JTRAIDER start critter_p_proc You might be able to sneak up on the raider if you're careful. start->critter_p_proc damage_p_proc Your carefully-placed blow knocks the raider unconscious. He collapses like a rag doll. start->damage_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a raider who seems crazed. start->look_at_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc The raider, intent upon his business, ignores you. start->talk_p_proc timed_event_p_proc start->timed_event_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Raider34 You just cost this whore her life! talk_p_proc->Raider34 Raider0 That's it! Don't come any closer. I'll off her. I swear. talk_p_proc->Raider0 Raider17 Just leave me alone. I hate you! You are the devil. I won't listen to you. talk_p_proc->Raider17 Raider9 Stay back . . . I don't want to hurt her, but I will. talk_p_proc->Raider9 Raider21 Where do we go from here? talk_p_proc->Raider21 Raider31 You seem like a liar and a cheat to me. talk_p_proc->Raider31 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel RaiderSnap Raider34->RaiderSnap Raider1 What? You just want to kill me, don't you? Just remember, this is your fault. Raider0->Raider1 Nung! Raider2 Any why not? She's just a whore. Raider0->Raider2 Don't do it! Raider8 Oh, big man. Let's see you try. But first . . . --- Oh, big woman. Let's see you try. But first . . . Raider0->Raider8 If you don't let her go, I'm gonna kill you. Raider4 What world do you live in? Out here in the real world, blood flows, man. Blood flows, and it's gonna spill all over this room if you don't get out of here. Raider0->Raider4 There is no need for violence. Let's talk about this. Raider17a Raider17->Raider17a Have it your way. Raider18 There you go again, threatening me. Die!! Raider17->Raider18 You have to hear me out. Your life, and the life of the girl, depend on it. Raider17b Raider17->Raider17b Just relax. I won't harm you. I just want to listen to what you have to say. Raider10 Try it, and she dies first. Now, what were you saying? Raider9->Raider10 Don't, or I'll have to hurt you. Raider14 She laughed at me. They all laughed at me. I'll make 'em pay, I swear. Raider9->Raider14 Why do you want to hurt her? Raider22 I want some money, and I want to get out of here peacefully. No one follows me. Raider21->Raider22 You tell me. You're in charge. Raider32 No! Don't tell me what to do! You can't tell me what to do! Raider31->Raider32 Feeling's mutual bud. Let the girl go. Raider33 Yeah, I'm gonna show you. Raider31->Raider33 Why don't you pick on me instead of her? See what a real man can do. Raider31->Raider33 Why don't you pick on me instead of her? See what a real woman can do. Raider1->RaiderSnap Raider3 No. No way. Not this bitch. Raider2->Raider3 She has as much right to live as you do. Raider8->RaiderSnap Raider5 Geez, that's funny. Who says I want help? Raider4->Raider5 We can talk this over. What can I do to help? Raider7 Yeah. Don't try anything, or she gets it. Raider4->Raider7 Ok, ok. I'm backing off. You don't have to worry about me. DownReact Raider3->DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel Raider6 I gotta think about this. Give me a moment. Raider5->Raider6 You do. By holding this woman hostage, you're asking for help. I can help. UpReact Raider6->UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel Raider11 What hole? Raider10->Raider11 It'll be hard to hurt her with that hole in your head. Raider10a Raider10->Raider10a Ok, but you got to keep talking to me. Raider14a Raider14->Raider14a I trust you. Let's work through this, ok? RaiderCombat Raider11->RaiderCombat The one I'm gonna put there right now. Raider12 I'll keep talking as long as you do, but try anything tricky, and she'll take the fall. Raider10a->Raider12 Raider13 I don't have to do anything. You got to do it, and you ain't doing so hot. Raider10a->Raider13 Raider16 You sound like an all right kind of guy. No one ever wanted to help me before. I think we can talk some more. --- You sound like an all right kind of gal. No one ever wanted to help me before. I think we can talk some more. Raider14a->Raider16 Raider15 Maybe. I dunno. Raider14a->Raider15 Raider18->RaiderSnap Raider20 You might have a point. Prove it to me. Raider17b->Raider20 Raider19 I won't listen to you. You're just going to trick me with your words. I don't believe you. Go away. Raider17b->Raider19 Raider20->UpReact Raider23 You lied to me! Raider22->Raider23 Sorry, we can't do that. Raider24 Ok. I want $100. Then we walk out of here. No one follows me, and I'll let her go when we get to the edge of town. Raider22->Raider24 Sure. Raider22a Raider22->Raider22a No money, but you can just walk away. No one will do anything. I promise. Raider27 I don't like it. What stops you from just shooting me in the back when I walk out of here? Raider22->Raider27 Ok, but you have to let the girl go first. Show me some trust, and I'll trust you. Raider23->RaiderSnap Raider24a Raider24->Raider24a Here's your money. Raider25 Then I guess she gets it. Raider24->Raider25 I don't have that kind of cash on me. Raider22a->Raider23 Raider26 That's ok, I guess. Raider22a->Raider26 Raider28 No way! I don't trust you! Raider27->Raider28 I won't shoot you. Trust me. Raider27a Raider27->Raider27a Nothing, you'll just have to believe what I say. safe Raider26->safe Raider24a->Raider23 Raider24a->safe Raider25->RaiderSnap Raider28->RaiderSnap Raider27a->Raider28 Raider29 All right. We'll see what happens, won't we. Raider27a->Raider29 Raider29a Raider29->Raider29a Here's $100. Have a good day. Raider30 I want my money. I want $200. Raider29->Raider30 You can leave peacefully. Raider29a->Raider23 Raider29a->safe Raider30->Raider23 I don't have enough money. Raider30a Raider30->Raider30a Here you go. Raider30a->Raider23 Raider30a->safe Raider32->RaiderSnap Raider33->RaiderCombat Raiderend LevelToReact BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes