LOXLEY start You see Loxley, leader of the Thieves' Guild. do_dialogue Loxley looks too busy to talk. --- Jasmine will give you your reward. start->do_dialogue combat start->combat get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction loxley57 You just don't have the hang of this, do you? Jasmine, the door for our foolish friend and don't let me see that face again. do_dialogue->loxley57 loxley59 What the bloody hell are you doing in here?  Get out! do_dialogue->loxley59 loxley58 I don't think you quite understand.  Save it for the merchants, yes? do_dialogue->loxley58 loxley27 Oh, how nice to see you again.  Do you have a little something for me? do_dialogue->loxley27 loxley01 Bloody fine job making it through the defenses, mate!  I'm rather impressed.  Toss me your name! --- Bloody impressive making it through the defenses like that!  What's your name, luv? --- I'm --- . do_dialogue->loxley01 do_dialogue->loxley01 loxley24 What the hell do you want? do_dialogue->loxley24 do_dialogue->loxley24 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel loxley32 Stupid!  Oh.  I'm so disappointed you feel this way.  Ah, well, our little Circle will just have to carry on without your scintillating presence.  So sad. Jasmine, the door for our guest.  And no return privileges, hmm? loxley27->loxley32 My resignation. I decided not to take your stupid test. loxley33 Then what the bloody, bloody hell are you doing here?  Shoo!  Go away. Only this time come back with the necklace. loxley27->loxley33 I didn't get it yet. loxley27a loxley27->loxley27a Here's the necklace . . . loxley22 This is the famous Thieves' Circle!  I thought you would've known this, seeing's how you made it through all the defenses and whatnot. But no matter.  You're quite promising, and the Circle could use someone like you. loxley01->loxley22 What is this place? loxley01a loxley01->loxley01a What's it to you? loxley01b loxley01->loxley01b You got a real interesting accent, my friend. loxley01c loxley01->loxley01c You talk like an idiot. loxley90 Well, [Derisive sound], how did a total moron, such as yourself, get past my defenses?  Sorry, no idiot savants allowed, we like good conversation here.  Jasmine, show our drooling friend the door please. loxley01->loxley90 Nuhhh? loxley25 I don't like you. Don't know why, don't care. loxley24->loxley25 What did I do? Why so hostile? loxley26 Thanks for such a lovely moment.  Jasmine, show our guest out. loxley24->loxley26 To be away from you. loxley24a loxley24->loxley24a Hey, I'm on your side. I'm here as a friend. loxley00a Why, thank you.  Have to work a bit to keep it with so little refinement about, don't you know. But enough of that. Loxley's the name.  And yours is? --- I'm --- . loxley00a1 loxley00a->loxley00a1 What's it to you? loxley00a->loxley22 What is this place? loxley21 What's it to me?  It's simple, really.  Tell me your name, or we show you the door. --- Okay. I'm --- . loxley00a1->loxley21 DownReact loxley00a1->DownReact loxley02_1 loxley22->loxley02_1 No thanks. I would like to ask you some questions, though. loxley04 Quite simple, really. You prove yourself as a thief.  Succeed, and the world is yours!  If not, then you'll never see us again.  Except if you come looking.  And if you don't understand, that last bit is a threat. loxley22->loxley04 Okay, what do I have to do? loxley10 Oh, quite the little attitude!  But, we're all friends here, aren't we? loxley22->loxley10 Not a chance. loxley01a->loxley21 loxley01a->DownReact UpReact loxley01b->UpReact loxley00 It's a little gift from me Da and Mum.  Actually, a few generations before that.  Do you like it? loxley01b->loxley00 BigDownReact loxley01c->BigDownReact loxley01c->loxley00 loxleyx1 loxley90->loxleyx1 loxley02 Quite pleased to make your acquaintance actually...for now. Let's get the other bit of politeness taken care of, shall we?  What the bloody, bloody, bloody hell are you doing here! loxley03 Oh, how nice.  A joiner. Well, you've worked hard enough for a look-see. But if you really want to join, then you'll have to take the Second Test. loxley02->loxley03 I want to join the Circle. loxley02->loxley02_1 I need to ask you a few things. loxley18 Ha ha ha.  Ooh, that's quite amusing.  Take us to jail, will you?  And how, may I ask, do you plan this feat? loxley02->loxley18 I'm taking you all off to jail. loxley03->loxley04 What's that? loxley03a loxley03->loxley03a Sounds scary . . . How about I pass? loxley17 Haven't figured it out yet, have we?  The First Test was just getting here!  That's the only reason I'm considering you. loxley03->loxley17 Uh . . . what was the first test? loxley08 That's it?  A few questions!  Well, you're either incredibly brave or a total moron.  Ask away, ask away!...and then we'll show you to the door, shall we? loxley02_1->loxley08 loxley09 You must be joking!  You think I'd fall for a line like that!  Get out, you commoner! loxley02_1->loxley09 loxley12 Ooh, a little back and forth.  I like someone who plays the edge.  I think you'll be a great addition to our merry little band.  What say you? loxley18->loxley12 Well, maybe I'll let you off this time. loxley18a loxley18->loxley18a Just come along quietly and no one will get hurt. loxley34 loxley08->loxley34 loxley09->BigDownReact loxley09->loxleyx1 loxley05 It's so, so simple.  In the Heights you'll find Daren Hightower's home all plump and ripe for the picking.  Are you ready for life!  Do you accept the challenge? loxley04->loxley05 What's the test? loxley04a loxley04->loxley04a Do you mean you'll move this whole place if I fail, or try to kill me. loxley04->loxley10 Are you threatening me? loxley16 Oh, no.  I'm so afraid. Life is so hard. Loxley, I'd rather be a coward for all of my life than to have a single moment of triumph.  Ah, just another wanker, aren't you.  Out! loxley03a->loxley16 loxley03a->DownReact loxley17->loxley02_1 Well, all I need to do is ask you a few questions. loxley17->loxley05 What's the next test? loxley06 No, it hurts my ears. --- Why, thank you.  Have to work a bit to keep it with so little refinement about, don't you know. But enough of that. Loxley's the name.  And yours is? --- That's the spirit, mate! --- That's the spirit, luv! loxley17->loxley06 Okay, I'll do whatever you want!! loxley05->loxley06 I'm ready! loxley07 Well, then why the bloody hell are you here? Sightseeing?  The ambiance?  My handsome face? loxley05->loxley07 Hell, no! loxley14 Oh, what do you take me for?  If you want cold blooded murder, talk to Decker and his lot.  If you fail, which seems much more likely at this point, we will simple disappear.  Now, then care to try or not? loxley04a->loxley14 loxley04a->DownReact loxley11 Ohhh, broken heart.  Our chance for camaraderie lost. [Sigh] Jasmine, show this little sod the door. loxley10->loxley11 I don't see why. loxley10->loxley12 Your're right. I'm sorry. loxley06b Just talk to Jasmine in the room outside this chamber.  She'll give you details, a map, and a few little goodies to help you on your way.  But remember, if you even think about ratting us out to the cops, we'll be a memory before they arrive.  But enough gloom.  Cheerio, good luck, and ta-ta! loxley06->loxley06b loxley07->loxley03 You're right, I'd like to join the Circle. loxley07->loxley02_1 No, I came to ask you a few questions. loxley07a loxley07->loxley07a Certainly not the face. loxleyx loxley06b->loxleyx loxley07a->loxley10 loxley07a->DownReact loxley34->loxleyx1 What is this place? loxley34_1 loxley34->loxley34_1 Anything interesting go on around here? loxley43 Well, you've got the usual numbers of shops and things.  Mix in some Children of the Cathedral nut cases.  Add a dollop of Decker and his underground making life hard for us all.  Top it with a sprinkle of greedy merchants and that will just about cover it. loxley34->loxley43 Tell me about the Hub. loxley51 Other than the missing caravans, not much.  Oh, wait.  One of my lads came back yesterday all a-glow with a touch of radiation poisoning. Nasty business.  Probably tip-toed a bit too close to the old Hot Spot. loxley34->loxley51 Heard any good rumors lately? loxley34_2 loxley34->loxley34_2 Tell me more about the Circle. loxley55 You could check with the merchants, although your time would be better spent sizing them up for some night removal work. While I think it's absolute bunk, ask around about the Death Claw.  Or even follow a caravan out, if you've totally lost your mind. --- Well, how the bloody hell should I know?  Do I look like a merchant? loxley34->loxley55 I'm looking for the missing caravans. Any suggestions? BigDownReact->ReactToLevel loxley11->BigDownReact loxley11->loxleyx1 loxley12b Okay! loxley12->loxley12b Okay! loxley13 Oh, bosh and bother. Well, quite sorry to hear that, actually.  You would've made a fine thief.  But the Circle's not for the terminally stupid.  So, Jasmine, show our guest the door, please. loxley12->loxley13 I say you're a total lunatic. loxley12b->loxley06 loxley13->BigDownReact loxley13->loxleyx1 loxley14->loxley05 Sure. loxley14->loxley07 Not. loxley16->BigDownReact loxley16->loxleyx1 loxley18a->loxley10 loxley18a->DownReact loxley21->loxley10 How about I show you my boot? loxley23 Well, you made it through my defenses so you certainly have skills. What's your name? --- I'm --- . loxley23->loxley22 What is this place? loxley23a loxley23->loxley23a What's it to you? loxley23b loxley23->loxley23b You got a real interesting accent, my friend. loxley23c loxley23->loxley23c You talk like an idiot. loxley23a->loxley21 loxley23a->DownReact loxley23b->UpReact loxley23b->loxley00 loxley23c->BigDownReact loxley23c->loxley00 loxley25->loxley26 Well, you're just an idiot then, aren't you? loxley25a loxley25->loxley25a Give me a chance! loxley26->BigDownReact loxley26->loxleyx1 loxley24a->loxley23 loxley24a->UpReact loxley25a->loxley23 loxley25a->UpReact loxley32->loxleyx1 loxleyx4 loxley33->loxleyx4 loxley29 No, it hurts my ears. --- Why, thank you.  Have to work a bit to keep it with so little refinement about, don't you know. But enough of that. Loxley's the name.  And yours is? --- Ha!  Ha!  Well, done! Congratulations.  You're now a member of the world famous Thieves' Circle. Let's get Jasmine over here, and throw a topper, shall we? loxley27a->loxley29 loxley30 Oh, how funny.  I really must tell you, though, that I don't care much for this kind of a joke. Kind of a chuckle.  Kind of a put-one-over-on-the-old-Loxley thing huh.  Tell you what.  One more chance. Bring the necklace here. loxley27a->loxley30 loxley31 You're really just a complete pain in the ass, aren't you? loxley27a->loxley31 loxley29->UpReact loxleyx3 loxley29->loxleyx3 UpReact->ReactToLevel loxley31->loxleyx1 loxley35 Well, the whole bloody town's in an uproar, what with the missing caravans and all.  Something of a pain.  Cuts into the Circle's business, don't you know? loxley34_1->loxley35 loxley40 Nothing you'd be interested in. loxley34_1->loxley40 loxley42 Oh, just the usual.  The merchant caravans get fat off the poor, while that villain Decker plays off everyone. loxley34_1->loxley42 loxley44 Too right!  That's why the Circle was formed, you see.  You got all those rich buggers, feeding off the poor. And those poor are just waiting for a hero. Because of the help we give them, they practically bow at our feet. loxley43->loxley44 Merchants are pretty much scum, huh? loxley43a Next question, please. loxley43->loxley43a Sounds like you're a real Decker supporter. loxley51->loxley34 loxley53 We steal from the rich, plain and simple.  We give about, oh, ten to twenty percent to the poor folks over in Old Town.  The Circle keeps twenty, which leaves the rest for the thief.  Not a bad deal all round. loxley34_2->loxley53 loxley54 We're a bunch of crooks! What did you think we were, a bunch of cooks? loxley34_2->loxley54 loxley36 I don't know, but I hope they find out soon. People are edgy and it makes our job a bit more sticky, say what?  Not to mention all the superstitious nonsense floating about. loxley35->loxley36 Do you know who might be responsible? loxley35_1 loxley35->loxley35_1 Thanks. Can I ask you some more questions? loxley39 No, actually.  You had one.  Consider yourself lucky.  Goodbye, ta-ta. loxley40->loxley39 Okay, thanks. Can I ask you a few more questions? loxley41 Oh nothing.  Just the whole damn town's been up in arms with all the missing caravans.  That's all. loxley40->loxley41 Try me. loxley42->loxley34 loxley53->loxley34 loxley54->loxley34 loxley36->loxley35_1 Thanks. Can I ask you some more questions? loxley37 Oh, some bosh and bother that the Death Claw grabbed the caravans, and brought them up to its lair for an afternoon tea. loxley36->loxley37 What kind of nonsense? loxley38 Oh, absolutely.  We're all friends here. --- [Sigh]  Why not? --- Ask away, ask away. loxley35_1->loxley38 loxley35_1->loxley39 loxley38->loxley34 loxleyend loxley39->loxleyend loxley37->loxley35_1 Sounds yummy. Can I ask you a few more questions? loxley41->loxley39 Gee, thanks. Can I ask you a few more questions? loxley44a loxley44->loxley44a What's wrong with making money? loxley44b loxley44->loxley44b Just like Robin Hood. loxley43a->loxley34 loxley47 What's the harm?!  you little...well, I was wrong about you, wasn't I?  Jasmine, show this merchant's boot licker the door! loxley44a->loxley47 loxley44a->DownReact loxley44b->UpReact loxley48 You know the story!  I knew there was something special about you.  Ah, me granddad told that one a long time ago.  Now there was a thief!  But enough of that.  Anything else you need to ask? loxley44b->loxley48 loxley47->loxleyx1 loxley48->loxley34 loxley56 Couple of ground rules. One, don't ever get caught, and two, never, ever steal from the Circle.  Put it down. loxley60 You see, it's like I said... loxley61 Well, as I said... loxley62 Are you just thick?  I told you... loxleyx2 loxley00aa loxley00aa->loxley00a loxley00aa->UpReact loxley00ab loxley00ab->loxley10 loxley00ab->BigDownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel loxley00->loxley00aa It suits you. loxley00->loxley00ab No, it hurts my ears. loxley63 Which are you, deaf or stupid?  Like I said... loxley64 It's no fun repeating myself. loxley65 Ugh!  It's no use. Obviously no amount of pounding can possibly get that information into your thick skull. loxley66 No.  Decker's a slick one.  He's got the whole town in his pocket, he does.  He gives his 'protection' to the merchants, all the while pitting them against each other.  Not someone you want to mess with, but he can usually be found in the Maltese Falcon. loxley67 He's a gun dealer up in the north part of Old Town.  Damn dangerous bloke, some of his hardware's a bit too lethal. loxley68 Not too fond of us actually. loxley69 Harold?  He's a good enough sort, for being a ghoul an all.  Lives on the south side. loxley70 Decker's right hand man, definitely not one to mess with.  You can usually find him at the Maltese Falcon. loxley71 Them.  Sitting high and mighty in their Water Tower south of downtown, charging all us decent folks for any drop of water that springs from the ground.  They should all be bloody shot, they should. loxley72 They have a little general shop downtown. Can't trust'em, though. Hiding in their bloody warehouse most of the time.  They do sell some mean chems and medkits, though.  A lot cheaper than the stupid Children of the Cathedral, I can tell you that. loxley73 The closest thing to decent of all the three caravans.  Only missed it by a few miles. loxley74 Criminals.  Absolute criminals.  They're squeezing the life out of the town.  The Far Go Traders, the Crimson Caravan, and the worst of the bunch, the Water Merchants.  You can have the lot. loxley75 It's down in the middle of town. loxley76 Not much to tell, really. Nighttime, scare your children stories about a beastie living up north and feeding on the flesh of bad little children everywhere. loxley77 Seems like every day another one turns up missing.  People are afraid to leave town without protection.  Some even blame it on the Death Claw. loxley78 About three years ago, one of the merchants went way down south looking for other towns.  He came back all hair and teeth falling out, babbling about some huge span of radiation.  Who knows, maybe something special down there before the war. loxley79 Most of the poor who work for the merchants live here, in buildings so thin they don't block the sun.  Meanwhile, those rich bastards are comfortable in their nice homes over in the Heights.  Makes me ill. loxley80 Fancy buildings.  Bought with the blood of the poor. loxley81 You can always find Bob in the direct center of the Merchant's Market. He'll probably be selling those Iguana Bits of his till he keels over dead. loxley82 Now there's a scary bunch.  They strut around all day talking about their Night God, as if he's the next best thing since merchant pockets with holes.  They can heal you up pretty cheap. I'll give'em that.  You can find'em in that hospital of theirs downtown. loxley83 Oh, another bunch of wackos.  They sit up in their big black fortress to the north, just waiting for another war. loxley84 Need to be a bit careful there.  The Rippers and the Blades like to carve you up just for fun. While the town there, Adytum, just tries to stay alive.  If you find yourself traipsing around there and happen on the Blades, make sure to say cheers to Razor for me. Thinking of her brings back memories, it does. loxley85 They're the scrapheads down in the Boneyard. They've been fighting for years, and they don't even know what for anymore.  Bloody stupid it is. loxley86 Oh, what a woman!  She used to be a thief here, until she decided to move down south to the Boneyard.  Last I heard she joined up with the Blades.  Ah, well, brains weren't her strongest part. loxley87 Hmm, I haven't the foggiest. loxley88 I really don't know. loxley89 Hmm.  Haven't a clue actually. loxley91 Talk to Jasmine and she'll fill you in on the details. LevelToReact BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes