KILLIAN start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Killian. start->look_at_p_proc map_enter_p_proc I'm here to take you in, Gizmo. This time, I've got the proof I need. start->map_enter_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Can I help you? --- Well, howdy! What can I do for you today? --- You gain 500 experience points for securing Gizmo's confession. start->talk_p_proc sleeping critter_p_proc->sleeping get_stuff_from_safe talk_p_proc->get_stuff_from_safe Killian89 You moved against Gizmo without evidence. Y'know, he wasn't on the up-and-up, but neither are you. Go see Lars. talk_p_proc->Killian89 get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Killian30 Well, congratulations. You just earned yourself a night in a cell. Boys . . . talk_p_proc->Killian30 talk_p_proc->Killian30 Killian31 Now what the Uncle Sam-hell do you think you're doing here? talk_p_proc->Killian31 Killian29 It's obvious your mama didn't teach you manners. Am I gonna have to? talk_p_proc->Killian29 Killian42 You leaving so soon? Better pay first. talk_p_proc->Killian42 Killian43 This is not something I take as a joke. Now. Pay up. talk_p_proc->Killian43 Killian44 All right. Fine. Let's see if a night in the locker will cool you off a bit. talk_p_proc->Killian44 Killian47 Listen. Thanks for saving my life. It's a mighty brave thing to do. Looks like we got ourselves a situation here. I know Gizmo's behind this, but I need proof.  You interested in helpin'? talk_p_proc->Killian47 Killian54 So, did you get the evidence? talk_p_proc->Killian54 Killian24 Well, howdy! What can I do for you today? talk_p_proc->Killian24 Killian26 You again. What do you want now? talk_p_proc->Killian26 Killian01 Welcome to Junktown, stranger. What can I help you with? --- Hello, darlin'. What can I get ya? --- What do you want? --- Can I help you? talk_p_proc->Killian01 put_stuff_in_safe talk_p_proc->put_stuff_in_safe Killian_barter talk_p_proc->Killian_barter I want to buy something. Killianx talk_p_proc->Killianx I'd better go. talk_p_proc->Killianx Nu-uhh? ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Killianx1 Killian30->Killianx1 Killian34 Uh, no. You got stupid. Get out of here! Killian31->Killian34 Uh . . . I got lost? Killian32 You're damn straight this is my place! Now get the hell out before I make your head a wall decoration! Killian31->Killian32 Oh, this is your place? Killian35 An honest thief. Hmpf. Well, I'm still gonna have to take you in. Come along quietly and you won't get hurt. Killian31->Killian35 Well . . . I broke in. Killian42->Killianx Killian43->Killianx Killian44->Killianx1 Killian48 Now, if I get proof, the people of Junktown will kick him out. Way I figure it, you need to either plant a bug at his place or wear a wire and get him to confess to you. Can you handle that? Killian47->Killian48 Me? What do you need me for? Killian50 It'll work best if it's you. Gizmo doesn't know you, so he might trust you. Or, at least he'll have a hard time blaming me. Either way, you're the best person for the job. Killian47->Killian50 Can't you get someone else? I'm kinda busy . . . Killian90 You have to wear a recorder and tape Gizmo confessing, or plant this wire tap in his office. Either way, and we got him. Killian47->Killian90 I'm in. Killian47->Killian90 Uh-huh. Killian52 Well, damn. That's too bad. But, you know, I'm gonna have to lock you up until this thing's done. Can't risk Gizmo finding out. Sorry. Killian47->Killian52 Nuh-uh. Killian55 Well, he's not going to come here and confess! You shouldn't even be seen with me until this is done. Now go. Killian54->Killian55 Not yet. But I will, believe me! Killian54->Killian55 Nuh-uh. Killian56 Which, bug or tape? Killian54->Killian56 I sure did. Killian54->Killian56 Uh-huh. killian00 Killian24->killian00 Killian26->killian00 Killian01->killian00 Killian_barter->Killianx Nu-uhh? KillianEnd KillianCbt Killian0a You want to buy something, friend? killian00->Killianx I'd better go. killian00->Killian0a Nu-uhh? Killian02 The name's Killian. Killian Darkwater. I'm the mayor of this fine town. And who might you be? --- I'm --- . --- My name is --- . I come from up north. killian00->Killian02 Who are you? Killian11 Well, Junktown's not much, but it's home. Mostly we trade with people or let 'em forget their troubles for a bit. Of course, we have our share of problems. killian00->Killian11 How about telling me a bit about this town? Killian13 Oh, we got tons to do. The Skum Pitt's on the east side, by the entrance. Great drinkin' place. Gizmo's is near there. And if you're hurtin', Doc Morbid's your man. killian00->Killian13 What's there to do around here? Killian21 Well that's a damn fine coincidence! That's what this store's here for! We got about everything you can need. Let me show you some things over here . . . killian00->Killian21 I want to buy something. Killian22 You bet. May not be as big as some in the Hub, but people usually find what they're looking for. Take a look around . . . killian00->Killian22 Do you own this store? Killian23 You have to wear a recorder and tape Gizmo confessing, or plant this wire tap in his office. Either way, and we got him. killian00->Killian23 What do I have to do to help you get rid of Gizmo? Killian88 Gizmo owns the casino. Named it after himself. Be very careful around him. killian00->Killian88 What do you know about this Gizmo character? Killian02a Killian02->Killian02a What's it to you? DownReactLevel Killian02a->DownReactLevel Killian16 Oh, you obviously have me confused with someone who has to take your lip. Why don't you come back when your mama teaches you some manners. Killian02a->Killian16 Killian03 Not much up that way 'cept desert and Shady Sands. You from there? Killian05 Oh yeah, sure you do. And when you were a baby, your crib was a safe. Killian03->Killian05 No. I come from a Vault, to the west. Killian03aa Killian03->Killian03aa No. My . . . um . . . village is a little west, in the mountains. Killian03ba Killian03->Killian03ba Not really. Is there anything else up there? Killian03ca Killian03->Killian03ca Of course, I come from there, you idiot. Killian04 Yeah, if you say so. So what do you need? Killian05->Killian04 Heh, you got my joke. I actually come from a village not far from Shady Sands. Killian06 Don't feel bad, ain't the worst story I've been told. So . . . what can I do for ya? Killian05->Killian06 No, no. It's called a Vault. It protected us from the war. It's been full of people for 80 years! Killian03aa->Killian04 Killian03aa->DownReactLevel Killian03a Hey, you sound like you're hopin' I'll fill in some gaps for you. Killian03ba->Killian03a Killian03ba->DownReactLevel Killian03ca->DownReactLevel Killian03ca->Killian16 Killian08 Well, travelers tell me there's a bunch of crazies up north called the Vipers. Another group of yahoos out east called the Khans. Neither one of them likely to invite you to supper as anything but the main course, if you know what I mean. Killian03a->Killian08 Killian08->killian00 Thanks. Killian09 Well, ya got the Hub southwest. Don't go south, though. That'd be Necropolis; the, uh . . . climate's bad there, rain or shine. If you understand what I'm saying. Killian08->Killian09 What else is outside Junktown? Killian04->killian00 Killian06->killian00 Killian09->Killianx I'd better be going now. Killian10 Hell, why not. Ask away, friend. --- Yeah, okay. But make it quick, I got work to do. Killian09->Killian10 Well, thanks for the information. Can I ask you a few more questions? Killian09a Killian09->Killian09a You just know everything, don't you? Killian10->killian00 Killian09a->Killian04 Killian09a->DownReactLevel LevelToReact DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Killian11->Killian08 What other cities are around here? Killian12 From outside, we've had the occasional to-do with the Khans. But they've been pretty quiet lately. Inside, trouble's been from the Skulz. And I hear of some strange things happening down by the Hub, but they haven't affected us yet, knock on my mother-in-law's head. Killian11->Killian12 Problems? Killian11->Killian13 What's there to do in this town? Killian11a Killian11->Killian11a Thanks. Killian12->killian00 Killian13b Killian13->Killian13b Thanks. Killian13a Killian13->Killian13a That's all there is to do around here? Killian11a->killian00 Killian13b->killian00 Killian13a->DownReactLevel Killian14 Well, if we're too fast for ya, just pass on by, pal. It is pal, ain't it? Killian13a->Killian14 Killian15 By a damn sight. Killian14->Killian15 Better than nothing, I guess. Killian14->Killian16 Then there won't be anything exciting in town. Killian15->killian00 Killian21->Killian_barter What do I have to do to help you get rid of Gizmo? Killian27 Unless you're gonna pay for that, you'd better put it down. Killian28 You're not too bright, are ya. Boys . . . Killian28->Killianx1 Killianx1->KillianCbt Right . . . I don't think so. Killianx1->KillianCbt Nu-uhh? Killianx3 Killianx1->Killianx3 All right, I'll come along quietly. Killian34->KillianCbt Who's going to make me? You? Don't make me laugh . . . Killianx2 Killian34->Killianx2 Okay. Sorry about the inconvenience. Killian32->KillianCbt You? Wake up, pal, you're still dreaming. Killian32a Killian32->Killian32a Okay, okay, I'm going. Killian35->Killianx1 Killian32a->DownReactLevel Killian32a->Killianx2 Killian36 Like I said . . . Killian37 I already told you . . . Killian38 I already told you . . . Killian39 Are you hearing okay? I said . . . Killian40 Look, if you don't remember, that's tough. Killian41 Listen, I've already told you that numerous times. Killian45 Any more questions? Killian45a Killian45->Killian45a You bet. Killian46 See ya 'round town then. Be careful not to get into too much trouble. Killian45->Killian46 Nope. That's it, thanks. Killian45a->killian00 Killian46->Killianx Killian48->Killian52 Ummm . . . no. Getting involved in other people's problems never works out. Killian49 I'm not gonna lie to you, it will be dangerous. But I'll owe you one, and Killian Darkwater always pays his debts. Killian48->Killian49 Whoa. Sounds kinda dangerous . . . Killian51 I'll tell you what. Anything in the store, even the most expensive, it's yours. No charge. If it's a gun, I'll give you all the ammo you can carry. Does that sound fair? Killian48->Killian51 What do I get in return? Killian50->Killian52 Pass. Getting killed doesn't seem like a fun thing for me. Killian50->Killian51 What do I get out of this? Killian53 All right, I owe you. Here's the bug and the wire tap. You let me know when it's done. And good luck. Killian50->Killian53 Fair enough, I'll do it. Killian90->Killian53 What do I have to do to help you get rid of Gizmo? Killian52->Killianx1 Killian49->Killian50 You sure you can't find someone else? Killian49->Killian52 I don't think so. Sounds too dangerous to me. Killian49->Killian51 What do you mean, 'pays his debts.' Killian51->Killian52 Not even close. I'm not risking my neck for that. Killian51->Killian53 Yeah. I'll do it. Killianx4 Killian53->Killianx4 Killian55->Killianx Killian57 Great! Let me make sure it's working. Killian56->Killian57 The bug. Killian56->Killian57 Nu-uhh? Killian58 Let's hear it. Killian56->Killian58 The confession. soundcheck Loud and clear. We're going to get him. In the mean time, we've got some business . . . Killian57->soundcheck playback That's the first time I've been happy to hear his voice. Thanks, friend.  Now, time for you and me to take care of the other business. Killian58->playback What do I have to do to help you get rid of Gizmo? Killian_give_stuff soundcheck->Killian_give_stuff playback->Killian_give_stuff Killian59 Well, thanks again. Oh, listen, I'm gonna take the guards and run Gizmo and his cronies out of town. I could use another gun. You up for it? Might be good for a laugh. Killian60 Go to Lars at the guard station. He'll fill you in. And listen, this town owes you . . . a lot. Killian59->Killian60 Sure. It'll be worth it just to see him try to walk more than ten feet. Killian59->Killian60 Uh-huh. Killian61 Well, I can pay you the standard rate for mercenary work, 500 caps. Killian59->Killian61 Kinda depends on what you're willing to give me. Killian64 Good luck in your travels. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a fat ass to move. Killian59->Killian64 Again? I don't think so. I've got way too much stuff going on. Killian59->Killian64 Nuh-uh. Killian60->Killianx Killian60->LevelToReact Killian62 Good enough. Go see Lars, he'll give you the details. Killian61->Killian62 Done. Killian63 Listen, that's all I'm offering. Thanks for getting the evidence, but I'm not going to beg for your services. Killian61->Killian63 Sorry, not enough. Killian64->Killianx Killian62->Killianx Killian63->Killian62 All right, I'll do it for that fee. Killian63a Killian63->Killian63a Oh, well. See ya around. Killian63a->DownReactLevel Killian63a->Killian64 Killian65 Gizmo owns the casino. Named it after himself. Be very careful around him. Killian66 Well, that's me. Where have you been? Killian67 Oh, Lars heads up the guards here. He's a good guy. Pretty trustworthy. Killian68 Well Vinnie, he's one of the problem children. He leads a group of punks called the Skulz. Still, they pay rent, and they haven't bothered anyone too much. Killian71 Well, the Khans are a bunch of bullies who live outside to the east. They've been trying to take over Junktown for as long as I can remember, but they never make it past the gates. Killian72 The Vipers are a crazy bunch from up north. They worship snakes, or something. Killian73 That's my store. You need it, I got it. Killian74 Great place to get a cheap room. Not too dirty, either. But don't mess with the owner, Marcelles, she'll pull your arms out if you smart off to her. Killian75 Ah, Gizmo's is the casino by the entrance. I'm surprised you didn't notice it on your way in. You can usually smell the place for miles. But hey, it brings in the tourists. Killian76 That's our resident bar. The food's okay, but the beer's great. The owner, Neil, takes no lip, not even from some of the Raiders that come in. Killian88->Killianx Okay. Killian88->KillianCbt Yeah, he's dangerous. I'm here to kill you for him. Killian88->Killian48 I'll say . . . that fat slob just tried to hire me to kill you. Why don't you do something about him? Killian_give_stuff->Killian59 No thanks. Knowing that Gizmo's going to get his due is thanks enough. Killian_give_stuff->Killian59 Nuh-uh. Killian_give_shotgun Killian_give_stuff->Killian_give_shotgun I'll take a shotgun and shells. Killian_give_armor Killian_give_stuff->Killian_give_armor I'll take a suit of leather armor. Killian_give_doctor_bag Killian_give_stuff->Killian_give_doctor_bag I'll take a doctor's medical kit. Killian_give_stimpaks Killian_give_stuff->Killian_give_stimpaks I'll take all the stimpaks you can spare. Killian_give_shotgun->Killian59 Killian_give_armor->Killian59 Killian_give_doctor_bag->Killian59 Killian_give_stimpaks->Killian59 Killian02b Killian02b->killian00 UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes killian69 Well, Doc owns a little place in the middle of the town. Does a nice patch job if you need it. Fairly reasonable prices. killian70 The Skulz are a bunch of punks who work for Gizmo. They don't cause that much trouble, but me and Lars keep an eye on them. killian76a Not much to say. Doc Morbid's pretty pissed 'cause their prices are lower for medical stuff. They're on the west side. killian77 The Death Claw? Oh, that's a bedtime story. Drinks blood and howls at the full moon. Yeah, right. killian78 Well, the Hub's the main place for trade. Anything you don't find here you'll probably find in the Hub. Not sure how safe it is nowadays, with all those strange things going on. killian79 Shady Sands? That's a little place up to the north. I'd like to do more trading with them. killian80 That city's death. I sent two patrols down there and neither one of them returned. killian81 Well, there are two kinds, the Khans and the Vipers. We usually don't get trouble from the Vipers, and a few of them actually pass through town. The Khans, though, they're a mean bunch. They think they can conquer the world, or some such crap. killian82 Where've you been for the last 100 years? In a closet? My father used to tell me stories about the War. His father was a soldier before starting Junktown. killian83 Well, there're some rumors coming up from the Hub. Caravans disappearing, people being butchered, even some talk of big green monsters who eat human flesh. All sorts of weird stuff. killian84 Nope, I've never heard of anything like that. killian85 No clue. killian86 Ohhh . . . I really couldn't tell ya. killian87 Go talk to Lars. He'll tell you more.