LANCE start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Lance52 Shut up! I don't feel like talking! Talking accomplishes nothing! Talking just bores the hell out of me . . . talk_p_proc->Lance52 Lance49 Just you stay where you are. I don't know if you're in league with those mutants, but if you are, I'll kill you. talk_p_proc->Lance49 Lance02 I don't have anything to say to you. talk_p_proc->Lance02 Lance03 Yeah? What d'ya want this time? talk_p_proc->Lance03 Lance00 Just stay where you are. We've heard about you in Shady Sands and we want no part of you. talk_p_proc->Lance00 Lance01 I heard about you, and I ain't letting you kill me. talk_p_proc->Lance01 Lance04 Hello, stranger. What brings you out in the wastes? Where are you from? talk_p_proc->Lance04 Lance05 Hello, stranger. I'd recommend that you keep on moving, if you know what's good for you. talk_p_proc->Lance05 Lance07 Hello, --- . Am I glad it's you and not some raider! How's it going! I'm Lance, one of the guards over in Shady Sands. Sorry we gave you such a hard time when you first came to town! talk_p_proc->Lance07 Lance06 Hello, --- . I thought you were our friend when you rescued Tandi, but now I hear some real nasty rumors about you. Are they true? talk_p_proc->Lance06 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Lance50 The mutants overran Shady Sands. Must of use are dead. I guess it's only a matter of time before they get the rest of us. Lance49->Lance50 What mutants? Lance49->Lance50 What happened to you? Lance51 I don't care what you say, what you ask. We're all dead! All of us! And I thought the raiders and the rad scorpions were bad . . . they were nothing! Ha! Ha ha ha! Lance49->Lance51 Who are you? Lance49->Lance51 Okay, that's cool. Lance49->Lance51 Ru-huh? Lance14 I don't know what a water chip is. Sorry. Lance03->Lance14 Would you know where I could find a water chip? Lance15 The raiders got her. I'm part of one of the search parties. I think she's at the raider camp south of Shady Sands, but the Khans have the place sealed up like a fortress. Lance03->Lance15 Any sign of Tandi? Lance16 Uh, yeah, but we're handling it a little better since the Khans got their bloody nose. I understand we have you to thank for that. We're grateful. Lance03->Lance16 Any problems with raiders lately? Lance17 We're doing okay. Lance03->Lance17 How are things in Shady Sands? Lance18 I haven't a clue. Idiot. Lance03->Lance18 Hnng! BottomReact Lance00->BottomReact Lance00a Lance00->Lance00a The only part of you that I want is what you're carrying. Strip down. Lance10 I ain't your friend. And if you make a wrong move, I'll spill your innards. You got that? Lance00->Lance10 I'm a man of peace, friend. Lance11 That was then, this is now. What have you done for us lately? I think you better leave before I get ornery. Lance00->Lance11 Hey, didn't I save Tandi and kill off all your radscorpions? Lance12 We like it too. Especially when you're not in it. Now get! Lance00->Lance12 I have no quarrel with Shady Sands. I kinda like the place. Lance13 Man, you musta spent too much time in the Glow! Lance00->Lance13 Herung? Lance01->BottomReact Lance04->Lance14 Would you know where I could find a water chip? Lance04a Lance04->Lance04a Sorry friend, but I get the impression that's a rather dangerous question to answer. Lance22 I've been to Junktown. I think it's southwest of here, but I've been traveling for so many days it's hard to tell. Lance04->Lance22 Know any place good to get supplies? Lance23 Yeah, right. All the Vaults were destroyed, as far as I know. Tell me another one. Lance04->Lance23 I'm from a Vault. Lucky Vault 13! Lance24 That's not what I was asking . . . oh, never mind! Lance04->Lance24 Waaah? Lance07->Lance00a Hi Lance. I used to be a nice person, but then life screwed me. Now strip down and hand over your stuff. Lance07->Lance14 Would you know where I could find a water chip? Lance07->Lance16 Any problems with raiders lately? Lance07->Lance18 Waaah? Lance29 Just heading back to town. You wanna come along? I could use the company. Lance07->Lance29 Hi Lance, what's up? Lance30 A little bit of scavenging. We've found a few abandoned raider bases that haven't been picked clean; I suspect they've been attacking each other. We can always use more ammo and chems. Lance07->Lance30 Don't sweat it, Lance. What are you doing out here alone? Lance06->Lance16 Any problems with raiders lately? Lance06->Lance18 Waaah? Lance25 That's not an answer. They call you assassin, thief, grave-robber. They say you'll kill anyone who gets in your path. Is it true? Lance06->Lance25 People say all sorts of things. Who cares? Lance26 They call you assassin, thief, grave-robber. They say you'll kill anyone who gets in your path. Is it true? Lance06->Lance26 What kind of rumors? Lance28 I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, for now. But a man's only as good as his reputation, and yours could use some work. I hope you'll do something about it before we meet again. Lance06->Lance28 Yeah. They're all true. Now strip down so I can take what you've got. Lance08 Fine. But I'll remember this. Lance00a->Lance08 Lance09 Up yours. Lance00a->Lance09 Lance10->Lance00a Spare me the idle threats, boy. I kill children like you in my sleep. Hand over your belongings, and I may let you live. Lance10->Lance11 Hey, didn't I save Tandi and kill off all your radscorpions? Lance10->Lance12 I have no quarrel with Shady Sands. I kinda like the place. Lance31 I'm going to regret this. Lance10->Lance31 If you really think I'm a threat, go ahead and kill me. LanceCombat Lance10->LanceCombat Let's make a wrong move. I always wanted to see what my innards look like. Lance11->BottomReact LanceLoot Lance08->LanceLoot I have no quarrel with Shady Sands. I kinda like the place. Lance14->Lance14 It's an electronic device used in water purification systems. Lance14->Lance15 Any sign of Tandi? Lance14->Lance16 Any problems with raiders lately? Lance14->Lance17 How are things in Shady Sands? Lance32 We're still seeing a few; they must be migrating from the high desert or the Glow. But it's a lot better now than it was last year, thanks to you. Lance14->Lance32 How's the radscorpion problem? Lance33 Sure. Let's go. Lance15->Lance33 Can you take me to Shady Sands? Lance34 Man, I must be out of my mind. But I'll take you. Let's go. Lance15->Lance34 Can you take me to the Khans? Lance35 Have a good suicide, friend. And for what it's worth, good luck. Lance15->Lance35 We'll have to find a way to get her back. Lance36 I'm heading out. You take care of yourself. Lance15->Lance36 Thanks for the information. Good luck with the search. Lance16->Lance32 How's the radscorpion problem? Lance37 Well, I don't have much, but what's mine is yours. Lance16->Lance37 I wouldn't mind seeing a little gratitude. Lance38 Not that I can think of. I'm heading out. You take care of yourself. Lance16->Lance38 Thanks. Anything else I can do? Lance39 We will. I'm heading out. You take care of yourself. Lance16->Lance39 Let me know if they bother you again. Lance17->Lance14 Would you know where I could find a water chip? Lance17->Lance15 Any sign of Tandi? Lance17->Lance16 Any problems with raiders lately? Lance17->Lance17 Are you sure about that? Lance17->Lance36 That's great. Lance19 Okay, I'll trust you. I'm from Shady Sands. We're a community not far from here. Lance04a->Lance19 Lance20 Well, you keep your secrets, I'll keep mine. Good bye. Lance04a->Lance20 Lance23->BottomReact Lance19a Lance19->Lance19a Could you take me there? Lance42 Small. We make our living herding Brahmin. It's pretty rough country around here, and pasture land is rather precious. Lance19->Lance42 What's the town like? Lance43 In a Brahmin herding backwater? You've gotta be crazy! There's probably not a working piece of electronics within two hundred miles. Lance19->Lance43 Any water chips there? Lance48 It is. Well, I'm heading out. You take care of yourself. Lance19->Lance48 Sounds like a nice place. Lance20->BottomReact Lance25->Lance28 I've made my share of enemies. I've left enough of them alive to slander me. Lance25->Lance31 I've killed quite a few people, yeah. I always had a reason. Lance25->LanceCombat Pretty much. I've had my share of good times. Lance44 You got a point. I think we should play things cautious and go our separate ways. If I were you, I'd do something about those stories. Unless you like people hating and mistrusting you. Lance25->Lance44 Well, I haven't killed you yet, so obviously someone's lying. Lance26->Lance28 I've made my share of enemies. I've left enough of them alive to slander me. Lance26->Lance31 I've killed quite a few people, yeah. I always had a reason. Lance26->Lance44 Well, I haven't killed you yet, so obviously someone's lying. Lance45 I should kill you right now. You cross my path again, and I will. Now get. Lance26->Lance45 Pretty much. I've had my share of good times. Lance46 Let's go. Lance29->Lance46 Sure. Lance47 Let me guess, someone told you about my snoring. Oh well. You take care of yourself. Lance29->Lance47 Not today. Lance30->Lance29 I have no quarrel with Shady Sands. I kinda like the place. LanceEnd LanceLoot->LanceEnd The only part of you that I want is what you're carrying. Strip down. Lance31a Get out of my sight before I come to my senses. Lance31->Lance31a I have no quarrel with Shady Sands. I kinda like the place. Lance32->Lance15 Any sign of Tandi? Lance32->Lance16 Any problems with raiders lately? Lance32->Lance17 How are things in Shady Sands? Lance32->Lance36 Sounds good. Bye. Lance32->Lance43 Any water chips there? Lance37->LanceLoot I have no quarrel with Shady Sands. I kinda like the place. Lance40 Well, okay. Let's go. Lance19a->Lance40 Lance41 I won't lead a possible enemy home. If you do make your way to Shady Sands, keep your nose clean. Lance19a->Lance41 Lance43->Lance36 I have no quarrel with Shady Sands. I kinda like the place. Lance21 Maybe it is. A pity, though. Lance21->BottomReact Lance45->BottomReact Lance27 Okay, I'll do it. But if you keep acting like a raider, you'll die like a raider. Lance27->BottomReact Lance27->LanceLoot I have no quarrel with Shady Sands. I kinda like the place. LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes