LASHER start You see Lasher of the Children. lasher04 You are unwise to draw your weapon on me. The Master’s shield is upon me, and I may not be touched without retribution! start->lasher04 lasher05 Why have you come, initiate? You know that I do not like to be disturbed. start->lasher05 lasher06 How dare you enter my sanctuary with a weapon in your hand! Oaf! Get out! --- Who do you think you are, entering my sanctum with a drawn weapon. Get out! start->lasher06 lasher00 I know who you are. You are a wicked, evil man and you must be punished. --- I know who you are. You are the devil in woman’s form, but your shape will not save you. start->lasher00 lasher01 I know who you are. Your wickedness precedes you. You send the souls of children to Hades, before they can be cleansed of their perfidy. It is a black evil that you do, and you must be punished for it. start->lasher01 lasher02 I know who you are. You are walking death, a plague in human form. Where you step, blood flows like a river. But such iniquities can be ended by a righteous soul! start->lasher02 lasher03 How dare you disturb me! Don’t you know how important my position is? Get out! start->lasher03 lasher07 My quarters are not open to those who have not been consecrated. I must ask you to leave at once. start->lasher07 lasher04->lasher02 You wanna see unwise? It’s unwise to give me lip, bitch! lasher08 That is a privilege reserved for only the most faithful servants. Only baptism is a higher honor. lasher04->lasher08 I wouldn’t mind the Master’s shield myself. lasher09 I see no reason to converse with a fool. Away with you. lasher04->lasher09 Nobody’s ever accused me of being wise! lasher10 You should speak to Father Morpheus. He is in the tower, but it is unlikely that the Nightkin will allow you to pass. lasher04->lasher10 I just want to speak with the man in charge. lasher11 The rod is a holy instrument, through which I instruct my charges. Pain clears the mind of evil thoughts and allows them to better comprehend the glory of the Master. lasher04->lasher11 Nice rod you’ve got there! Is that why they call you "Lasher?" lasher12 I instruct the children. It is my duty. All children are wicked beasts. It is my duty to force them into evolve into human beings. Perhaps you have heard that I do not tolerate frivolity. This is true. I want my charges to suffer as much as possible. lasher04->lasher12 Is it true that you enjoy abusing children? lasher13 You filthy brainless abomination! How dare you defile my presence! Get out! Out! Now! lasher04->lasher13 Why you talk so funny? lasher05->lasher02 How would you like to never be disturbed again. I can arrange that! lasher05->lasher10 I just want to speak with the man in charge. lasher05->lasher11 Nice rod you've got there! Is that why they call you Lasher? lasher05->lasher12 I’m here to talk about your treatment of the Children. lasher05->lasher13 I dunno. Why I come? You know? lasher14 If your heart was not so full of wickedness, sir, you would be at ease. A righteous heart knows no cares. Tell me your problem, but be quick! --- You are a woman, and therefore you are always troubled. It is an endemic condition of your breed. Tell me your problem, madam, and I will resolve it for you. lasher05->lasher14 Forgive me, Father, but I am troubled. lasher15 Learn to embrace pain as your closest friend, for pain is the most instructive force in the universe. Break yourself until you can exist no longer as an individual, then remake yourself into the Master’s tool. That is the solution to all of your problems. lasher05->lasher15 I seek the guidance of the Cathedral. lasher16 Beasts chatter without meaning. Human beings think first, and then they talk. You must evolve into a human being before I will wish to speak you. Be gone. lasher05->lasher16 I just wanted to talk. lasher06->lasher02 You don't like drawn weapons. You’re gonna hate what I do with it next! lasher06->lasher10 I just want to speak with the man in charge. lasher06->lasher11 Nice rod you’ve got there! Is that why they call you Lasher? lasher06->lasher12 I’m here to talk about your treatment of the Children. lasher06->lasher13 Out? Which way out? lasher06->lasher15 I seek the guidance of the Cathedral. lasher06->lasher16 I just wanted to talk. lasher06a lasher06->lasher06a Forgive me, sir. But the forces of darkness are everywhere, and one never knows when you must defend yourself. combat lasher01->combat lasher02->combat lasher07->lasher02 This place don’t look consecrated. I ain’t killed anyone here yet. lasher07->lasher10 I just want to speak with the man in charge. lasher07->lasher11 Nice rod you’ve got there! Is that why they call you Lasher? lasher07->lasher12 I’m here to talk about your treatment of the Children. lasher07->lasher13 You stupid! I got plenty of conse…cra…tion… lasher07a lasher07->lasher07a Forgive my intrusion, but I have important questions. lasher19 That is not my duty. Now begone. lasher07->lasher19 I wanted to ask you about consecration. lasher08->lasher12 I suppose you are teaching the children and preparing them for baptism. lasher08->lasher13 Too bad privileges ain’t worth a rad scorpion’s ass when you’re dead. lasher08->lasher19 Can you help me to be baptized? lasher08a lasher08->lasher08a And how does one earn baptism? lasher22 A flatterer’s tongue is in the mouth of a devil! A devil such as you! Get out of my sight! lasher08->lasher22 Wow! You must be special! lasher10a lasher10->lasher10a Could you persuade the Nightkin to let me pass? lasher26 He is our leader. He is close to the Master’s counsels and knows many of his purposes. Is that all? lasher10->lasher26 What can you tell me about Morpheus? lasher27 They serve the Master. They bring the pain of healing to the world. Angels in the Night, who redeem the world by bloodshed. Curiosity is a foolhardy emotion, but doubly so when it comes to the Nightkin. That is your only warning. I have much to do now. Away with you. lasher10->lasher27 What can you tell me about the Nightkin. lasher28 Your courtesy does you credit. Perhaps you are worthy to talk with Morpheus. If the Nightkin stops you, show them this symbol. Now, away with you! lasher10->lasher28 Thank you, sir. lasher29 You are a fool if you think petty subterfuge will defeat the Nightkin. Get out of here! lasher10->lasher29 I have ways of getting around these sorts of problems. lasher11->lasher02 Sounds kinky. How about trying some on me? lasher11->lasher09 I see. So the Master’s a pain? lasher30 Decadence and ease prevents evolution, evolution that is necessary for survival in a harsh world. Fortunately, I am a hard man who cares nothing for seductive pleasures. I see that you disagree with me. I do not care about your opinion. Get out of here! lasher11->lasher30 That’s a horrible thing to do to children! lasher12->lasher02 You never got laid, did you? lasher12->lasher30 You heartless bastard! lasher31 Mutation is nothing to fear. Every birth is a mutation of our parents’ DNA. We are all mutants. The only thing that matters is that the mutant is guided on a moral and productive path. This is my job. And this also ends this discussion. Leave me now. lasher12->lasher31 And are mutants more evolved than human beings? lasher32 I deal out pain. If the animal is worthy and can learn from it, it evolves into a righteous soul. If it does not, it does not deserve to exist. On rare occasions, the animal is removed the genetic pool, although not as often as I would like. This happens more often with failed grown animals. lasher12->lasher32 Tell me more about your teaching methods. lasher33 You are an evil girl. You would do well to tread carefully here. The Nightkin do not enjoy rivals. Now begone! --- You are an evil man. You would do well to tread carefully here. The Nightkin do not enjoy rivals. Now begone! lasher12->lasher33 But what about the pleasure of killing? Ain’t that allowed? lasher14->lasher02 I want to know about the Master. lasher14->lasher30 I want to know more about the Cathedral. lasher14->lasher31 Tell me how to attain righteousness! lasher14->lasher33 You’re alive. That’s my problem, you son of a bitch! lasher15->lasher09 It is? That sucks, pal! lasher18 There comes a time when you must find the answers to life’s questions yourself, and that time is now. Begone! lasher15->lasher18 So where can I find the most pain? lasher35 Your tongue is a wicked thing that is beyond redemption. Get out of my sight! lasher15->lasher35 Yeah, I want to get enough brain damage that I’ll join a zombie cult! Dream on, pal! lasher36 The Cathedral teaches many things which an undisciplined mind is incapable of comprehending. Now I have other duties to perform. Away with you! lasher15->lasher36 I would never have thought of that! lasher37 As do I. It appears we have many things in common, but unfortunately, you irritate me beyond my ability to tolerate. Get out of here. Now. lasher15->lasher37 I already embrace pain. I just like to share it with my friends. lasher17 Your words are true. Very well, I will help you. But be quick. lasher06a->lasher17 lasher06a->lasher18 lasher17->lasher12 I was wondering about the Children. lasher17->lasher35 The only thing I know that’s quick is Death. lasher17a lasher17->lasher17a I must see Father Morpheus on an urgent matter. lasher40_1 The Cathedral is a sanctuary for the human race. When the apocalypse fell on this foul city, the Cathedral was spared, which allowed for the birth of the Master. Thus a healing darkness emerged from a terrible light. --- When I came, I saw this place lacked a moral center, and so I have endeavored to administer teaching pain to a place once consumed with idle pleasure. That is all you need to know. lasher17->lasher40_1 Tell me about the Cathedral. lasher41_1 It is said the Master waits below, in the Darkness, for the Light above betrayed Mankind and nearly destroyed us. But many bless the Light, for they say it birthed the Master. --- I do not know these things with certainty, and I have never had the privilege to see him. Now if you will excuse me, I have work to do. lasher17->lasher41_1 I was wondering where I could find the Master. lasher07a->lasher17 lasher07a->lasher18 lasher08a->lasher18 lasher20_1 By the endurance of pain, by the acquisition of wisdom, and the performance of service. Pain is knowledge, Wisdom is obedience, and Service is courage. --- By the endurance of pain, by the acquisition of wisdom, and the performance of service. Pain is knowledge, Wisdom is obedience, and Service is courage. lasher08a->lasher20_1 lasher24 A reasonable request. Take this symbol. Show it to the Nightkin when you wish to pass. lasher10a->lasher24 lasher25 I cannot help you with that. Begone. lasher10a->lasher25 lasher26->lasher27 What can you tell me about the Nightkin? lasher26->lasher28 Thank you, sir. lasher26->lasher25 Tell me more about Morpheus? lasher23 You foul mouthed beast! Begone! Learn some manners before you return. lasher26->lasher23 So why do you follow this Morpheus bozo? lasher26a lasher26->lasher26a Could you persuade the Nightkin to let me pass? lasher32->lasher28 Grown animals? lasher32->lasher35 Hey, I can remove them for you! No one else needs to know! lasher21 I have not consulted him, but I am certain he is pleased with the righteous souls I have brought him. It is difficult work, but I do it well. Unfortunately, it is also quite time consuming, which is why I must order to you to leave right now. lasher32->lasher21 And the Master approves of the teaching methods? lasher42 You were not particularly welcome here in the first place. Good riddance to you. lasher32->lasher42 You’re a monster! lasher43 Once I did, but many of methods were abandoned in favor of the loud noises you hear in the Auditorium amphitheater. It is a source of bitterness for me. Fortunately, I can still instruct the children. Now if you will excuse me, I have to prepare for their lessons. lasher32->lasher43 I think I’ll leave you now. lasher44 Uh… it is of course, a rare event, and the animal is given every chance to evolve. Now leave here! Leave here at once! lasher32->lasher44 Do you teach adults? lasher14a lasher14a->lasher18 lasher34 Righteousness is attained through struggle, trauma, and recovery. We are animals who must be continuously be broken until we accept the Master’s truth without hesitation. Now that you have heard the truth, seek it with the body of your experiences. Get out of here. lasher14a->lasher34 lasher38 This may be of some use to you. Take this symbol. Show it to the Nightkin when you wish to pass. It will allow you to see Father Morpheus. lasher17a->lasher38 lasher39 It is not my place to judge. You must persuade the Nightkin. Good luck. You will need it. lasher17a->lasher39 lasher20_2 lasher26a->lasher24 lasher26a->lasher25 lasher40_2 lasher41_2 lasherend