LAURA start You see Laura. --- Believe me, if you've seen the Nightkin, you'd know why. Unless you're stupid. do_dialogue Maybe I am, but I'm not scared. start->do_dialogue get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction laura63 Hey! Get out of here! do_dialogue->laura63 laura65 What . . . what are you doing in here? You need to leave! do_dialogue->laura65 laura64 Stop that! do_dialogue->laura64 laura61 So, what can I do for you now? --- Oh, what now? do_dialogue->laura61 laura21 Oh . . . I'm glad you found me. Nicole sent a list with the information I was supposed to find. do_dialogue->laura21 laura16 Well, hello again! Are you just walking or may I help? --- Is there . . . something I can help you with? do_dialogue->laura16 laura01 Hello, my brother. May I be of service this glorious day? --- Hello, my sister. May I be of service this glorious day? do_dialogue->laura01 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel DownReact laura63->DownReact laurax2 laura63->laurax2 Or else what? laurax5 laura63->laurax5 Sorry, I'll go now. laura65->DownReact laura65->laurax2 No, you get out! laura65->laurax5 Okay, I'll go. laura64->DownReact laura30 Okay, but we have to hurry. --- Oh, make it quick. laura61->laura30 I need to ask you a few more questions. laura41 Okay. Good luck! laura61->laura41 Nothing, thanks. laura22 Um.  There's so much I'm just . . . I'm not sure what you need or where to start. Is there something in particular you want to know about? laura21->laura22 So what did you get? laura02 I most certainly am.  Did you want something? laura16->laura02 Are you Laura? laura14 Oh, I'm hardly an authority. You should see Morpheus, the High Priest. I'm sure he can help you much more than I. laura16->laura14 Can I ask you a few questions about the Children? laurax laura16->laurax Nothing, thanks. laura16a No. We already talked about this. You'll have to go somewhere else my friend. laura16->laura16a Uh, Mom? laura01->laura02 Are you Laura? laura01->laura14 Can I ask you a few questions about the Children? laura15 But I only meant . . . oh . . . I have to go now. laura01->laura15 What kind of "services" do you offer? laura01a That's very sweet of you, but no, I'm not. I'm sure you can find her somewhere else. laura01->laura01a Mom? lauracbt laura03 Nicole? I'm so sorry. I don't believe I know anyone by that name. laura02->laura03 Nicole sent me to talk to you. laura10 Are you . . . certain? Uh . . . excuse my curiosity, but you seemed to be looking specifically for me. laura02->laura10 Uh . . . no. Never mind. laura14->laurax laura15->laurax laura15->DownReact laura01a->laurax laura04 I'm sorry. I . . . I just don't know. Follow me to a place where we can talk. laura03->laura04 Well, she told me to tell you 'Red Rider'. laura09 I'm terribly sorry for your inconvenience. I hope it doesn't upset you. laura03->laura09 Sure you do! She sent me! laura10->laura03 Well, Nicole sent me. laura11 I . . . I'm sorry, but that sort of attention makes me a little nervous. Don't know why, it's silly of me, I know. Well, enjoy your walk. laura10->laura11 Just heard about you and wanted to see what you looked like. laurax1 laura04->laurax1 laura09->laurax laura11->laurax laura11->DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel laura16a->laurax laura23 laura22->laura23 laura24 It's not the Inner Sanctum you want to enter. laura23->laura24 Is there a secret entrance into the Inner Sanctum of the Church? laura33 Uh, not much. The Children worship him, and sometimes a huge vision of him appears in the main nave of the church. laura23->laura33 What have you learned about The Master? laura23_1 laura23->laura23_1 What are the Children's plans? laura60 Uh heh . . . Waiting desperately for someone to use that pathetic line on me. laura23->laura60 What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this? laura59 Okay then. Good luck! laura23->laura59 Nothing more, thanks. laura25 I followed Morpheus down a back secret staircase. The guy activates a secret door at the bottom. laura24->laura25 Then what? laura34 Yes and no. I snuck up to the front one day and found a strange mechanical device with a lens under the altar. laura33->laura34 So he's real? laura35 Huh . . . believe me, it was at first, but then I snuck up and looked at the alter when nobody was looking. And there's a device underneath with wires and a big lens. laura33->laura35 Sounds scary. laura51 The Children are setting up hospitals all over the place. Hmpf. I think they're trying to get people to trust them. laura23_1->laura51 laura38 Now that's scary. Morpheus is preaching that the earth should be 'purged of the infidels,' and other crap like that. I think they're planning to take over everything! laura23_1->laura38 laura46 They plan to take over all the towns! laura23_1->laura46 laura60->laura23 laurax7 laura59->laurax7 laura52 Ah, it sure looks that way. I mean, people are flocking to their Church. Can't they see it's a fake? laura51->laura52 Is it working? laura55 Find the Master and stop him! laura51->laura55 Is there anyway to stop them? laura57 Actually, it's a good way to manipulate people, and this Master is damn good at it. laura51->laura57 That's the stupidest thing I ever heard! laura39 Now you know, it could be. I mean, they have enough members, and the different hospitals in the towns are stocked full of weapons and explosives. laura38->laura39 Can they do it? laura43 Adytum, that town doesn't have a chance in hell. laura38->laura43 What's their first target? laura46_1 laura46->laura46_1 Which ones? laura26 He uses this strange key to open it and disappears. I've never tried to follow him. laura25->laura26 Then what? laura28 Well, of course. laura25->laura28 Can you show me this door? laura27 Well, I'd say he keeps it on him. laura26->laura27 Do you know where this key is? laura31 Believe me, if you've seen the Nightkin, you'd know why. Unless you're stupid. laura26->laura31 Why not? laura29 Follow me. laura28->laura29 Great. Let's go. laura28->laura30 Can I ask you a few more questions first? laura27->laura28 Will you show me the door now? laura31->laura30 I can understand that. Can we get back to the questions? laura32a laura31->laura32a Maybe I am, but I'm not scared. laurax4 laura29->laurax4 laura30->laura23 laura32a->DownReact laura32 Oh, I see that's real funny. Lookit, I'm in the middle of this day in and day out. You have a problem with how I do this, you just keep it to yourself. Ya got it? laura32a->laura32 laura32->laura30 You're right, I'm sorry. How about we get back to business? laura32->laurax2 What are you going to do, whine some more? laurax8 laura32->laurax8 If that's how you want it. laura36 So I'm pretty sure this Master is flesh and blood. And I also think I know where he is. laura34->laura36 Probably a holo-projector of some kind. laura34->laura36 So? laura35->laura36 Probably a holo-projector of some kind. laura35->laura36 So? laura37 Every once in a while, Morpheus will go through a secret staircase leading below the Church. And he enters a secret door with some kind of key. I think the Master is down there. laura36->laura37 Where? laura37->laura28 Can you show me this staircase right now? laura37->laura27 Do you know where this key is? laura40 I was planning on it. In fact, after we're done, I'm heading over there. laura39->laura40 We must tell the Followers. laura42 Well, I'm going to go warn Nicole. And hopefully, the Followers can send help to the other towns. laura39->laura42 What are you going to do? laura44 The Children don't think we're enough of a threat. We'll show 'em. laura43->laura44 What about the Followers? laura45 Yeah, you can help 'em by getting to the Master. 'Bite the head off the snake and it won't coil around you,' as my grandmother used to say. She was kind of a handful. laura43->laura45 Can I help Adytum? laura40->laura30 One quick question? laura40->laura41 I'll let you go then. laura42->laura30 I'd like to ask a few more questions first. laura42->laura41 Okay, I'll let you go then. laurax6 laura41->laurax6 laura44->laura42 Good. What do you plan to do? laura44->laura45 Can I help Adytum in any way? laura45->laura30 Sound it. I need some more answers before you go. laura45->laura37 How do I get to him? laura45->laura41 I'm on my way. laura46_1->laura46 laura49 They've already taken out the Hub and Adytum! I think the Followers are next, so we're preparing our defense. laura46_1->laura49 laura49->laura45 What can I do? laura50 I'm here to keep an eye on the Children. laura49->laura50 Why are you here then? laura47 Adytum's already fallen. The Hub is next. laura47->laura45 Damn. What can I do? laura48 We sent a group to help Adytum, and they were all wiped out. Nicole sent another one to the Hub. I just hope they get there in time. laura47->laura48 What're the Followers doing during this? laura48->laura45 Damn. What can I do? laura50->laura45 What can I do? laura52->laura55 How can I stop them? laura53 For one thing, people seem to disappear a lot around here, while the number of Nightkin are slowly growing. laura52->laura53 You sure it is? laura55->laura33 What have you found out about this Master? laura56 Huh, I sure as hell hope so. Now, any more questions? laura55->laura56 I will. laura57->laura55 How can I stop this? laura57->laura56 Well, I'll stop him. laura57_01 laura57->laura57_01 No, I meant that's the stupidest thing I've heard from you. You're paranoid, aren't you? laura53->laura30 Doesn't look good. But I need more answers before I act. laura54 I don't know. That's what you're here to find out, right? laura53->laura54 Why? laura54->laura23 laura56->laura23 laura57_01->DownReact laura57_01->laura32 laura58 Excuse me? laura57_01->laura58 laura58->laura23 Never mind. laura58->laura32 You heard me. laura62 What are you doing? Put that down! laura62->DownReact laura67 Uh . . . I'm not sure about that. Go talk to Nicole. laura68 Well, as I said . . . laura69 Well, as I said before . . . laura70 Well, I'm quite certain I told you this already, but . . . laura71 Ah, once more? Well, I said . . . laura72 Oh dear, this is most disturbing. I simply will not say it again. laura73 I believe that's quite enough. I'll not say it again. laura74 Oh, those are dreadful people. I'm not going to talk about them at all! laura75 Well, I don't know who you're talking about. laura76 The others are all so nice! It's wonderful here. We belong, we do good work . . . laura77 Adytum, isn't that a town west of here? laura78 Oh, he's wonderful. He leads us. You should talk to him! laura79 Oh, I can't begin to describe him. Morpheus leads us. He can do justice to your question. lauraxx laurax3 LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes laura67a I'm not sure about that. Go talk to a High Priest. laura68a I said . . . laura69a As I said before . . . laura70a Okay! I already told you this . . . laura71a Again? I already said this . . . laura72a Are you . . . Okay! Okay! Are you deaf? Read my lips, I'm not gonna to say this again. laura73a Not listening, huh?  Too bad, I'm not gonna say it again. laura74a Nicole probably told you about us. We're trying to knock some sense into those thick-skulled, gun-toting, violence-mongering nitwits . . . Oh, present company excepted, of course. laura75a She leads the Followers. Pretty strong-willed. I trust her. laura76a Oh, they're like a . . . blight on the world. Most are a waste and a few are just plain evil. laura77a Adytum's a bit west from here. And the people there . . . well, they're a little paranoid, so don't expect a hospitable welcome. laura78a He preaches peace and enlightenment and all that crap, but he's scum. No two ways about it. laura79a Ah yes, the Master, he's the god these nuts worship. Personally, I don't think he's a god, just somebody into manipulating everyone. laura80 Nightkin? I don't know what you're talking about. laura80a They're the big, ugly enforcers of the Master and Morpheus. laura81 The what? laura81a What, you couldn't figure out that's the Master? laura82 It's the big place at the north end of the church, where Morpheus does all his ceremonies. I've been there, it's wonderful! laura82a It's at the north end of the church. I've watched Morpheus perform his little circus act there. laura83 Oh, you cannot go there. That's where Morpheus contemplates. laura83a That's where Morpheus and his cronies hang out. No one's allowed up there, though. laura84 They have proven themselves to the Church. The rest of us aspire to that. laura84a Oh yeah, these are the guys who've survived torture and who knows what else. Totally brainwashed and will do anything they're told. laura85 They are the high priests. laura85a Ah, those are the high priests. So far I think there's only 13, but I'm not really sure. laura86 That's not important. laura86a That's not important. laura87 I'm sorry. I simply don't have time for this. laura87a We don't have time to talk about that! Just keep to business. laura88 I'm not sure why you want to talk about that. laura88a Keep to the subject at hand, friend. lauraend