KATJA start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc use_obj_on_p_proc First you tell me who you are. start->use_obj_on_p_proc talk_p_proc You gain 200 experience points for picking up Katja, the Boneyard scav. start->talk_p_proc timed_event_p_proc start->timed_event_p_proc map_commentary There's something funny about that bookcase on the east wall. Looks like it's hiding something. --- It's unlocked. --- That food smells good. --- Thanks for your help. You can go now. --- I'm really starting to hate this place. --- I hate dogs. --- Oh, ugh. I think I'm gonna be sick. --- Hey, that wall with the tear in the plaster looks like it could move. --- Watch out for Deathclaws! critter_p_proc->map_commentary Katja28 What do you want now? talk_p_proc->Katja28 Katja24 What's up? talk_p_proc->Katja24 Katja25 You again? What're you back for now? talk_p_proc->Katja25 Katja01 You're not from around here. Who're you? --- The name's --- . talk_p_proc->Katja01 pick_lock talk_p_proc->pick_lock follow_player timed_event_p_proc->follow_player KatjaExit I'm sorry but I just don't understand you. Good bye. Katja28->KatjaExit Hubba hubba! KatjaEnd Katja28->KatjaEnd Nothing. Never mind. Katja20 All right, looks like we've got a little ass-kicking to do! Katja28->Katja20 I changed my mind. I'd still like your help. Katja24->KatjaEnd Nothing yet. But stay tuned. Katja24->KatjaEnd Nothing yet. But stay tuned. set_lock Katja24->set_lock Can you give this lock a try? Katja24->set_lock Can you give this lock a try? KatjaTactics Can I ask you some questions? Katja24->KatjaTactics Huh. Guess I can't argue with that logic. So waddya want? Katja26 I learned how to be a scrapper from my time in the Boneyard. I'm good with knives and submachine guns. My favorite is throwing knives, of course. Katja24->Katja26 What kinds of combat skills do you have? Katja27 All right, although I don't feel right without a good knife. Katja24->Katja27 Put your weapons away. KatjaLeave Katja24->KatjaLeave Thanks for your help. You can go now. Katja24->KatjaLeave Leave! Katja25->KatjaExit Hubba hubba! Katja25->KatjaEnd Just wanted to stop and say hello. Katja10 Katja25->Katja10 I have a few more questions if you can spare some time. Katja02 And what, may I ask, are you doing in the Boneyards? Katja01->Katja02 I'm a traveler. Katja05 You might, but you're on my home turf, not vice-versa. So put up or shut up. --- The name's --- . Katja01->Katja05 I might ask the same of you. Katja01->KatjaExit Hubba hubba! Katja03 You learn to be careful out here. So what are you doing here? Katja02->Katja03 You ask a lot of questions. Katja04 All right, fair enough. I'm called Katja. What's it matter to you? Katja02->Katja04 First you tell me who you are. Katja07 Just a traveler. I've heard that one before. Nobody comes to the Boneyard except those Hub merchants and people looking for a quick death at the hands of the gangs. What are you really here for? Katja02->Katja07 I'm just an explorer. Katja06 A water purification chip? Sorry, don't know anything about that. Don't see much of that kind of tech here in the Boneyards, except maybe the stuff Miles works on. Katja02->Katja06 I'm looking for a replacement water chip for my Vault. Katja05->Katja07 It's not important, I'm just a traveler. I need some information. Katja05->KatjaEnd Hey, if you're going to be rude about it, then I'll see you later. Katja03->Katja04 First you tell me who you are. Katja03->Katja07 I'm just an explorer. Katja03->Katja06 I'm looking for a replacement water chip for my Vault. Katja21 Look, 90% of the people in this city fall into one or more of three categories - rapists, murderers, or thieves. I'm a thief and you actually seem polite, so that makes me wonder, okay? Call it a survival instinct. Katja04->Katja21 Why so hostile? Katja09 Maybe. You definitely aren't one of those gangland shiv-shovers. What do you want? Katja04->Katja09 I'm looking for information. Can you help? Katja04->KatjaEnd Hey, if you're going to be rude about it, then I'll see you later. Katja07->Katja06 You're right. I'm looking for a water purification chip. Katja08 Damn straight. But that's a two-way street. Katja07->Katja08 I don't need to tell you anything. Katja06->KatjaEnd Well, thanks anyhow. Katja11 Miles lives in Adytum. He's a scientist, mostly working with chemistry. If anyone could scrounge up a water chip or make a replacement, it would be him. Katja06->Katja11 Miles? Where can I find him, and could he help? Katja06->Katja10 Can you tell me more about the Boneyards, then? Katja21->KatjaEnd Sorry to step on your feet then. I guess I'll just go the hell away. Katja22 Okay, but make it quick. Katja21->Katja22 Well, can I at least ask a few questions? Katja23 Huh. Guess I can't argue with that logic. So waddya want? Katja21->Katja23 I'm not from around here, so I don't think I count. Katja09->Katja06 I'm looking for a water purification chip. Katja09->Katja10 I need more information about the Boneyard. Katja17 The Boneyard is a pretty hostile place. I've never had the opportunity to leave, though I suppose I'd take it. Let's see . . . just south of here you have the Cathedral. There's some sort of cult there, but I stay away from them. Something sinister is going on there. Also, I've heard about the trading center called the Hub, and caravans occasionally show up, but I've never been there. Katja09->Katja17 I need to know about the area around this city. Katja11->KatjaEnd Thanks very much. Katja12 Adytum is my original home. A little too boring for me, though. It's a fenced-off and self-sufficient town in the south end of the Boneyard, but not as far as the Cathedral. We trade sometimes with the Hub. Katja11->Katja12 What can you tell me about Adytum? Katja10->KatjaEnd Well, it was nice chatting. Gotta go. Katja10->Katja17 I need to know about the area around this city. Katja13 I've dealt with them before. They're not too bad, as far as gangs go. They have a hide-out in an old club, with some outposts. If you're careful you might even be able to get some of them to talk. Katja10->Katja13 What can you tell me about the Blades? Katja15 The Gun Runners used to be a real gang, but they went soft. They started setting up a deal where they trade weapons that they get from their victims or buy from the Hub. Since nobody here is up for the trip to the Hub personally, they do pretty good business, even though their prices are high. Katja10->Katja15 What can you tell me about the Gun Runners? Katja16 The Followers of the Apocalypse are a group of peace-preachers who live in a large library near the heart of the Boneyard. Why they haven't been wiped out yet I can't say. They are lousy combatants and have no understanding of the real world, but other than that they are polite and well-educated. Katja10->Katja16 What can you tell me about the Followers? Katja10->Katja12 What can you tell me about Adytum? Katja17->KatjaEnd Thanks for the information. Katja17->Katja10 Can you tell me some more? Katja18 No kidding. If you're looking for another hand, I'll sign on. Better than spending the rest of my existence in this hellhole, right? Katja17->Katja18 I don't plan to stay in this place too much longer, myself. Katja13->Katja10 Katja15->Katja10 Katja16->Katja10 Katja12->Katja10 Katja14 The Rippers are just plain ferocious. They're an inbred bunch that delights in torture and murder. I stay away from them, and you should, too. They actually put fuckin' land mines around their fortress. Katja14->Katja10 Katja18->KatjaEnd Don't worry about it. Thanks anyhow. Katja18->Katja10 Can I ask some more questions first? Katja18->Katja20 You're a welcome addition, but the desert's not much more fun. Katja19 This area's overrun with the three gangs - the Blades, Rippers, and Gun Runners - as well as serving as home for the Followers and for my own home, Adytum. Katja19->Katja10 Katja22->Katja10 Katja23->Katja06 I'm looking for a water purification chip. Can you help? Katja23->Katja09 Can I ask you some questions? Katja23->KatjaEnd Thanks anyhow, but I'll be going now. KatjaClose KatjaTactics->KatjaClose I'm looking for a water purification chip. Can you help? KatjaModerate KatjaTactics->KatjaModerate Thanks anyhow, but I'll be going now. KatjaFar KatjaTactics->KatjaFar What's up? Katja27->Katja24