KYLE start look_at_p_proc You see Kyle. --- You see a Knight. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction goto01 Ahh...So you're the one, huh? talk_p_proc->goto01 goto26 Well, I don't know what to tell you. I guess you need to polish up your repair skills a little. I'll keep the unit here for ya. talk_p_proc->goto26 talk_p_proc->goto26 goto23 Hello, were you able to get that part? talk_p_proc->goto23 goto17 Hey, initiate, got anything for me? talk_p_proc->goto17 goto27 Hello agin. Can I help you? talk_p_proc->goto27 goto22 Get lost, I'm busy. talk_p_proc->goto22 smalltalk talk_p_proc->smalltalk do_dialogue do_dialogue->get_reaction do_dialogue->goto01 do_dialogue->goto26 do_dialogue->goto26 do_dialogue->goto23 do_dialogue->goto17 do_dialogue->goto27 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel goto02 Nothing. It's just that no one has ever made it back from the Ancient Order. goto01->goto02 What? goto01->goto02 What? goto13 The moniker's Kyle. I've never met a myth before. goto01->goto13 Well, who are you? gotoend goto26->gotoend Ok. Thank you. Good bye. goto26->gotoend What? goto23->gotoend What? goto24 Great! Here just let me install this into the unit. goto23->goto24 Yes. Here it is. goto25 After all that? Okay, just let me know when you want me to put it in. Then you can get started on repairing it. goto23->goto25 Yes, but I think I'll hold on to it a little while. goto17->gotoend No I haven't even looked into it yet. goto17->gotoend No luck yet. goto17->gotoend What? goto18 No shit. And here I thought you was smart. I told ya that guy had official forms for brains. goto17->goto18 No, I told them you sent me and he wouldn't give me the part. goto27->goto13 Well, who are you? goto04 I fix stuff, run maintenance checks, that sort of crap. goto27->goto04 What do you do here? goto27->gotoend What? goto02->goto04 What do you do here? goto03 Heh, heh. I guess they just wanted to get rid of ya, huh? Well, the jokes on them. goto02->goto03 What? Then why did they send me down there? goto14 To hear Maxson's stories you'd think it was the ninth level of hell. goto02->goto14 It was difficult, but not impossible. goto02->gotoend What? goto13->goto02 What's that supposed to mean? goto13->goto04 What do you do here? goto13->gotoend Neither have I. I'll see you around. goto04->gotoend That sounds like a real good time. I'll see ya later. goto12 I don't think so. Don't even know what one is. goto04->goto12 Could you fix a water chip? goto05 Power armor and anything else that needs fixin'. goto04->goto05 What kind of "stuff"? goto03->goto04 Yeah. Say, what do you do here? goto06 I'd give ya this power armor right here, but it's missing it's Systolic Motivator. It's useless without it. goto03->goto06 Well, the only reason I joined was to get some power armor. goto09 Get the hell out of here, buddy. goto03->goto09 Screw all you guys. I'm leaving. goto15 Not General Maxson, his grandfather, Roger Maxson. I heard you brought back a disk that told what happened to the guys who rebelled against him and went down there to recover the lost technology. --- Yeah, I guess I did. I'm --- , who're you? goto14->goto15 Maxson? General Maxson? goto06->gotoend Well, thanks anyway. goto07 Well, they've got more than enough up in the supply room, but Michael and his damn forms say that this particular suit isn't up to specs. Damn bureaucrats. goto06->goto07 Where could someone get one of those? BottomReact goto09->BottomReact goto12->gotoend Thanks anyway. goto12->goto06 How can I get some power armor without studying for a hundred years? goto12->goto09 What kind of weak mechanic are you, can't even fix a water chip? goto05->goto06 How can I get my hands on some power armor? goto05->goto12 Could you fix a water chip? goto08 You see this eye-piece right here? I had to re-solder it in place, and it don't look as pretty as it needs to for inspection, I guess. goto07->goto08 What do you mean, not up to specs? goto10 Whoa, wait a minute there, fella, that would take a good coupla hours. I'd loan you a manual and my tools, but you'd hafta repair it yourself. goto07->goto10 So if I brought you a Systolic Motivator, would you fix it for me? goto08->goto09 You're right. That looks like crap. I wouldn't be caught dead in that power armor. goto08->goto10 So if I brought you a Systolic Motivator, would you fix it for me? goto11 Heh, well, Rhombus has a couple of 'em. I wouldn't ask him for one, though. Only "the Honored" are supposed to wear these here power suits. Besides, I think he has an unnatural attachment to them. goto10->goto11 Well, besides Michael, where else could I get one? gotopart goto10->gotopart That's fair. I'll be back. goto11->gotopart Hmm. Okay, thanks a lot. goto16 Yeah, lousy bastards. I can't believe they sent you down there like that. goto15->goto16 I'd rather not talk about it. goto16->goto06 And all they gave me for my trouble was a handful of ammo! goto18->gotoend I'm going. goto18->goto09 Watch who you call an idiot. goto18->goto11 What can I do if Michael won't give it to me. goto19 Wella... I got to give you credit for that. But I think you blew your chances with getting it from the supply room. You'll just have to find another way to get it. Or find yourself Power Armor somewares else. goto18->goto19 I was just tryin' to talk it out of Michael. goto19->gotoend OK, see you later. goto19->goto11 Where else can I dig one up? goto20 goto21 Good luck. goto24a OK you're all set to go. Here take this manual. If you have any kind of aptitude with repairing things you should have no problem. Good Luck. goto24->goto24a [more] goto75 combat pre_dialogue pre_dialogue->do_dialogue pre_dialogue->goto22 pre_dialogue->smalltalk LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes