LEMMY start look_at_p_proc You see a shifty looking character. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc Pssst! Come 'ere. start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc timed_event_p_proc start->timed_event_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Lemmy01 So'a, whatcha doin' in the Hub? talk_p_proc->Lemmy01 Lemmy26 Sorry man, got things to do.  Nice chattin' with you, though. talk_p_proc->Lemmy26 Lemmy27 Well, you've come back to talk to your old firend Lemmy, huh?  What's it I can help you with? talk_p_proc->Lemmy27 SendLemmyAtDay timed_event_p_proc->SendLemmyAtDay combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Lemmy03 No sweat off my back. Just seein' if I could be neighborly like. [Lemmy turns away] Lemmy01->Lemmy03 I don't really see where that is any of your business. Lemmy04 Well, you look like a businessman.  And I'm a businessman, and I thought we could, ah, discuss, ah, business. --- Well, you look like a businesswoman.  And I'm a in business, so I thought we could, ah, discuss, ah, business. Lemmy01->Lemmy04 Why? Lemmy05 Well, we all got needs. I might be able to help with some of 'em.  So what sort of needs do you got? Lemmy01->Lemmy05 Looking for something that I need. Lemmy02 Not really sure big fella.  I'll see ya around. Lemmy01->Lemmy02 Where my Mommie?!? Lemmy18 Lemmy27->Lemmy18 damage_p_proc Lemmy04->Lemmy03 I don't think I want to have anything to do with your "business". Lemmy06 I do a little bit of this, and a little bit of that.  I get things and information for people, whatever they might need or be lookin' for. Lemmy04->Lemmy06 Well, what do you do around here? LemmyCombat Lemmy04->LemmyCombat I think I'm just going to give you the business! Lemmy05->Lemmy03 I certainly don't need anything you might be talking about. Lemmy23 Stuff for needs, huh? Well, I knows a guy over in Old Town that can probably fix you up with some stuff like that.  But you know what? He needs to know who you are before you show up at his doorstep. Lemmy05->Lemmy23 Needs, huh?  I understand needs, but what might you know about satiating these needs? Lemmy09 So, you're lookin' for information, huh?  Being a respectable businessman, I gots overhead, so I'll need a few caps to tell you what you need to know.  Now that we got that straight, whattcha' wanna' know about? Lemmy05->Lemmy09 I have need of some information. LemmyEnd Lemmy02->LemmyEnd Ahh. Lemmy06->Lemmy05 Well, I do need some things. Lemmy06->Lemmy09 Anything you can tell me about specifically? Lemmy08 Not a problem.  If there's anything else you might be wanting, you come and talk to Lemmy first. Lemmy06->Lemmy08 I'll see you later. LemmyCombat->combat Lemmy23->Lemmy08 I can see where this is going.  I'll find him on my own. Lemmy24 Exactly.  So I'm thinking... only for you of course... 1000 caps so youse can talks to this guy without him blowing your head off first. Lemmy23->Lemmy24 Let me guess.  This "invite" is going to "costs" me? Lemmy09->Lemmy18 Lemmy18->Lemmy02 Where my Mommie?!? Lemmy18->Lemmy23 Well, I'm looking for a certain commodity, if you know what I mean. Lemmy18->Lemmy08 Nothing right now. Lemmy10 So, you think I might know a little more about those Water Chip things, huh?  Well, you might be right. It's gonna' cost you, though.  I think 500 bottle caps oughta' do it. Lemmy18->Lemmy10 Anything you know about Water Chips that you can tell me? Lemmy19 Now, normally I don't mind selling information, but you're not gonna' get anything outta' Lemmy about Mr. Decker. Lemmy18->Lemmy19 What do you know about Decker? Lemmy20 Missing caravans, huh? Well, I might be knowin' a bit about those.  It's gonna cost you 300 caps, though. Lemmy18->Lemmy20 Do you know anything about the missing caravans? Lemmy10->Lemmy08 Too rich for my blood. Lemmy10a Lemmy10->Lemmy10a Alright, what's the info? Lemmy10b Lemmy10->Lemmy10b I'll give you 400 instead. Lemmy10c Lemmy10->Lemmy10c I think you need to tell me, right now, and without the freakin' caps! Lemmy13 [Lemmy takes your money] Lemmy10a->Lemmy13 Lemmy11 Now, now.  I wouldn't be the man I am if I gave information away for less than it's worth.  Come back when you've got the caps. Lemmy10a->Lemmy11 Lemmy10b->Lemmy11 Lemmy10b->Lemmy11 Lemmy14 Well, that's fair enough. I'll take that instead. Lemmy10b->Lemmy14 Lemmy15 Ok, Ok, Ok, see I was just kidding about paying for the info.  Good joke, huh? Lemmy10c->Lemmy15 Lemmy12 Trying to intimidate poor old Lemmy, huh?  Well, I's not afraid of the likes of you. I'll just be seein' you around. Lemmy10c->Lemmy12 Lemmy16 Well, so here's what I know about the Water Chips.  The thing I've heard is that they all used to come from the Vaults. So if I was lookin' for one, I'd find out where the rest of these Vaults were. I'm not sure where all the Vaults are exactly, but I've heard that there are about 4 around here somewhere's. Lemmy13->Lemmy16 Lemmy14->Lemmy16 Lemmy15->Lemmy16 Lemmy16->Lemmy08 Thanks. Lemmy17 Sure, what else do you want to know about? Lemmy16->Lemmy17 I want to ask you a few more questions. Lemmy17->Lemmy18 Lemmy19->Lemmy08 Thanks. Lemmy19->Lemmy17 Ok, but can I ask you about some other things? Lemmy20->Lemmy08 Too rich for my blood. Lemmy20a Lemmy20->Lemmy20a Alright, what do you know? Lemmy20b Lemmy20->Lemmy20b I'll give you 240. Lemmy20c Lemmy20->Lemmy20c I think you need to tell me, right now, and without the freakin' caps! Lemmy20a->Lemmy11 Lemmy20d [Lemmy takes your money] Lemmy20a->Lemmy20d Lemmy20b->Lemmy11 Lemmy20b->Lemmy11 Lemmy20e Well, that's fair enough. I'll take that instead. Lemmy20b->Lemmy20e Lemmy20c->Lemmy12 Lemmy20f Ok, Ok, Ok, see I was just kidding about paying for the info.  Good joke, huh? Lemmy20c->Lemmy20f Lemmy21 Well, I'm not really that sure, but what I's heard is that it ain't what everybody thinks. Some new guy is getting into the action with some kind of mutants or something.  But don't quote me on that. Lemmy20d->Lemmy21 Lemmy20e->Lemmy21 Lemmy20f->Lemmy21 Lemmy21->Lemmy08 Thanks. Lemmy21->Lemmy17 Can I ask you another question? Lemmy22 Now, you might be insinuating that Lemmy ain't a stand-up guy. Well, you's right.  But Lemmy is an ALIVE type of guy. Lemmy21->Lemmy22 Figures.  Is there anything I can quote you on, Lemmy? Lemmy22->LemmyCombat Well, I'm going to make you a lying down and not breathing type of guy! Lemmy22->Lemmy08 Forget about it.  See ya'. Lemmy22->Lemmy17 Ok, forget about it.  Can I ask you another question? Lemmy24->Lemmy08 Can't afford that. Lemmy24a Lemmy24->Lemmy24a Alright, I'll pay your price. Lemmy24b Lemmy24->Lemmy24b How about 800 caps instead? Lemmy24c Lemmy24->Lemmy24c Because you like me so much Lemmy, why don't you just do it for free? [As you flex your muscles] Lemmy24a->Lemmy11 Lemmy24d [Lemmy takes your money] Lemmy24a->Lemmy24d Lemmy24b->Lemmy11 Lemmy24b->Lemmy11 Lemmy24e Well, that's fair enough. I'll take that instead. Lemmy24b->Lemmy24e Lemmy24c->Lemmy12 Lemmy24f Ok, Ok, Ok, see I was just kidding about paying for the info.  Good joke, huh? Lemmy24c->Lemmy24f Lemmy25 Well, what you gotta' do is find your way over to Old Town.  Over there is a guy named Vance.  Just talk to him.  Like I said, I'll let him know you're coming. Lemmy24d->Lemmy25 Lemmy24e->Lemmy25 Lemmy24f->Lemmy25 Lemmy25->Lemmy08 Thanks. Lemmy25->Lemmy17 You're all heart.  Can I ask you a few more things? LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes