_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Put that weapon away, or face the consequences! --- You Skulz are under arrest! start->timed_event_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction JTGenGrd18 Okay, that's enough warnings. Leave town, now, and never return, or face the consequences! talk_p_proc->JTGenGrd18 JTGenGrd00 You'd better put that away. Junktown is a friendly place, friend, and we want to keep it that way. talk_p_proc->JTGenGrd00 JTGenGrd06 Hey! You! What are you doing sneaking around? talk_p_proc->JTGenGrd06 JTGenGrd19 The guard stares at you for a moment. You see a look of recognition on his face, and then he pulls his weapon. talk_p_proc->JTGenGrd19 JTGenGrd09 talk_p_proc->JTGenGrd09 JTGenGrd16 talk_p_proc->JTGenGrd16 JTGenGrd20 talk_p_proc->JTGenGrd20 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel DownReact JTGenGrd00->DownReact JTGenGrd01 Your weapon, idiot. Killian won't take your arms away, but you'd better damn well keep them in your holster. JTGenGrd00->JTGenGrd01 Put what away? JTGenGrd00a JTGenGrd00->JTGenGrd00a Don't tell me what to do, loser boy. JTGenGrdEnd JTGenGrd00->JTGenGrdEnd Keep up the good work. JTGenGrd00b JTGenGrd00->JTGenGrd00b Sounds fair. By the way, what is the local law regarding weapons? JTGenGrd05 Hey you, no weapons! And I don't care if your momma dropped you on your head as a kid. No weapons. JTGenGrd00->JTGenGrd05 Uh,oh. JTGenGrd07 Whatever you're doing, don't do it in this town. JTGenGrd06->JTGenGrd07 Nothing. JTGenGrd06->JTGenGrd07 Uhhh. JTGenGrd06a JTGenGrd06->JTGenGrd06a I'm not sneaking around. I just like to walk cautiously. damage_p_proc DownReact->ReactToLevel JTGenGrd02 You'd better behave, since it's the law, and I enforce the law. Put your weapon away, don't draw it unless in self-defense, and you won't have a problem with us guards. Disobey the law, and we will return you to the lawless wasteland - dead or alive. JTGenGrd01->JTGenGrd02 Oh, sorry. JTGenGrd01a JTGenGrd01->JTGenGrd01a No way! I'm not putting down my shooters for nobody! JTGenGrd00a->DownReact JTGenGrd00a->JTGenGrd02 UpReact JTGenGrd00b->UpReact JTGenGrd04 Good you asked. No weapons can be drawn except in self-defense. If you start a fight, it's your fault. Other than that, it's your right to go around armed. Just don't pull a knife or gun without just cause. Have a good day. JTGenGrd00b->JTGenGrd04 JTGenGrd02->JTGenGrdEnd Sure, since you put it that way. JTGenGrd02a JTGenGrd02->JTGenGrd02a Bite your laws! UpReact->ReactToLevel JTGenGrd01a->JTGenGrd02 JTGenGrd03 Well, uh, fine with me. But you'd better be careful. JTGenGrd01a->JTGenGrd03 JTGenGrd06a->JTGenGrd07 JTGenGrd08 Well, uh, ok. Whatever. Just don't do anything out of line. JTGenGrd06a->JTGenGrd08 JTGenGrd08->JTGenGrdEnd Thanks, bye. JTGenGrd08a JTGenGrd08->JTGenGrd08a Certainly. I will throw caution to the wind, sir. JTGenGrd08->JTGenGrd08a Certainly. I will throw caution to the wind, ma'am. JTGenGrd08a->DownReact JTGenGrd08a->UpReact LevelToReact BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes